Reviews For He's Gibbs
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Title: Part 5 Reviewer: EpicLoVer Signed
Wow! This story is absolutely AMAZING! I REALLY hope there's more to come, because you've built up the suspense quite effectively and I'm DYING to know what happens next! Please update ASAP!
Date: 10/13/2009 12:40 [Report This]
Title: Part 5 Reviewer: Mrs.StarGibbs Signed
I uber think you should continue this story, it disappoints me that you haven't posted another chapter. please post another chapter and continue this amazing story!
Date: 12/15/2008 13:20 [Report This]
Title: Part 5 Reviewer: TashaDax Signed
That was awesome! The best NCIS fic I've read so far (I've started reading yesterday :D)... Please continue. I just have to know how it works out :)
Date: 06/01/2008 18:01 [Report This]
Title: Part 5 Reviewer: georgiamagnolia Signed
ohmygodsandallthatiscopshow! Please please begginghereplease tell me there is more on the way. Seriously, the characterization is great, the back and forth of POV is good, the ohmygodsyum...I mean story premise is good, and the tension, holy gods, do I NEED to tell you the tension is FANFRELLINGTASTIC?! You're killin' me here. I will give you cookies and muffins and fudge and a pony if you will PLEASEOMYGODS post some more of this story. Really. Good. Job. OMG! (one more for good measure)
Date: 04/12/2008 15:07 [Report This]
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