Reviews For History
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Title: History Reviewer: Lizzievee Signed
Excellent story. You did a great job and I enjoyed reading it very much.
Date: 07/19/2013 20:47 [Report This]
Title: History Reviewer: rose_malmaison Signed
I started reading this on my iphone and finally had access to my computer so have been avidly reading this all day! It was a rec over at ficfinders in an old post and I'm so happy I linked to your story. Anyway I loved the whole story and the happy ending. Loved Tony telling Gibbs to shut up when he got too emotional. Lots of wonderful passages beginning with the young Tony and Abby. Some really bright ideas in your story and you have woven a compelling story. Great!
Date: 12/05/2010 9:24 [Report This]
Title: History Reviewer: D2Diamond Signed
Great story, keep writing! Diamond
Date: 02/08/2010 11:04 [Report This]
Title: History Reviewer: The Original Geek Signed
Love this story! I come back to it every once in a while 'cause it's just that good. (Actually, I come back to most of your stuff for that reason...) "By the way, I pulled a gun on the pizza boy, in case someone calls to complain." Best line ever!
Date: 03/09/2012 13:26 [Report This]
Title: History Reviewer: shadowkitten701 Signed
That story was fantastic! I don't usually read slash, but I really enjoyed it! Thanks!
Date: 05/19/2009 3:35 [Report This]
Title: History Reviewer: Phoenix414 Signed
WOW!!! This was such a wonderful story. I really love your stuff.
Date: 06/08/2009 17:16 [Report This]
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