Reviews For Means to an End
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Title: 8 Reviewer: kueble Signed
I just read all the chapters. This is fantastic! I had to register just so I could let you know how much I'm enjoying this. I can't wait for more!
Date: 06/16/2010 8:02 [Report This]
Title: 15 Reviewer: BlackRose8750 Signed
Really touching. Almost had me in tears. Please updated faster. Thanks.
Date: 08/13/2010 0:34 [Report This]
Title: 17 Reviewer: tar21 Signed
Love your story :)
Date: 09/13/2010 12:10 [Report This]
Title: 12 Reviewer: Akime Signed
Whoo, I loved it! Gibbs ditched the presentation he was supposed to go to see Tony... *love* And finally we know for absolutely sure that Tony feels the same way as Gibbs. Update soon?
Date: 07/20/2010 12:40 [Report This]
Title: 12 Reviewer: Hellesofbelles Signed
Another amazing chapter and pure evil for leaving it hanging there. I really didn't think I'd ever like another one of your stories more than Risking It All series, but this one has definitely exceeded it. I cannot wait to find out what happens next! I am so ready to find out Tony's reaction to Gibbs' feelings.
Date: 07/19/2010 10:50 [Report This]
Title: 10 Reviewer: Hellesofbelles Signed
I am absolutely loving this story. I love all of your work, but I think this has to be my favorite so far.
Date: 06/30/2010 12:54 [Report This]
Title: 20 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
STill loving this one!
Date: 11/05/2010 13:40 [Report This]
Title: 18 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Ooh, so hot and worth the wait! I'm off soon to a country with limited internet access - how will I cope without regular updates of this story? Will have to have a big catch up when I get back online!
Date: 09/26/2010 0:28 [Report This]
Title: 17 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Ooh, an update at last! Thank you! Still really enjoying this.
Date: 09/13/2010 23:27 [Report This]
Title: 16 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Brain completely mush now. I'm sat here at work reading colleagues would be shocked if they knew what I was reading, but I don't care!
Date: 08/24/2010 19:35 [Report This]
Title: 15 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Absolutely splendiferous! Thank you.
Date: 08/13/2010 1:13 [Report This]
Title: 14 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
THEY KISSED!!!! So exciting! And so very mean, mean mean of you to leave it like that!!! :-) More, soon, PLEASE!!!
Date: 08/05/2010 1:15 [Report This]
Title: 13 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Thank you for the update! I enjoyed that.
Date: 07/27/2010 0:49 [Report This]
Title: 12 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Another fabulous chapter! Any chance we can chain you to your computer so you can do nothing except finish this story?!
Date: 07/19/2010 22:50 [Report This]
Title: 11 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
An awesome chapter! More, PLEASE, soon!
Date: 07/11/2010 0:32 [Report This]
Title: 10 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
I'm happy now - had my fix of this great story! Go get your man, GibbS!
Date: 06/30/2010 19:20 [Report This]
Title: 9 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Ooh, that was so good! This is one of the best Gibbs/Tony stories I've read for a long time. Really look forwrad to each update.
Date: 06/20/2010 15:43 [Report This]
Title: 8 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Thank you, I enjoyed that! Always look forward to your updates.
Date: 06/09/2010 15:08 [Report This]
Title: 7 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Ooh, love the way Gibbs almost kissed Tony! I have a good feeling about their forthcoming evening together...:-)
Date: 06/01/2010 15:29 [Report This]
Title: 5 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Another fabulous chapter! This is so good and I really look forward to each update. Love Gibbs being all at sea with his feelings.
Date: 05/15/2010 16:13 [Report This]
Title: 4 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
So, so good. I love this story. You are a fantastic writer.
Date: 05/08/2010 15:09 [Report This]
Title: 3 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Another great chapter - thank you.
Date: 05/03/2010 15:21 [Report This]
Title: 2 Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
Another good chapter - thank you.
Date: 04/28/2010 17:28 [Report This]
Title: Means to an End Reviewer: shipping diva Signed
That was really good. More soon, please!
Date: 04/20/2010 2:06 [Report This]
Title: 2 Reviewer: silly_bats1 Signed
Gettin' good you keep writting I'll keep reading!
Date: 04/30/2010 12:07 [Report This]
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