Reviews For Moving Forward
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Title: Denial Reviewer: Alisa Signed
SUPER CHAPTER....loved how gibbs is struggling with the way tony left....and WHY should tony be different from gibbs?....gibbs left the 2nd time, with NO WORD to the team....the first time he left, all he said to tony was: "You'll do"...yeah, that showed how much RESPECT he had for, why should the team have shown tony any in return?...aparently, shepard NEVER pointed that little fact out to him. hope to see something from EACH of the team's POV's on tony's leaving.....especially McGee's....considering his nasty comment to tony, about not RATING his own team. also can't wait, until TEAM GIBBS meets TEAM DINOZZO...that should be good. keep it coming, please. alisa
Date: 11/22/2010 20:19 [Report This]
Title: Denial Reviewer: Alisa Signed
SUPER CHAPTER....loved how gibbs is struggling with the way tony left....and WHY should tony be different from gibbs?....gibbs left the 2nd time, with NO WORD to the team....the first time he left, all he said to tony was: "You'll do"...yeah, that showed how much RESPECT he had for, why should the team have shown tony any in return?...aparently, shepard NEVER pointed that little fact out to him. hope to see something from EACH of the team's POV's on tony's leaving.....especially McGee's....considering his nasty comment to tony, about not RATING his own team. also can't wait, until TEAM GIBBS meets TEAM DINOZZO...that should be good. keep it coming, please. alisa
Date: 11/22/2010 20:19 [Report This]
Title: Denial Reviewer: danu75 Signed
i always get a little excited every time you post something new... thanks... i love gibbs inner mono its spot on... keep up the great work
Date: 11/22/2010 13:31 [Report This]
Title: Denial Reviewer: SorgiƱa Signed
Wow! That was pretty intense
Date: 11/22/2010 16:58 [Report This]
Title: Denial Reviewer: iadorespike Signed
Well...of course Tony leaving has nothing to do with Gibbs. At all. No reason for him to care that Tony is gone. At all. *headdesk* Boy, this really is going to be a long road. Since I love the way you write, I'm sure that I'll enjoy every step of the journey. LOL Can I put in a request for plenty of Gibbs angst? I really think that he needs to suffer. Seriously. *pets Tony* Thanks so much!
Date: 11/22/2010 15:11 [Report This]
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