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Story Notes:
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters from NCIS - They are owned by various producers and CBS. I'm not making any money and will return them to the Naval Shipyards when I'm done – though I wouldn’t mind having Tony, but Gibbs would be upset. Beta: The great and wonderful Calypso… Author’s Note: Lee got such a good response I had to bring her back.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Lee visits....


Gibbs rolled over in the bed, reaching out for his lover. His hand found empty sheets, cold empty sheets. Gibbs lifted his head off the pillow and looked at the empty spot confused. He glanced at the alarm clock, then back at the empty spot.

"Tony?" Gibbs called out. It was five in the morning, and there was no way Tony was up before Gibbs. Gibbs climbed out of bed, pulled on his sweats and walked out into the living room. "Tony?"

He found Tony in the living room looking over some old photo albums. Tony was lost in his memories, didn’t even notice when Gibbs sat next to him. "Tony?" Gibbs asked quietly.

Tony jerked and looked over at Gibbs, "Jethro?" Tony looked around the room. "What time is it?"

"It’s five in the morning, what are you doing up?" Gibbs placed his hand on Tony’s bare shoulder. "Tony you're freezing." He grabbed the quilt off the back of the couch.

"I couldn’t sleep," Tony muttered as he pulled the blanket around him.

Gibbs looked at the photo album in Tony’s lap. It was a picture of Tony and Lee laughing, "Memories?"

"Yeah," Tony leaned his head against Gibbs shoulder. "I never realized how much I missed her until she came back into my life. She’s my best friend."

Gibbs flipped the page, "Is that a horse you’re riding?"

"I can ride more than just you," Tony said with a straight face.

Gibbs froze for a second, then started laughing, "I guess we will just have to make sure you keep practicing."

"Really? Then how about a ride?" Tony stood up and let the blanket drop.

Gibbs grinned, set the photo album on the table and followed Tony into the bedroom. "We might have to work on your mounting skills."

Tony gave him an evil smirk. "Maybe I’ll just take it easy on you; I mean I don’t want wear out this old war horse."

Gibbs stopped and eyes narrowed at the smirking young man. "Old war horse?"

Tony laughed as he was tackled to the bed. He looked up at Gibbs a smile on his face, "I love you."

Gibbs kissed him soundly, "I don’t know why." Gibbs ran a hand down Tony’s cheek. "But I thank it every day that you do. Cause I love you more than life itself."

Tony’s eyes went wide a bright smile graced his face. He grabbed the back of Gibbs head and kissed him hard and passionately. They were late for work.


Lee stepped off the elevator into the main bullpen area of NCIS headquarters. She slipped her sunglasses onto her head, as she walked up to Tony’s desk. "Hey, Tony."

Tony grinned up at her, "Lee? What are you doing here?"

"Lecture at the American History Museum," Lee smiled. "So instead of having lunch with a bunch of old guys who argue about their theories over historical occurrences, I decided to ditch them and come have lunch with my favorite NCIS agent." Tony grinned, "So where’s Gibbs?" She turned and looked around the room.

"Not funny," Tony gave her a mock laugh. "Down in the lab with Abby and Kate, going over some evidence we found," Tony looked back at his computer.

"If you guys are busy I can come back," Lee voice turned serious. "I’m here over the weekend."

"Lee?" Gibbs walked up to the redhead. "What are you doing here?"

Lee opened her mouth to answer, but Tony beat her to it. "Ditched her classes and came to have lunch with me."

"Actually she said she came to have lunch with Gibbs," McGee stuck his head out from under his desk. "Hi, I’m Timothy McGee."

Lee cocked her head down and looked at the young man, "Lee O’Neil, is there a reason your down there?"

"Fixing some wires on my computer," McGee climbed up onto his chair. "Boss, I got those files for you."

"Thanks McGee," Gibbs turned towards Lee. "Lunch with me?"

"Well I said I was here to see my favorite NCSI Agent," Lee laughed. "And, I hear you have a thing for redheads."

Gibbs smiled, "Actually I have an hour free." He glanced at Kate and Tony, "Kate, Tony I need those reports when I get back." Gibbs held his arm out, "Mrs. O'Neil."

Lee slipped her glasses on, grinned at Tony and took Gibbs arm, "Bye."

"You better not tell him anything," Tony glared at her.

"What like you leaving me at the alter?" She stated as they walked away.

Kate and McGee watched as the elevators door closed, and then turned to Tony. "It’s not what you think." Tony grumbled as he turned towards his computer.

Kate just looked at him, "Oh come on Tony you can’t leave us hanging like that."

"Fine," Tony glared at the two of them. "Our parents thought it would be in their best interest if Lee and I got married. For a while we went along with it, until we realized it would have destroyed us. The day of the wedding we ran into each other as we both were sneaking out the back door." Tony grinned at the memory.

"What did your parents do?" McGee asked he was surprised Tony had told them so much. He rarely talked about his past.

"Lee’s parents forgave her, mine didn’t." Tony turned back to the computer ending the conversation.


Gibbs laughed in the elevator. "You know McGee and Kate are grilling him right now."

"Yeah," Lee smiled. "Did he tell you about it?"

"We were working this case, a mummified bride found in a cellar." Gibbs commented as they headed for his car, "Afterwards he asked, how the hell did I get through three? He didn’t make it through one."

"He did look good in his tuxedo," Lee smiled at him. "Have you gotten him into one yet?"

"No," Gibbs pulled up to a small deli. "Maybe I should get him to attend the NCIS Annual Christmas Banquet. He ditches every year."

"Just tell him you will be in your dress uniform," Lee stated as they sat down at a sidewalk table. "Believe me every time Rick wears his, I well, let's just say we are lucky if we make it out of the house."

Gibbs grinned, "Maybe I should try that."

"You know Tony would be appalled that we were talking about his sex life," Lee grabbed her ice tea.

"Did the two of you ever sleep together?" Gibbs asked, eyes smiling.

Lee spat out her ice tea. She grabbed her napkin and cleaned up the mess, glaring at Gibbs. "Why do you ask that?"

"You two are close," Gibbs shrugged.

Lee looked at him, a small smile on her face. "No, we didn’t."

"Not even once?" Gibbs leaned back in his chair.

"We’re too close," Lee leaned on the table. "We could talk to each other about our sex lives with other people. We kissed once, and it was nice I admit that, Tony’s a good kisser," Gibbs nodded in agreement. "But it wasn’t who we were, are." Lee sat back, "Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," Gibbs smiled. "He’s been happy since you’ve been back in his life."

"He’s been happier because he’s getting laid." Lee smirked, "He loves you."

"I don’t know why," Gibbs felt a sense of déjà vu.

"You’re a good man, Jethro Gibbs. Don’t let anyone tell you different." Lee pointed her finger at him.

"Having him in my life has made life worth living." Gibbs’s tone was serious. "I don’t know what I would do if I lost him."

"Know the feeling," Lee looked out onto the street. "I miss Rick."

"How long has he been gone?" Gibbs asked. He glanced up at the waiter as he set down their lunches.

"A year," Lee nibbled on her sandwich.

"When is he due home?" Gibbs sipped his coffee.

"In six months," Lee groaned. "A long six months."

"You're welcome to come and visit Tony and me, any time." Gibbs placed his hand over hers. "I know it can be difficult for troops families."

Lee smiled, "Thanks."


Lee and Gibbs walked back into the bullpen snickering. Tony, Kate and McGee stopped and stared. "What the hell did you give him?" Tony demanded eying Gibbs carefully. "He doesn’t snicker."

Which caused the two to laugh harder. Lee sauntered over to Tony’s desk a grin on her face. She sat on the edge of his desk and leaned over, "I hear you're riding again."

Tony’s face blushed, his eyes shot towards Gibbs who was acting very innocently at his desk. "Yeah, well you know. Good exercise and all."

Lee and Tony broke out laughing, "I can’t believe you two were talking about that." Tony glared at Lee in between gasps of air.

Lee shrugged; she looked up to see a Marine enter into the area. Her smile disappeared and a sense of dread filled her.

Gibbs noticed the Marine, stood and walked up to him. "May I help you?" Gibbs asked in his best Gunny Sergeant voice.

The Marine stood at attention, and looked directly at Gibbs. "I’m looking for Mrs. Richard O'Neil. I was told she would be here."

Lee took a step back from Tony’s desk, eyes wide, shaking her head no. Tony shot around his desk pulling her to him.

"I’m a friend of Mrs. O'Neil," Gibbs watched Tony pull a shaking Lee to him. "I’ll take the message."

"I’m sorry to report, that Colonel Richard O'Neil has been declared MIA," The Marine handed the telegram to Gibbs and saluted. He turned and looked at the sobbing Lee, "I’m sorry Ma’am."

"No, God No!" Lee cried out as she fell into Tony. "Not Rick." Her legs gave out, pulling Tony down with her to the floor. The room went silent, all feeling her pain.

Gibbs turned to towards Kate, who had tears in her eyes. "Kate," Gibbs voice suddenly sounded old. "Get Ducky, we may need him."

Kate nodded and headed for the elevator. She knew there was nothing she could say or do to help. Lee was in good hands with Tony and Gibbs.

"Boss, do you want me to do something," McGee asked quietly.

Gibbs turned to the young man, "Actually, McGee, find out what happened. I want to know everything. He is a Marine so we have jurisdiction."

"Right on it, boss." McGee gave a tight smile towards Tony, and took off.

Ducky ran out of the elevator as soon as it opened. He kneeled in front of the sobbing woman, hand soothing her hair. "Lee?"

She just shook her head no, and rocked in Tony’s arms. "Lee, I’m going to give you something to sleep." Ducky looked at Tony, who nodded giving his permission.


"She asleep?" Gibbs asked quietly, when Tony entered the living room.

After Ducky had given her a sedative, they had brought Lee back to Gibbs place. Tony held her until the sobs evened out and she fell into a fitful sleep.

"Yeah," Tony whispered. He looked up at Gibbs tears in his eyes.

Gibbs held his arms out as Tony fell into them. "Please, promise me you won’t go." Gibbs rubbed Tony’s back. "I couldn’t take it if you left." Tony sobbed into his shoulder.

"Tony," Gibbs pulled him back looking the young man in the eyes. "I don’t ever want to leave you, but if I’m called out, it’s my duty."

"This sucks," Tony fell back into Gibbs arms. "She doesn’t deserve this, no one deserves this."

"No, she doesn’t, but we will be here for her." Gibbs closed his eyes kissing Tony’s temple. "I’ve got McGee checking into it. He’s MIA - Missing In Action not dead. There is still hope."

Tony stepped back, "I love you." Tony kissed him, soft and sweet.

Gibbs pulled the man back into his arms, holding him tightly. "I love you, too. We will find out what happened, and we will either bring him home or bring Lee closure. Either way we will be by her side every step of the way."

Tony held on to Gibbs as tears streamed down his face. He cried for the pain the woman sleeping was in, he cried for the love he felt for the man in his arms, he cried for the men and women who were giving their lives for freedom, he cried for the ones that wouldn’t come home. Gibbs held the man he loved in his arms, whispering soothing words in his ear. He couldn’t stop the tears, but he could hold onto him and make sure Tony knew he was loved.

Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters from NCIS - They are owned by various producers and CBS. I'm not making any money and will return them to the Naval Shipyards when I'm done – though I wouldn’t mind having Tony, but Gibbs would be upset.

Beta: The great and wonderful Calypso…

Author’s Note: Lee got such a good response I had to bring her back.
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