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They were individually tied up and blindfolded. Then they were all stuck into an van and driven to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of D.C. They were tied to chairs and their blindfolds were removed.
"Are you going to kill us?" McGee asked.
"Yes." Ari answered showing no emotion while cleaning a gun. "But Tony will be first, then you, then the director. I want Gibbs to see his team suffer before he dies." He picked up the gun and aimed it at Tony. A gun shot rang out in the room. McGee's mouth dropped open. The director flinched. Gibbs didn't move. McGee couldn't believe it. He was dead. A bullet right to the forehead. He lay on the ground blood draining from his head onto the floor. All this time, and Ari was finally dead. They pulled on the ropes trying to see the person behind them who had killed Ari. They heard the click of heels on the cement floor. The person was nearing them. It was Kate. She wore the same thing she had worn the night at Tony's apartment. But the girls in her hair were loose and ragged. She was cut up and obviously beaten. They mystery that had been about her the night at Tony's was gone. She looked sad, lonely, worn down. She dropped the gun to the ground and cut the ropes of each person. She fell into an embrace with Tony. He buried his face into her hair as she began to cry. He clothes were soaking wet and she looked like nothing worse could happen to her.

NCIS Headquarters

Kate sat in the conferecnce room with the rest of the team. She was wearing grey sweats, a grey NCIS tee-shirt with a wool blanket draped over her shoulders.
"So it was all a ploy?" Gibbs asked. "You ransacked Tony's apartment and NCIS so Ari would believe you were really on his side."
"Yes, it took half a year, but I gained his trust. I knew he wanted to take over NCIS and if he did he would need me armed." Her voice was shaky. There was no confidence within her.
"Gibbs leaned back in his chair. Then he sat forward and placed a gun, an NCIS ID badge, an NCIS badge, and an NCIS cap on the table. He slid them across the table to Kate and then got up and left. Kate smiled down at the stuff. The director let out a small laugh before following Gibbs. McGee walked around to Kate's chair and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Good to have you back Kate." He said smiling before leaving Kate and Tony alone in the room. They sat in silence for a moment. Tony just staring at Kate stare at the stuff.Then Kate looked up at Tony.
"Kate…"Tony started. "You know what this reminds me of?" Kate laughed.
"A movie?"
"No, actually a tv show. There were these two FBI agents….."


Authors Note: PLEASE comment!! I'm not sure if I should make a sequel and you input would REALLY help!!
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