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Jethro closed the door behind him and wondered where his lover was. Usually it wasn't too difficult to follow Tony's way since the moment he had opened the door because he usually left every light on and several things were lying on the floor. Jethro saw his keys on the table next to the wardrobe but his jacket didn't hang here. There was no light in the hall, or in the kitchen, or any room he could see from the driveway. No noise from the ridiculous tv set in the living room.

He frowned and went up into the bedroom. He couldn't see light coming from under the door. Slowly he started to worry. Tony's mood had been, well, critical the last weeks. Two weeks in which they hadn't had the time or the energy for sex after work. Two weeks of hell. But today the younger man had been silent. Too silent.

When he opened the door he saw Tony sitting on the bed, fully dressed, staring at something in his hands. He looked up when Jethro turned on the light.

„How did you manage it to be married four times and have only one child?"

The question alone would have confused Jethro but the tone of voice left him completely puzzled. Tony sounded almost angry, no, not angry, desperate.

„Excuse me?"

„Four women, one child! And now? We had sex only once since you returned but you managed to knock me up!"

Utterly at loss Jethro stared at the man on the bed.


„I am pregnant, Jethro. Do I need to spell it out for you? Or do you want me to draw a picture?"

„Wait...you're pregnant...but we prevented...oh, jeeze, no we didn't..."

Tony threw up his hands in despair and let himself fall onto the bed.

„I knew you had a good aim but that..."

Jethro slowly sat on the bed.

„I'm sorry, Tony...actually I thought I can't have kids anymore..."

„Why you thought that?"

„I tried with Denise...but apparently it was her...not me..."

Tony sat up and looked at him as if he had turned nuts.

„Wait...you already had a child, and it never came to your mind that it could have been her?"

„She had a child when I met her two years later!"

They sat on the bed in complete silence for a long moment. Then Jethro looked at Tony. The younger man raised his eyebrows in confusion as his lover looked at him as if he had just found the reason of life.

„Tony, would it be so bad, if we get a child?"


„Well, I love you...you love me...we're not planning on ending this so..."

Tony shifted so he was directly facing his lover.

„Jethro, this is not only about our love...I mean...I don't know if I'm ready for a child."

„Tony, you're 35. If you're not ready for a child now..."

„And we never talked about having kids! We would have to tell the others about us and you know how expensive children are? And what if there's complications while the pregnancy? Or who will stay at home with him...or her? Cause I won't give my child to a nanny!"

Jethro grapped Tony's hands that were flying around wildly. He instructed the younger man to take a few deep breaths before he spoke in the most reassuring and calmest voice Tony ever heard from him.

„You are pregnant and we will have to face that. I'm just saying that now that it happened we should look at it from the bright side. Tony, you have so much love to give, and you will be a great father, I know it. We both have a good job and even if only one of us was working we'd still have enough to absolutely spoil the little one. And everything else can wait for now. If you ask me it's good news. Unexpected and unintented, but good."

Finally Tony smiled softly and looked at their entwined hands before he once more looked at his lover, tears in his eyes.

„We're going to have a baby."

Jethro kissed him affectionately.

„Yeah, we are."
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