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Apartment, door bursts open Gibbs and team enter, Me( undercover operative in basque and stilettos) gun in hand with dead sailor on the floor, By the way, sailor, is retired and ex husband No1 Samuel Lee Jefferson the 4th,

Back at NCIS headquarters, interrogation room.

Gibbs and Ziva in room with me. I say "She goes, this is between you and me. Anyway she can watch it on the big screen, indicating to the two way mirror. Just make sure you get the pop corn in Hon"

Gibbs (G):- Did you make love before you killed him?
Eve (E): {looking coy,} yes and no.
G:- well?
E:- I was until I got up this morning, thank you for asking.
G:- that's not what I asked.
E:- Yes we made love 1972/73 but no I didn't kill him.
G:-You were holding a gun
E:- So were you when you burst in but you didn't kill anyone
G:- (under his breath ) not yet..
G:-So who are you and what do you want?
E:- who I am? is well, immaterial. What do I want, (sigh) to see the sun rise over Maccu Picchu, the sun set over the Florida Keys, and I want to re-enact the love scene from " Here to Eternity"
G:- You don't ask for much . So who are you? ( getting slightly angry).
E:-You getting angry? Well raise your blood pressure and have a heart attack and save us a whole lot of trouble, by dying.
G:- pardon
E:- excused
G :- you are really beginning to annoy.
Scene 2

G:- who are you?
E:- Now we are becoming repetitive. Who taught you your interrogation skills anyway? Gestapo, too young, I know the KGB.
Eve stands up and walks to Gibbs and in Russian says" I know who you are, more than you know about me, so that gives me the upper hand"
Gibbs stares at Eve.
E:- Don't ask. You don't want to know. I might just be your worst nightmare come true. A woman who talks back.
G:- I have 3 ex wives
E: - I have 2 dead husbands.
Gibbs grabs Eve and pushes her to the wall. Holding her by the arms so she can't hit out.
E:- Temper ,temper, didn't have you down as a "domestic" thought you were more of the psychological type.
G:- Bitch
E:- ( in her best British voice) and you Sir are a bastard. Take away the BBs and what do you get? GI…….. Sergeant, US marines reserve.
Jethro goes to strangle Eve when two voices cut in…
"Jethro back off" "Eve enough"
The two look at each other and Eve blows Gibbs a kiss, and a smile.

Scene 3

E:- Spoil Sport ,Craig, he this much from being mine. Eve indicates with her fingers.
C:- He could/would have killed you.
E:- Occupational hazard. Remember Health and Safety doesn't reach to people like me.
G: So who are you?
E:- Repetition, darling, repetition.
Eve looks at Gibbs for reaction.
E:- Craig , can I have a double expresso for me, and the way my friend here drinks his. Oh and can I have a packet of British cigarettes and a lighter please.
C:- Thought you had stopped?
E:- I just started again.
E:- So Jethro, I may call you that? Who am I? I was born Alice Mitchell. The dead Sailor was Samuel Lee Jefferson the 4th, I married him when I was a school girl in 1972 when he was in Scotland in Dunoon, on theUSS Canopus. 1972 was the year of the Aldermaston march, I was into CND etc etc, wanted to change the world. Tell me have we, has our generation done what it wanted? We wanted to save the world, Global warming ,stop the bomb, Nuclear disarmament , Vietnam, Student riots in Paris, I was actually there, I was a child of the free love just younger and yes and you can marry at 16 in Scotland.
You remember Woodstock what's that song :
And it's 1,2,3, what are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give a damn, The next stop is Viet Nam, And it's 5,6,7, open up the pearly gates, Well it ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopee! We're all gonna die...
Country Joe and the Fish
Funny how 22 yrs later we went to Iraq, thought you Americans would have known better, but there you go. Anyway I digress.
He went back to US of A and we eventually divorced,
We'll come back to him later, I went to Uni and became a member of the University Army Corps, where I studied Criminal Physiology and profiling.

Coffee arrives.

E:-Lets fast forward shall we?

I achieved rank of Captain in Intelligence Corps and married a John Kerr, a Medical Officer in HMS Army. In 1991 while He was serving in Iraq during Desert Storm he was killed by friendly fire, rescuing a certain Gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs, from a burning vehicle, which left him in a coma for 19 days.

The night they told me my husband was dead, I went into labour and my son Jon was born stillborn, I buried father and son together which was more than You could do. Don't worry I feel nothing against you. War is War you join up, if you die you die. That's what you do if you a military person. I feel nothing against you, just maybe your pain.
After a while ( 1993) I " died " in a plane crash over the Columbian rain forests, no survivors, only some wreckage over a large area no bodies. As they say, if you want to go undercover die.

Enter "Eve Adam" after the 1st people on earth and out of the flames of the phoenix."

Scene 4

E:-Sorry ,You were set up. We needed someone with a Marine background who could look inside a Terrorists head. I was to make you cross the line, another 10mins and either you joined me or I was, as I said dead. If its any consolation I didn't know about you until about 3months ago. Ray (Stein), yes I was undercover, was boasting about his 1st kill how he took out an armoured vehicle 1991 and how he killed a British Officer, rescuing a Marine. Well it doesn't make one a rocket scientist to put two and two together, run names and places through MI 5/6 / CIA /FBI /NCIS computers in fact any computer and wayhey here we are. You and Me having coffee. Want a ciggy?
G:- you?
E :-Yes but I stopped.
G:-Why did you leave him?
E:-Well No1 husband turned up, at the camp. Not wanting to be remembered I fled. Next thing I get a call, from Craig saying Sam was dead in that apartment and since We, sorry, I needed help, I put a call into NCIS. Rather convenient of him to die like that, so I could add him to our introduction, do you not think?
G:-Your accent was very Southern Drawl and completely terrible.
E:- Well lets hear your upper class Lord of the Manor then?
They smile
E:- We need to take out the bad guy. So you with Us or not? Either way I'm out of here for a shower and a drink. Care to join me?
G:-For a shower or a drink?
E- Whatever or both.
They laugh
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