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Gibbs found Kelly waiting for him at the radar building. She looked worried as he approached.

"I have found a way in…… But I really don't think it's a good idea, Daddy," Kelly said.

Gibbs was taken aback; it was most unlike Kelly to give advice when it came to actions that Gibbs had decided to take. "Why sweetheart? What's the matter?"

"This is a bad place…. Things have happened here, I just think you could get into a lot of trouble if you get involved," She looked up at him, she looked sad and pensive.

"What do you know about this place? What have you found?" Gibbs felt apprehensive; this was way out of character for Kelly so he knew it had to be bad.

"Its just a bad place, things have happened here and are still happening. I don't know how to explain it…." Kelly was obviously disturbed.

"Ok I'll be careful, but I have to find out if there is any connection between Darrel Ritter and this base, and I'm sure that the answers are down there." Gibbs looked into Kelly's eyes and tried to reassure her.

Kelly smiled at him "I knew I would not be able to stop you, but I had t tell you what I felt." She paused as if listening. "Drake is waiting for you on the beach at the north side of the island, he will show you the way. I have to go for a while…. I'll be back soon, I love you, Daddy," said Kelly as she faded and disappeared.

This worried Gibbs, Kelly was usually close by and it was unusual for her to leave without explanation. He set off toward the north beach; there was no road just a narrow and overgrown track.


Dr Mallard was mystified. He had the body of a 19 year old male on his table. The cause of death was a single gunshot wound to the chest. He had removed the bullet and sent it to Abby along with fingerprints and other evidence needing her expert attention. The problem was that Abby had phoned down to him to say that the fingerprints were definitely those of Darrel Ritter, but this was impossible as Commander Ritter was, according to records, 90 years old.

"Mr Palmer, get onto Navy records and find out if there has been some sort of mix-up with the records, because our Mr. D. Ritter here is not 90 years old," said Ducky as he continued to muse over his mystery guest.


Abby was psyched; she had just spoken to McGee who had sent her the pictures of the gun in the tree trunk. She had heard of Montauk and Camp Here. This was an exciting conspiracy theory that she had read about, and now she was looking at evidence that the stories might be true.The computer beeped, Abby looked at the screen. "YES! YES! YES!" she bounced around the lab punching the air like she had just scored a field goal. The serial number of the colt automatic had come back as issued to Darrel Ritter in 1947.
Other searches of military records showed that Commander Ritter, although he had been paid a regular salary, had never been assigned to any ship or naval unit. He had joined the Navy in 1938 at the age of 21 years and disappeared, but still received regular promotions. Abby decided to probe a little deeper into this mystery, she was starting to have fun. She picked up the phone and called her friend that does not work for the CIA

"Hi Gale," said Abby brightly, "I was wondering if you could do me a favour?" She explained about Darrel Ritter and how there was no record of him or his activities passed joining the Navy in 1938. Her friend promised to call her back as soon as she had any information.


Gibbs radioed DiNozzo and told him to take the team into town and find a place to stay for the night.

"Boss?" said DiNozzo.

"Did I stutter DiNozzo? Find a hotel, book us rooms and I'll call you later." Gibbs said simply and turned off his radio.

"Yes boss" said DiNozzo.

"Um Tony what should we do about the gun?" asked McGee.

"Remove the clip, clear the chamber if you can and wrap the section of the tree in plastic. We can hire a chain saw in town and remove the evidence tomorrow," answered Tony.

"You realise that this is a state park, and cutting down trees without a permit is an offence," McGee stated.

"I'm sure Gibbs would be enthralled by your observation Timmy," said Ziva chuckling.

Once the gun and tree section were wrapped in plastic, they set off for the truck and went off to a local hotel as the light faded into dusk.


Gibbs found Drake sitting on the beach; the tide was out and it was almost dark.

"I didn't think you were coming," said Drake without turning round.

"You going to show me where the entrance is, or just sit on your butt watching the waves?" asked Gibbs, sounding more like his impatient self.

Drake rose and walked over to a gap in the rocks; it was not until Gibbs stood between the two large rocks that the cave mouth became apparent. It was pitch black.
Gibbs rummaged in his jacket pocket and produced a torch. Drake led the way, as he had found that he could now see in the dark as well as he could see in daylight.

"So where has Kelly disappeared to?" asked Drake.

"I have no idea," answered Gibbs. He drew his weapon and pointed it forward as they moved further into the cave.

After about 60 feet, the cave became a tunnel with slightly rounded regular walls. After 40 feet more, there were a pair of steel doors. They were not locked, so Gibbs opened them and went through. On the other side of the door he put his torch away. The lights were on.

"So where is the machine that Kelly was telling me about?" asked Gibbs.

"This way, follow me" said Drake as he continued to lead the way.
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