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Gibbs ran to the nearest police station. It was just two streets away so he was there in a matter of minutes.

He crashed through the doors, receiving annoyed glares from a vast assortment of people, including police officers, junkies and several other suspicious looking characters.

"My daughter-has been- kidnapped," he panted when he reached the desk.

"How can I help you sir?" asked the impersonally cheery receptionist.

"My daughter has been kidnapped!!" Gibbs shouted, getting his breath back.

"And what is your name sir?" she asked calmly in the same falsely cheery tone.

"Gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Gibbs stated impatiently.

The receptionist entered a few pieces of information into her computer.

"Um...sir..." she said after a few more clicks of her mouse. "Your daughter is dead...in fact, it says that you identified her body just a couple of hours ago."

"I know that!!" Gibbs said angrily. "But that's not what I'm talking about! She has been kidnapped."

"Um..." the receptionist was confused, "Maybe there's another Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs?"

"No. I did identify her body, except it wasn't her!! She's been kidnapped, she's not actually dead!"

"Um...do you have another daughter?" The receptionist wasn't following a word that Gibbs was saying.

"No!!" Gibbs shouted. "She is my only daughter, she was dead but she wasn't really dead and it wasn't really her body that I identified because she has been kidnapped!!"

"But- but- sir..." The receptionist pleaded.

She didn't know what to do and she was steadily becoming more and more frightened of the angry, desperate man in front of her.

"Is there a problem here?" A police officer came to the desk, noticing the receptionist's distress.

"Um...this man identified the dead body of his daughter earlier this evening but he is insisting that she has been kidnapped." the receptionist replied, grateful of the police officer's help.

"You mean to say that you suspect that her corpse has been snatched sir?" the officer looked at Gibbs.

"How many times do I have to say this?! She is not dead! Kelly has been kidnapped!!"

The receptionist and the police officer exchanged looks that only too obviously said that they thought Gibbs was clearly in denial over losing his daughter.

"Sir, why don't you come with me? We can put you in an interrogation room to relax," the police officer offered.

"Thank you Officer Thomson." The receptionist said.

"No problem Darcy."

Thomson!? Darcy!? Why were those names familiar? Gibbs' mind was racing in confusion.

Thomson? Darcy Thomson!! The name Kelly's kidnapper had insisted was her own!!
That was it...but there was something else...

Gibbs was sure there had to be another reason that the name Darcy Thomson was so familiar to Gibbs.

Then he realized...and he knew exactly where he needed to go if he was going to get any help in finding Kelly.

Gibbs turned away from the police officer and the receptionist and headed towards the door muttering "Darcy Thomson!!
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