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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sun poured in through the window and Anthony DiNozzo stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom, completely naked. He looked at himself and felt again. ‘How could this be?' He ran his fingers over in to check for the 110th time. It was definitely there. He'd noticed it last night when he'd been with Kate. Now he was transfixed in front of the bathroom mirror just staring at his eyes. This was the first time that he'd looked at his reflection and not known the person staring back. The guy in the mirror wasn't him. Fear registered in his eyes and the corners of his mouth sagged, his cheeky smile nowhere to be seen. Cold furrows ran the length of his face and a wide worry line carved a gorge into his forehead. His skin pale and grey. Again Tony ran his fingertips over it. ‘Why was this happening to him? Why now? Why when he had just found happiness? Why him?' Tony finally couldn't bare it anymore and turned away from the mirror. He sat down on the toilet and put his head between his knees feeling sick. He could feel his mouth sweating and saliva filling up. His stomach convulsed and Tony whipped round just in time. Hands firmly on each side of the toilet seat, he wretched. He continued like this until there was nothing left to throw up. He wiped his mouth and walked over to the sink, splashing cold water over his face. As the water drained off his face and he opened his eyes, he was once again confronted with the stranger in the mirror. He hated this moment of weakness. DiNozzo weren't meant to show fear. Ever since he was younger he could hear his fathers voice. ‘You're a DiNozzo son, now stand up straight and it like a man'. He didn't feel much like a man right now. He felt like curling up in a ball with Kate wrapped around him. ‘Oh God' How was he going to tell Kate. They were barely speaking as it was after the awkwardness of her turning his offer down. It had all been so good last night and now…There was no way he could tell her. If she couldn't handle moving in, she couldn't handle this, and there was no way he was losing her now. On the other hand, he could never lie to Kate. Not to Kate. He hung his head and felt again just to be sure, his breathing shallow. There was no mistaking it. The lump was really there. Right there on his left testicle.


At the same time Abby woke up in her bed and jumped out of it, quickly running for the toilet. McGee who had awoken at her stirring, heard the sound of her emptying her stomach into the toilet.

"Honey, are you OK?" He was replied by a loud puking sound and he rolled out of bed. Walking over to the bathroom, he could see Abby bending over the toilet. He joined her and crouched next to her, rubbing her back. "You ok? This is the third time this week. Are you ill?" Abby began to talk then had to stop to be sick again. "Don't worry, just don't talk" and McGee continued to rub her back, kissing her on the top of the head. Abby continued to violently throw up.


It was 9.00 am when Kate and Tony entered the bullpen. After yesterday's reunion Kate had been so happy, everything was back to normal between her and Tony. She smiled to herself. Yesterday night had been the best bit; Tony had certainly made up for the lost time! But this morning it had been different; like yesterday hadn't happened at all. Tony was back to being withdrawn and cold towards her and she hated it. Just when things were on the up Tony had to go and ruin it. She watched as he sat down at his desk and she sat at hers. She smiled as she caught his eye and got a fixed smile back. Perfectly normal to any other observer but Kate knew that with Tony you had to look at the eyes. Just then they had been hard and cold; like he was blocking Kate out. She though there'd also been some amount of pain there too. If only he'd talk to her. She was disturbed from her thoughts by the surprise of Gibbs voice looming over her.

"Another wife has gone missing" he said solemnly.


McGee was on the floor his cheek touching he burning tarmac. Tony was standing above him doing his best John Wayne impression. He was shaking his head.

"Anything down there probie?"

"Nope, can I get up now Tony?"

" Are you absolutely sure that…"

"YES Tony"

"Ok you can get up now" McGee got to his hands and knees and pulled himself up so he was standing on front of a red minivan.

"I just don't understand. Why take someone in the middle of a crowded car park? Its so risky" said Tony

"Maybe risk isn't a factor? Like he knows he isn't gonna get caught"

"No one ever knows that probie"

"No but someone can think that they know that"

"Great. So we are dealing with a loony here then"

"I never said that!"

"But you implied it probie"


"It doesn't matter anyway" said Kate, cutting the argument short. They didn't have time for a Tony and McGee argument now. Gibbs was already mad enough that there were now two missing wives.

"But…" repeated McGee

"It doesn't matter!" Tony stayed silent, obeying Kate. This shocked both Kate and McGee. Tony ALWAYS had something to say. At that moment Gibbs came strolling out of the supermarket.

"McGEE!" he barked "Get in there and get the box of security tapes with this security guard" Gibbs motioned to a rather hefty looking man that he had walked out with. "Tony and Kate, do what's needed to get this car back to NCIS" and with that he walked away, Tony and Kate left looking at his back.

"I suppose we'd better do what he said" said Kate turning to look at Tony and for a moment Tony looked back at her, feelings flooding his eyes. She could see hurt and pain and a lot of fear. It scared her and she just wanted to hug him to comfort him. But as quick as she had seen them, Tony's eyes glazed over and she was left with the puppet like smile and a nod. Kate felt like crying right there, in that parking lot, but she didn't. She just got on with her job.


It was later that day when Gibbs walked into Abby's lab. He'd left the awkwardness of the bullpen with Tony and Kate and favoured Abby's lab. He'd come bearing gifts of Caf-Pow for Abby and longed to see her smile again. That was the only thing that would get him through today. ‘Well not the only thing…" he thought and an image of Jen flickered into his eyes. This image was immediately replaced by the image of what he saw in front of him. Abby was leant backwards over one of her lad desks, her legs wrapped tightly around a mans figure. From the clothes he could tell it was McGee even though all he could see of him was his butt, for he was leant over the table in an intimate embrace with his favourite lab technician.

"uh hum" coughed Gibbs quietly. Abby squirmed a little bit, but Gibbs didn't think that was because she had heard him.

"UH HUM" he coughed again. Both of them jumped up and looked at Gibbs. McGee blanched and hastily tried to straighten his tie. Abby's face blushed but she laughed anyway.

"Gibbs!" she squealed. This forced a smile out of him.

"Hey Abby…McGee" he nodded

"Boss" croaked McGee still fumbling with his tie.

"What you got for me Abs?"

"What have you got for me?" she smiled spying the Caf-Pow in his hand. He laughed and handed her her caffeine.

"So evidence?" He was greeted with a long slurp before he got his answer.

"The tapes show that at 8am this morning, Leticia Dean was loading her shopping into her car when a car pulled up beside her. The driver got out and there was a grapple that ended in her being stabbed with what looked like a syringe. You can't see the drivers face as its always covered by their baseball cap. Anyway, He loads her into the back seat of the car and drives off. I got the number plate and I've already put a BOLO out on it. Should get some results soon"

"And her car?"

"Haven't looked at it yet but I don't think there will be any evidence there, he didn't even go anywhere near it. It was done quickly. He knew what he was doing"

"Thanks Abby, You and McGee can go back to working on the evidence now" McGee stared at the ground and looked like the kid from the nightmare when you go to school only to realise you are naked. Abby just smiled cheerfully.

"Bye Gibbs! Thanks for the Caf-Pow!"

"No problem Abs" and with that Gibbs left the lab.


Gibbs stepped out onto the corridor and brought out his phone. He dialled in a number, held it to his ear and waited for a reply.

"Hello this is Leroy Jethro Gibbs"

"I'm good thanks. Listen I was wondering if you'd though any more about my proposition?"

"You have?"

"What's your answer?"

"Well, how about you come and help me out with something and then you can give me your answer"

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow morning then?" Gibbs listened and then laughed to the reply

"It will be nice to see you again," he said still laughing and with that he shut his phone and walked towards the elevator.

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