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The silence in the car was icy and even the kids knew that it was better for them to keep their mouth shut. Lish had wanted to ask what had been going on but when she saw that Tony was short of crying she had decided otherwise and shot Dan a look to keep quiet aswell. When they arrived the Ex-ME's house Tony waited in the car.

„It was good that you didn't say anything. We will talked about it but let him get to it on his own pace, ok?"

Jethro said as they hugged him goodbye. Ducky raised an eyebrow.

„I'll explain you some other time."

Jethro said curtly and went back to the car. Even through the windshield Jethro could see that his husband was fighting the tears. He got in silently and started the car. It wasn't before they were back on the street that Tony spoke.

„He was pissed that I went to Ohio...in a phone call to my uncle he said „my son's dead to me" and Mum misunderstood. I wasn't there so she thought I'm really dead. I wasn't even gone for a week when I got the call that my mother had hung herself in my room."

Unable to find the right words, Jethro just took Tony's hand. The younger man stared out of the window.

„It wasn't easy with her. Like I told you and the others before, she dressed me up as a sailor, was into Louis XV, but when I grew older I understood and all I felt was anger because my father didn't get her the help she needed. I don't know what illness she had and sometimes I think I don't even want to know but I'm sure my father had made it worse. You know...I still remember her when she was normal. She was a lovely woman. She was the only reason I stayed at home until I left for college. The only reason I planned on coming back in the holidays. After she died I only entered that house once, just to get all my stuff, and after that my father and I mainly talked over our lawyers. I think apart from today I only saw him at Mum's funeral."

Jethro clenched his jaw to keep from saying anything. He wanted to insult the man but he didn't know how Tony would take that, no matter how angry he was.

„You want to clear things between you?"

Tony snorted but kept staring out of the window.

„I don't think that will ever be possible."

Jethro pulled into a space in front of Dr. Kiefer's office.

„You want to reschedule?"

Finally Tony looked at him. Then he shook his head.

„The problem with my father won't be solved tomorrow either. But we need to know that everything's ok."

Half an hour later they were asked into the eximination room.

„Hello, Tony, Jethro. Well, Tony, lift up your shirt."

„Gee, Sonja, I'm a married man."

Tony let out his usual joke. Nearly everything had become usual for the three people. Sometimes Tony thought the doctor was just as happy when he was pregnant as his other friends. And that she offered them first name basis after a few appointments with Lish was the reason why Jethro would have never changed the doctor.

„So no dinner afterwards?"

She grinned back at him and he lay down on the slap. She started the machine. After many ultra sounds she didn't bother to warn Tony that it would be cold anymore. At first she watched the monitor and Tony and Jethro waited patiently that she would turn it towards them.

„Gentlemen, we have a heartbeat."

She announced and Jethro squeezed Tony's hand.



Tony's voice was slightly anxious at the surprised sound from his doctor.

„Well...this is...ohhh...."

„What is it?"

„How many kids did you want?"


They asked simultaniously and stared at Sonja.

„This looks like you're going to have twins, Tony."

For a moment there was silence and then Tony started to laugh.

„Twins? Yeah, sure...really?"

He sobered quickly.


She turned the monitor and showed them the two heartbeats.


Tony murmured. As usual she printed a picture for them and gave Tony more orders what to eat and what not. He heard that she was talking to him. He also heard that Jethro spoke aswell and somewhere in his mind he knew that they went out and into the car. But it wasn't before they had stopped in front of Ducky's house that reality hit him like a slap in the face.


Jethro startled a bit beside him and looked shocked at him. He turned off the engine and looked out of the windshield.

„Yeah, twins."

„Two more college fees."

Jethro raised his eyebrow and looked at his husband.

„I think that's the least of our problems, don't you think?"

„Two more kids to love."

Tony said softly and looked at Jethro. Slowly a smile appeared on the men's faces and though they would need some time to wrap their heads around it they were looking forward to the new challenge.
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