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Author's Chapter Notes:
Summary for the whole story
The elevator opened with a soft ping and announced the arrival of their lunch. They were a bit behind on paperwork so Tony had decided that it was the best to eat in. He rather skipped the lunch break than to pull overtime. He glanced over at Ziva who unwrapped a big burger and fries, then at Gilliam who also had a burger menu. And then he looked up at McGee to see a surpressed grin.

„Your salade."

He said and put the bag onto the desk. Tony gave him a death glare.

„Did you at least bring me something sweet?"

„You know the rules, you only get sweets from Gibbs."

He mumbled a half-hearted protest and went over to glare at the bag. Why did he want another baby?

„Hey, Tony."

He sighed and looked to his right. Ziva had stood from her desk, now obviously showing, and walked over, the burger still in her hand.

„How was your appointment?"


He answered a little pissed and looked down into the green rabbit food that was called lunch. Stupid colesterine and blood sugar...

„Fine? What did your doc say?"

„What should she say? I'm not that far along. Everything's fine."

He looked up and saw that look that she knew something.

„Something's up."

She said bluntly. He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. ‚Think, Tony, think‘.

„I can't eat sugar or fat. I can't drink real coffee and I'm throwing up every night at four am. What do you think, Ziva?"

„All that was the same yesterday. You've had a strange glitter in your eyes today."

„I had a good night apart from throwing up. Jethro has a way to distract me from sugar and fat withdrawal."

She raised her eyebrow.

„Not that kind."

Resigned Tony put down the plastic fork and stood up.

„Officer David..."

He said in his boss-tone and she followed him immidiatly into the elevator, fortunately for Tony she left the burger at her desk. As the elevator was between floors he switched the stop button.

„I tell you, just so you stop asking but don't tell anybody else... I'm having twins."

Her jaw litterly dropped to the floor. Her eyes lit up with a somehow mischieve grin.

„That's funny. Mr. I-know-all-about-pregnancies is finally in a situation he doesn't know either."

„Is that all you have to say?"

Her grin turned into an honest smile.

„Hey, it's great news, isn't it? Three babies instead of two? They'll never be alone."

„Two more to make trouble if the first two are any indication. And they'll always have an accomplice."

She rolled her eyes since his words were betrayed by the grin on his face.

„I guess it won't be that bad. We have enough money and Jethro is retired so..."

He couldn't go on as she hugged him tightly. For a moment he was too surprised to react but then he hugged her back. Yeah, life was good.

As they exited the elevator they both put on a face as if they had fought and went back into the bullpen, where McGee stood with a very serious face.


„I just got a call. We have a case."

Tony raised his eyebrow to urge Tim to continue.


McGee gave Tony a piece of paper and the team leader frowned. But as he read the adress his face paled and he had to sit down or he'd have passed out.


„McGee, gas the truck, Gilliam, get Jimmy, Ziva, equipment."

Nobody of them moved and Ziva looked confused at her boss.


He barked and they finally went away. Tony knew that McGee would tell Ziva why he was sitting at his desk like a stone. With shaking hands he reached for his phone and dialed the familiar number.

„DiNozzo-Gibbs. Gibbs, speaking?"

Came the grumpy answer and right now Tony didn't care. Usually he told him to answer the phone more nicely but this time it really didn't matter at all.

„Jethro, it's me."

„Oh, hey, what's going on?"

Tony took a deep breath.

„I'm gonna stay in long. We just got a case and..."

„Tony, don't you think McGee can handle the overtime? You know what Sonja said..."

„It's Jen, Jethro."

At first there was silence.


„She's been killed."

He heard his husband swallow and then a long breath.

„Get that bastard."

„I will."

He promised and hung up. There wasn't much that could keep him in the office anymore. But the murder of the director of NCIS, the murder of their friend, the murder of one of the godmothers of their kids were definitely a reason.
Chapter End Notes:
It hasn't taken me this long to write it. It was written real quickly, and therefore there have been lots of errors. I had to gain some distance to find them, but now it's good, I hope. Let me know if you liked it and if you wanna more...cause there is more.
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