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Author's Chapter Notes:
fayes sick
The next day:

The team are all sat in the bullpen bored doing paperwork when Faye rushes off.

"Faye whare you going?" Tony shouted after her

Faye returns 15 minutes later looking very pale and unwell

"Faye are you ok?" McGee asks

"Does it look like i am ok McGee!"

"Sorry maybe you should ask Gibbs if you can go home"

"No i am ok to work"

"It better not be contagious i dont want to get ill" Tony said

"Its not Tony"

"Ok good"

Gibbs returns from MTAC

"Faye go home, get better, you look like shit"

"Thanks boss, i will try to"


"Yeah boss"

"Make sure Faye gets home ok and don't take all day"

"On it boss"

"Come on Faye i am taking you home"

"Oh deja vu"


"You said that to me the first time we met"

"Oh it worked then aswell"

"Shut up leave me alone, i am ill"

"Lets go"

Faye goes to pick up her backpack

"Ill get that, your ill and shouldn't be carrying it"

"Ok" With that Faye runs off to the bathroom again, Tony is waiting outside the door for her when she exits 10 minutes later

"Home now or i am talking you to see Ducky"

"Home sounds good" Faye said weakly
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