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The day had arrived and from the outset, Gibbs could see Tony was nervous " worried even to the point where Gibbs was momentarily loathe to head over to his own place and get some gear together before driving to the airport.

It was still early " barely turned 5am but both men were up and about " despite the fact their flight to LA wasn’t until 5pm. Gibbs had volunteered to oversee breakfast and Tony took the opportunity to at least make an attempt at clearing the general mess on the living room floor. Five minutes into his task, he was seated on the floor with an empty dvd case in one hand and the television remote control in the other. The television was on but he wasn’t paying attention, his gaze fixed on a spot on the carpet and Tony sighed heavily.

“You okay?” Gibbs asked softly from behind.

“Is that toast I smell burning?” Tony dropped his head back, looking up at the older man as he leaned back on his hands.

“No,” Gibbs replied. “Everything’s ready " and nothing went up in smoke. You sure you’re okay?”

“If I said yes, would you believe me?”


“Thought not,” Tony tossed the dvd case aside and sat up, pressing the heels of both hands against his eyes. “I’m bushed.”

Gibbs knelt down and began massaging Tony’s shoulders with deep, grinding movements making the younger man groan with pleasure as the knots and kinks were eased away. “Did you take anything for your headache?”

“I don’t have a headache.”

“Don’t lie Tony.” Gibbs dug his fingers in a little too hard, smiling at the yelp he elicited. “You’re as tense as hell " and when you’re like this you always get a headache and you need to be one hundred percent focussed today.”

“Okay,” Tony tried nodding but with those magic fingers at work on his neck and shoulders, he let his head drop forward and relaxed. “I’ll take " oh geez " no " left a bit " I said left " down a bit " oh man " that’s got it!” He growled aloud as his eyes closed and he pulled in deep calming breaths.

“Atta boy,” Gibbs purred.

Ten minutes later, Tony was boneless " lying on his back on the floor with a contented smile on his face. He could hear Gibbs banging about in the kitchen and then found himself meeting steely blue eyes as Gibbs stood over him, glass of water in one hand and a bottle of painkillers in the other.

Reluctantly, he pulled himself upright and took the proffered glass, Gibbs tipping the pills into his hand and retiring to the sofa. Tony scooted across on his butt to settle between Gibbs’ legs and leaning back as his lover carded his fingers through his hair.

“Can’t we just stay here?” Tony rolled his head from side to side as he stretched his legs out in front of him. “Pretend the old bastard is dead, no tickets arrived and you and me just spend the day together?” He had wrapped his right hand around Gibbs’ calf, resting his head against a bent knee. “We haven’t done that in a while.”

“Don’t start,” Gibbs said with an edge to his voice. “We’ve talked this out, Tony. We’re going to LA.”

“But it’s going to be " “ Tony closed his mouth, sensing rather than seeing the Gibbs stare aimed at the top of his head.

“Hell on earth? I don’t think so.” Gibbs leaned back on the sofa. “Okay " how about this " do we actually have to meet him at the damn house?”

“Not specified,” Tony pulled his knees up to his chest. “But it’ll be a safe bet.”

“It’s safety I’m worried about,” Gibbs replied, suppressing a yawn. “Yours and mine.”

“Boss, we don’t have to think about what might happen until it happens, until we’re on that plane " so d’you think we could stop talking about it " for now?” Tony stated as he clambered to his feet. “Please?”

Gibbs peered up at him and grunted, nodding slightly. “Sure.”


“Tony?” Gibbs twisted around and watched the younger man walk away down the hall. “Tony?” *What about breakfast?* he thought, worrying his lower lip for a moment. *Ah well, if he’s not hungry just now " I know I am.* Despite the small smile he allowed himself, Gibbs didn’t head straight for the kitchen. He padded down the hall and leaned against the door frame of the bedroom, arms folded across his chest as he watched Tony pawing through the contents of his wardrobe and muttering to himself.

“You okay?” he ventured, and Tony stiffened. “Tony?”

“Jethro,” Tony kept his voice level, despite feeling increasingly irritated that Gibbs kept asking the same dumb question. “For the last damn time, I’m fine. Ask me that again and I *will* kill you " “

“But " “

“No, Jethro. For the final time ever " we’ve talked this through. I’m not sure we’re doing the right thing, but you seem to sense we are,” he stepped back from the closet and waved a sky blue t-shirt at the silver haired man. “So " for both our peace of mind " or whatever the correct freakin’ grammar is " I’m going along with whatever my father has planned. I’m not going to like it, and neither are you " but if it keeps you quiet and answers some questions for me " then that’s great. But right at this very second, we have at least seven hours before we have to check in " and I want to spend that time just chilling out and trying to relax which " you have to admit " is a little hard when all you keep asking is if I’m okay. I " am " okay! Understand?” He tossed the t-shirt over a shoulder and paced to the bathroom and Gibbs soon heard the sound of running water. “And another thing " “ Tony re-emerged with his toothbrush in his hand. “We’re staying no more than twelve hours tops.”

“Twelve hours,” Gibbs nodded. “Got it.”

“Are you patronising me?” Tony’s eyes narrowed.

“No,” Gibbs shook his head.

“Good,” Tony disappeared into the bathroom again. “Just checking.”

As Tony finished up, Gibbs crossed the floor to the bed and pulled off the top sheet and comforter, letting them pool at the foot of the bed. *Only one way to get his mind off everything,* Gibbs chuckled. *And that’s some one on one action.*

Tony reappeared. “Aw man, I just made that!” he protested, pointing to the bed.

“So? I just unmade it.”

“Gibbs,” the younger man whined. “Not now.”

“You sick or something?” Gibbs looked genuinely concerned and was across to Tony in seconds.

“No!” Tony snatched his hand away as Gibbs made to take his pulse.


“So,” Gibbs pressed forward, pushing Tony back against the tall dresser " his blue eyes shining. “If I do this,” he leaned in and lapped at pouting lips that parted ever so slightly " allowing his tongue to beg entry before pulling gently back. “And then I do this,” he leaned in again, grasping the t-shirt still on Tony’s shoulder and placing it around the back of Tony’s neck, using the ends to pull the younger man to him and nibbling his lips again " eliciting a sigh from his lover. “You’d want me to stop?” He didn’t need an answer, Tony’s hands came up and covered the backs of his own hands and the kiss deepened as Gibbs pressed himself the length of the other man’s body and groaned into Tony’s mouth as he felt his own hardness grinding against Tony’s beneath those so tight boxer briefs

“No, Boss.” Tony breathed, head back and eyes closed as Gibbs nuzzled his throat. “Not now. Please.”

“Hah,” Gibbs whispered between laps. “The mind says no " but your body is crying out for attention, DiNozzo.”

“Don’t " do this, Gibbs.” Tony hissed, locking his knees as he felt himself begin to tremble. Silently, he cursed himself " and his cock " sex had been the last thing on his mind, he’d even denied himself a cleansing jerk off in the shower earlier. How in hell could he pleasure himself when all he could see was his fucking father glaring at him in blatant disapproval? Yet " still whimpering denial as Gibbs captured his mouth again " the young man slowly succumbed " returning the kiss slowly as Gibbs’ hands slid inside the waist of his briefs, easing them down his legs.

“Overdressed,” Tony murmured, pulling back briefly as they both came up for air. He raked his eyes over Gibbs’ body " lingering at the bulge between the older man’s legs. “Way too overdressed.” He kicked his own underwear aside, tongue snaking out before he *rrowrrred* softly as Gibbs tugged off his vest and sent his cargo shorts flying across the room.

Their lips met again, this time Gibbs taking full control and pulling Tony to him, devouring him as his hips pressed forward, wrenching a low moan from him as their cocks slid against one another. “This is wrong,” he murmured as Gibbs took both hands and backed towards the bed, his eyes never leaving Tony’s. “It’s " “

“It’s what?” Gibbs prompted softly. “What’s so wrong, Tony? Do you want me to stop?”

“I " “ Tony’s eyes were full of uncertainty. “It’s just " “

Gibbs reached up and cupped the side of Tony’s face, a soft smile on his lips as Tony leaned into the caress. “He’s not here,” he said kissing the tip of Tony’s nose. “He’s not here, he’s a five hour flight away.”

“I know,” Tony sighed, stepping forward and slipping his arms around Gibbs’ waist. “I know " and " if I’m honest " “

“If you’re honest,” Gibbs took Tony’s face in both hands. “You’re worried sick about what could happen in the next forty eight hours " and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t " “

“I’m not worried, Boss. I’m scared. Scared as hell.”

“Which is why I’ll be right there with you,” Gibbs lapped at his lips. “What’s wrong with a little *us* time right now? Huh?”

“But " “

“But nothing, Tony " right now " just you and me " no one else.”

Tony stared into those so blue eyes, a small smile ghosting over his lips, and he sighed. “You’re right,” he admitted with a nod. “Sorry.”

“For what?” Gibbs guided him by the hand to the side of the bed. “Nothing to be sorry for. Sit.”

Tony sat, resting his head on Gibbs’ shoulder. “You going to lecture me now?” Gibbs just squeezed his hand reassuringly.

“Nope,” he replied. “You want me to?”

Tony lifted his head and turned to face him, his eyes suddenly sad. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For just being " “

Gibbs silenced him with a finger on his lips. “I’m here because I want to be here, Tony.”

“I know,” Tony sighed, scuffing a hand over his face.

Gibbs snickered, and scooted up to the head of the bed. “No " just get your butt over here.” He held out his arms and Tony snuggled in close. “And no dozing off either.”

Silence reigned for a few moments and as Tony’s eyes tracked down over Gibbs’ chest, on over his abs " the younger man grunted quietly.

“Now what?”

“Nothing,” Tony began. “It’s just " from this angle " ah " fuck it!” He straddled Gibbs’ waist and captured his mouth in a bruising kiss " catching his lover completely by surprise. Gibbs " although somewhat taken aback by this turn of events " soon melted into Tony’s nips and caresses, allowing him full access while he just lay back and wallowed.

He lifted his hands only to have them slapped away as Tony pressed himself the length of Gibbs’s body, lapping at his lips as their tumescence slid against each other " silken steel on silken steel. Crushing his hips against Gibbs’, Tony kept up the pressure " as Gibbs groaned and mewled beneath him. It would only be a matter of time " a matter of moment. Both men wanted this to be quick " quick but ultimately satisfying. No penetration, no long drawn out session " just a wham, bam and thank you " sir because deep down neither knew just how long it would be before their next opportunity.

The scene on the bed played out, the sound of skin on skin, wet kisses " Gibbs whimpering as climax crept closer, Tony’s ragged breathing as his ass lifted and lowered pounding his hips against Gibbs’ weeping cock, his own cock slick with precum. Gibbs’ hands were now solidly wrapped around the rails at the head of the bed, neck arched and teeth bared as orgasm slid ever nearer.

Both men came at the same time, Tony draping himself over Gibbs as he heaved for air, Gibbs staring wide eyed at the ceiling as his own chest fought for breath " leaving both men sated - until Gibbs swore under his breath.

“Wassamatta?” Tony mumbled.

“Cell phone,” Gibbs answered sounding tired.

“Let ‘em call back.” Tony protested as Gibbs tried to move him to one side.

“Got to get this one, Tony.”

“Why?” Tony raised himself up on his elbows and turned to see Gibbs leaving the room.


“Why?” *Who gives a fuck why,* Tony thought to himself. *Who gives a flying fuck?”


“Go,” Tony had insisted, shooing him down the hall to the front door. “I’ll be fine " it’s not like I’m facing another three day interview for my damn job, Boss. Go!”

Gibbs stopped in his tracks and leaned against the wall, hands in his pockets. “You do know we don’t actually *have* to go, Tony? I’ll understand if you change your mind and I won’t think any less of you " it’s just I sense something hinky.”

“You been talking to Abs? Look, the only thing hinky about all this is the shit I have for a father " and I can,” he paused, catching the amused look on Gibbs’ face. “We can " sorry - *we* can deal with it " chances are it’s something and nothing.”

“Yeah?” Gibbs pushed himself off the wall and tugged out his car keys. “If that’s the case " why were you so quiet over breakfast?”

“Was I?” Tony tried to sound light hearted, but his eyes told a different story " there was a haunted look deep within them.

“You know damn well you were.”

“Just gas.” Tony turned and walked back down the hall towards the bedroom to continue packing.

“Gas, my ass.” Gibbs murmured reaching for the front door. “He’s so freakin’ uptight right now " at least I’ll be there for the fallout.”

As the door closed, Tony couldn’t help but wince at the sound as he dropped onto the end of the bed and fell backwards, arms above his head. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he whispered. “What the hell are you doing, DiNozzo? What the fuck are you doing?”

He knew damn well what he was doing and the way his stomach was tying itself up in knots and threatening to evacuate his recently devoured breakfast left him feeling nauseous and he knew without looking his hands were shaking.

He could see it all now " that sanctimonious smirk on his father’s face, the look of distaste as Gibbs was introduced, sitting in one of those uncomfortable straight backed chairs before the familiar walnut desk, being offered a finger of the best malt knowing that to accept would only piss his father off even more, and that thought alone made Tony suddenly smile " and even as he lay there " the smile was getting broader and brighter " as he began to make a mental list " how to piss the bastard off and get away with it….

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