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It had been a couple of hours since Tony had gone to bed but he hadn’t fallen asleep yet, not really. He had dozed off a little at one point only to wake up even less sleepy than before.

Tony looked at the clock and groaned, it was after 1:00 a.m. He got out of bed and although he had on sweatpants, he threw on a t-shirt too.

“I need something to help me sleep,” he thought to himself.

Tony left his room and quietly went downstairs, still in his bare feet. He had planned on going to the kitchen, thinking that maybe a snack would help him sleep. As he neared his Fathers study, his steps slowed. Tony walked over and slowly opened the door. As he stood there scanning the room, his eyes stopped at the bar.

Knowing that what was there would help him sleep better than anything he would find in the kitchen; Tony thought, “Oh what the hell, might as well.”

He walked over to the bar and poured him himself a glass of brandy. As he went over and sat on the sofa, slowly sipping the dark liquid, he started thinking about his Father. Tony let his mind wander; remembering things from his childhood that he hadn’t thought about in years, until he finally dozed off.

It was here that Gibbs found him in the morning.

Gibbs got up early and got dressed. It was only about 6:00 a.m. and not wanting to wake Tony yet, he went in search of the kitchen and some coffee. As he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw that the door to the study was open slightly. Gibbs went to check it out because he knew that they had shut the door last night.

When he opened the door and looked in, he was surprised to see Tony there. He smiled a little at the sight; Tony was on the sofa asleep, with his legs stretched out in front of him. Gibbs was always surprised at how much younger Tony looked when he was asleep. When he spotted the empty tumbler in Tony’s hand, he frowned slightly.

“I hope he doesn’t make a habit of this” Gibbs thought.

He walked over and said quietly “Hey Tony, wake up”

When he didn’t move, he nudged Tony’s foot with his.

“DiNozzo” he said a little louder.

“I heard you the first time” Tony responded without opening his eyes.

Tony opened his eyes and looked around the room.

“What time is it?” he said yawning.

Gibbs responded with a curt “Early”

As Tony went to look at his watch, he switched the empty glass from one hand to the other. When he looked up he was staring straight into Gibbs eyes, he could read the question in them.

“No, I didn’t get drunk last night.” Tony said.

Gibbs eyes went to the empty glass and back to Tony’s, eyebrow raised.

Tony just sighed “I had a half a glass of brandy, just enough to help me relax. You know, take the edge off, I couldn’t sleep.”

“Why are you still in here then?” Gibbs asked

“Well, you know, I was just sitting here last night reminiscing” Tony got up off the sofa, stretching as he tried to work the stiffness out of his body. “Must have dozed off.”

Gibbs studied him for a moment, noting that although he had gotten a couple of hours sleep, he still looked tired.

“I don’t suppose you have any coffee in here?” Gibbs asked.

“Nope but I know that Bella should have some ready by now.” Tony replied as he started out the door. “She makes the best coffee, you’re going to love it.”

As Tony led the way to the kitchen he said grinning “You know Boss, if Bella were a redhead, she would make a great wife #4.”

“Ouch!” Tony said as Gibbs smacked the back of his head. “Right Boss, shutting up until you’ve had your coffee.”

Tony entered the kitchen and greeted Bella with a hug, kissing both cheeks.

“Buon giorno Bella” Tony said. (Good Morning/Hello)

“Buon giorno Anthony” she replied.

“Come stai?” he asked. (How are you?)

“Io sono buono grazie.” Bella answered. (I am good thank you)

Then asked, “E voi?” (And you?)

“Sto bene.” Tony replied. (I am well)

As Bella reached up and patted his cheek she said. “Glad to see you’ve kept up on your Italian. Now, can I get you gentlemen some breakfast?”

As the two of them sat down at the table, Gibbs answered her.

“Just coffee will be fine” Then giving her a smile “I hear your coffee is the best.”

With a smile she said, “Once you’ve tried it, you’ll never want to leave.” Then added with a wink “Hopefully.”

As she turned to get their coffee, Tony leaned over to Gibbs and said, “You know that I was just kidding about the wife #4 comment, don’t you?”

At Gibbs glare he continued “Right, still shutting up Boss.”

After Bella gave them the coffee, Gibbs asked Tony, “So what were you two talking about?”

Tony looked up “What? Oh you mean in Italian? Nothing important.”

Then with a smug smile he continued, “Now you know what it feels like to not be able to understand what people are talking about.”

Gibbs just snorted as he went back to drinking his coffee.

They didn’t escape the kitchen without eating, Bella made sure of that, lecturing them about how it’s the most important meal of the day.

Since Tony was still in his sweatpants and t-shirt, he went to go upstairs and change. Gibbs decided to stay in the kitchen and have some more coffee.

As he went to leave, Bella stopped Tony with a hand on his arm.

“Cercate stanchi” she said quietly. (You are looking tired)

Tony gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

“Vi preoccupate troppo.” He said. (You worry too much)

Gibbs had been watching the two, wondering what that was all about. Some of his concern must have still been showing on his face, because when Bella turned around, she looked Gibbs straight in the eye.

“You’re worried about him,” she stated.

“As are you,” he replied, sipping at his coffee.

Bella just sighed, and then as she walked past she patted Gibbs on the shoulder.

“It’s not easy being a parent to that one, is it?”

Gibbs was about to respond with “you have no idea”, but then realized that since she had known Tony as a child, she knew EXACTLY what it was like.
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