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Author's Chapter Notes:
"How did you just know that would happen, and why does it always happen to you, Hm?"
Tony slid his keys into his door and pushed it open. He held the door open for Madisyn who gave him a smile and walked in. Lucky DiNozzo, chosen for protection duty. Why him? All he wanted was a good night’s sleep, maybe watch a movie or two, not baby-sit a twenty year old English chick. She was pretty, okay, but he'd already had to cancel his evening plans and wasn't in the best of moods. Madisyn's comments and remarks weren't making it any easier, either. He shut the door behind her and clicked the catch on to lock the door. Careful was not usually someone Tony was famous for, but when at home and on protection details, he might as well make an effort not to get her killed.

Madisyn seated herself on the sofa, dumping her bag on the floor. She crossed her legs as she kicked off her shoes, looking around with interest. "Make yourself at home." Tony murmured, putting his own bag down on the coffee table. "I will, thanks." Madisyn replied, smiling up at Tony. Tony couldn't resist, okay, she wasn't that annoying. He made his way into the kitchen, taking off his jacket and hanging it over the nearest surface. "Hungry?" He called into the other room.
"Starving." The reply was eager and the footsteps across the room made him glance through the doorway. He turned back to the fridge as Madisyn trawled through his large collection of DVDs. Madisyn joined him a moment later in the kitchen. She looked over his shoulder into the fridge, raising her eyebrows. "Don't eat in much, do you?" She asked, leaning her chin on his shoulder. Tony straightened up. "But I do own a world class number of take-away menus." Madisyn laughed softly, following out of the kitchen and seating herself back on the sofa.

"How many films do you own?" Madisyn asked, between mouthfuls of what really was pretty good take-away food. Tony turned his gaze to the piles of DVDs.
"I never really counted them, but I know I have more than one of loads of stuff."
"Like what?"
"Um, I know I have two of Romeo and Juliet."
"The one with Leonardo di Caprio or Leonard Whiting?" Madisyn asked, sitting up to crane over Tony to look at the collection again.
"Franco Zeffirelli." Tony replied, leaning back on the sofa.
"I love that one! Much better than the one set in Verona Beach."
"I agree with you." Tony replied pulling it out from the shelf case.
"But the 1996 Baz Luhrmann versions alright. Leonardo di Caprio does play a good Romeo, but Claire Danes was never a good Juliet."
"Really? I preferred her to Olivia Hussey." Tony replied, pushing the DVD player on and picking up the remote.
"Really, I thought Olivia Hussey would be your type."
"And Claire Danes isn't?" Madisyn laughed and brought her legs up onto the sofa, kicking off her shoes. She curled up, her knees up by her chest as she turned her eyes towards the screen. Tony turned his eyes over to her, not moving his head. A fighting spirit indeed. She smiled and turned back to the TV.


The small crack in the curtains let the tiniest sliver of moonlight cross the room. The silver streak crossed the peaceful, sleeping face of Madisyn as she turned over, pulling the blanket over her shoulders. Tony hadn't wanted to wake her when the movie had finished. She looked so peaceful curled up on the sofa, her pony tail band had come out and her long hair falling over her shoulders. He'd simply covered her with a warm beige blanket and headed off to bed, making sure the entrances to the apartment were secured.

Madisyn rolled over again, pulling her knees tighter into her body, curling up into as tight a ball as she could. It wasn't she was cold, she just felt...vulnerable. The light sleep she'd managed to get on the plane on the way over had left her feeling even more tired than before, but she still couldn't stay asleep for more than an hour or so. She kept waking up, wondering where she was, it only took a few moments each time to remember the details but she was used to moving around, safe house to safe house.

After a while longer of tossing and turning, Madisyn managed to find refuge in the darkness of sleep. Her tiredness made sure she didn't notice the soft click that noted the arrival of someone not wanted. Welcomed arrivals didn't need to pick locks. The door opened a fraction, stopping as the intruder realized the curb chain was still attached. A gloved hand slid into a pocket and pulled out a sharp metal instrument. Two more clicks, slightly softer, and the door opened more, letting the intruder creep in. Madisyn muttered something in her sleep and turned over, the blanket falling to the floor. A gloved hand reached down and retrieved it, folding it carefully, smoothing out the creases as the intruder placed the perfectly folded blanket on the back of the sofa. The black clad stranger swatted down, raising a hand to stroke back Madisyn's hair from her face. She muttered slightly in her sleep and raised a hand to her cheek, brushing against the coarse material of a glove. Her brown eyes flickered open. She turned over and screamed before a hand was thrust over her mouth.

Tony had been sleeping peacefully, his duvet down by his feet as he kicked in his sleep. The sheet was rucked up and slightly crumpled as he turned in his sleep. The apartment was silent, the only sound coming from the traffic on the road outside. Then the short scream ripped through the night. He sat up and instinctively reached for his gun. He got out of bed and held the gun up, opening the door to his bedroom.
"Let go of her and put your hands up." He called calmly to the black clad and hooded figure holding Madisyn. He was about to call again, more forcefully when everything faded and went black.
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