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Author's Chapter Notes:
"Some how, someone should have seen that coming, I mean a Coffee Angel?"
Abby didn't turn as Gibbs entered.
"I know you're there." She said with a cheerful smile.
"What you got for me Abs?" Gibbs asked, placing the Caf-Pow down on her desk.
"Its only been an hour, I haven't finished the first one!" Gibbs raised his eyebrows. Well that was a bit slow for Abby.
"But I can have another one, I don't mind." This time Gibbs looked at Abby with slight confusion. They weren't thinking about that same thing.
"The Caf-Pow! I haven't finished the first one you gave me." Gibbs raised his eyebrows again.
"What?" It was Abby's turn to ask as Gibbs stared at her.
"I haven't brought you another one, this morning Abs." They both turned to look at the red and white object on the table in front of Abby's computer.

Gibbs picked up the phone beside Abby's computer and pressed one of the speed dials. Kate answered after the first ring.
"Kate, get the camera footage for this morning and last night." He instructed before hanging up.
"Sure Gi-" Abby looked at her boss leaving, calling behind him.
"Call me if you have anything Abs."
"Does he even have to ask?" She muttered before moving back to her computer.
Kate, Tim and Tony were all gathered around the large screen oppersite Gibbs desk when the man himself walked out of the elevator. He had a cup of coffee in his hand. Tony eyed it.
"You still trust Starbucks. The Coffee Angel could work there." This received a blank stare from his boss. Tony muttered something and turned back to the screen.
"What you got?" Gibbs looked over Kate's shoulder at the screen.
"From last night until this morning no-one comes in or out except the cleaner, but he doesn't leave anything resembling coffee. Further on at 0722 theres a flicker on the tape but nothing else happens. At 0729 there's another stutter of static on the tape and there appears these coffee cups."

Gibbs took a minute of staring at the screen, fast forwarding through the hours. Kate arrived, then Tim and then Tony within a few seconds of each other. A few seconds on the tape anyway. Then he himself arrived and he knew what had happened after that.
"My guess would be that it was put on a loop." Tony broke through the silence.
"You think DiNozzo. Find out who was on duty at the times of the static change."
"On it boss." Tony replied, moving to his desk and calling the security survaillence officer.

Gibbs moved back to his desk, sitting down just as Tony put down the phone.
"They always change over the guy watching the tapes at 0530, so there were two in the space of the run, but he said there was always someone sitting and watching. But, apparently the camera always flickers somewhere around 0730. something about a short circit." He shrugged as Gibbs looked away from him.
"Someone would have to know when the cameras flickered and how long they had." Kate mused.
"But the times the circit shorts isn't always the same." Tony cut into her line of thought. "He also said it does it a lot throughout the day. Just something to do with the camera."

Gibbs phone rang to break the silence in the bullpen as the agents tried to think.
"Yeah, Gibbs." He answered. "Where...How can you not know?"
"Car crash, half way up Highway 72." A voice came from the corridor where the elevator met the floor. Tony, Tim and Kate looked up at the new arrival. Gibbs finished his phone call and stood up.
"72?" Kate, Tim and Tony said together, looking over at Gibbs. If Gibbs was suprised he didn't show it.
"And what has happened?"
"Car crash, killed two Petty Officers and a Captain, tires were slashed." The voice that had been edging closer and Gibbs hadn't yet looked up at replied. Gibbs' pale blue eyes looked into two bright brown ones. The long brown hair was swept back in a loose pony-tail that she brushed over her shoulder.
"Anyone for coffee?"
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