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Author's Chapter Notes:
"Paper, paper, paper, computer screen, computer screen, computer screen...why is there never any food around here?"
By half past ten, there was a sentry by the lifts, checking IDs and the contents of bags and pockets. The doors were manned by three extra guards along with extra metal detector tests and checks when people came in and out. Each desk had been swept, cleaned and probably sanitised. No-one was allowed to bring in anything that could contain poisen or a weapon. All cars were held and all cases put on hold for the time being.

The desk and field agents entered the bull pen in whatever spare clothes they had with them, or in some cases the pale blue jump-suits. One size fit nobody types. They weren't exactly unflattering, just dull with 'NCIS' printed on the back. Because of a case that had been put on hold a while back where they were supposed to head off to Paraguay for the weekend, Tony had been especially mortified at the cancallation of that, all the team had a spare set of clothes. Kate had brought a spare and generously given it to Madisyn. You never knew when you were going to need more than one change of clothes, especially after working for NCIS.

Tony quickly grabbed his chair and dragged it back to his desk before Madisyn could nick it once more. Kate powered up her computer at the same time as Tim and Gibbs, who wasn't looking happy at the lack of caffine in the vicinity. The rest of the team, including Madisyn, had noticed this and were keeping conversation and comments to themselves. Only saying something when it was needed. The agents started trawling through the database whilst Madisyn sat crossed-legged on the carpet, flicking through the evidence report as well as the post-mortum reports, trying to find anything linking to Hinstern or Lidren.

At eleven thirty, Kate was struggling to keep her eyes open; Tony was leaning on his palm, scrolling down with his mouse; Tim was staring at the same newspaper print out he'd been for the last ten minutes; Madisyn was leaning against the filing cabinate, her head dropping once every now and then. However, Gibbs just looked annoyed. No tiredness, not even a hint of a caffine low. His team had looked up at him working silently for the last hour or so. Kate suddenly perked up slightly, rubbing her eyes.
"Joseph Lidren was in prison the same time as Jack Hinstern." She announced proudly. The rest of the team glanced up at her through the dim light. Even Gibbs turned from his computer. Kate picked up her phone just as Madisyn got her her feet, coming over to look over her shoulder at the computer.

Kate put down the phone, looking up at the expectant looks from Tony and Tim.
"According to the prison warden and the files. Lidren was Hinstern's cell mate along with another guy called Max Swalarii." She heard Madisyn start typing Swalarii's name into the database. "All were released about the same time." Kate continued. "But no-one knows if they kept in touch. They came to the same rehabilitation sessions for drug use that they all started in prision." She concluded, closing her pad. "The warden couldn't remember much at twenty to midnight." She muttered quietly, earning a slight laugh from Madisyn, who had just managed to find Swalarii.

"37, busted for six years, out on parole in four. In for impeding the police in an investigation and aiding the escape of a known criminal, his father." She scrolled down, looking for more. "His parole officer hasn't seen him in six months, but last time he did, he told him he was going to stay with his brother, David Swalarii, in California." She scrolled down until she found the bottem. "Nothing else to connect them."
"Find David Swalarii-" Gibbs began before a comotion by the lifts made him stop. Then team looked around, stood up to see what was happening. The sentry had been relieved, as another had just taken his place. The new one was a tall, bald man with small black eyes and a large gun strapped to his belt. She smiled apologetically to the assembled agents.
"Tripped over his leg as he went out." He replied.

Gibbs rolled his eyes and sat back down.
"Find David Swalarii and bring him in." He managed to finish. Tim called down to Abby, to relieve her of her hippo creating boredom. Tony started typing again and Madisyn went to try and find a file for the newcomer David Swalarii.
The guard who had been standing by the door before the second had come to relieve him wiped his forehead on a sleeve. He didn't know hoe much longer he could wait. He jumped as the doors pinged open and another guard stepped in, fresh from the rest of several hours. He gave him a cheerful grin.
"Lots been happening today then." He tried to make conversation as the lift moved upwards.
"You could say that."
"Yeah with all the poisenings and Jacod being taken to hospital. Arsnic shouldn't be any way to go. I mean, as a guard he should've gone in the line of fire or at least retired with a bullet hole somewhere. But, nah! Jacod was just a young lad, really earger." The talkative guard shook his head, looking at the other guard.
"You alright, you look a bit hot. Anything wrong, David?"
"Yes, I'm fine." David replied, moving out of the lift as it got to the right floor. The Forensics Lab.
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