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Author's Chapter Notes:
"Well that was all a bundle o' laughs wasn't it?"
The bullpen was its usual cheerful buzz of work, although it was thinning out slightly. The clocks on desks and computers ticked away until five-thirty where the majority took their time and left. The team hadn't really thought about leaving yet, they sat around in Autopsy chatting whilst Ducky checked over Kate and Madisyn.
"Well it was a freezer, McGee, use your imagination." Tony replied to a question posed by Tim.
"Be nice, Anthony." Madisyn joined in, putting her jacket back on to keep in the heat.
"I'm always nice." Tony replied, looking around at Madisyn.

The doors opened with a swish and Gibbs entered carrying, to no-ones suprise, a cup of coffee.
"Oedds say anything?" Kate asked, getting off the autopsy table. It was a wierd feeling being examined on the same table where dozens of the dearly deceased had also been "examined". Gibbs didn't answer the question, but asked one of his own.
"Found the connection between Gryfford and Oedds?" Tim brightened up, he'd been waiting to report.
"They worked together in Canada at a hotel called Hotel Jade Stone. However, they were both fired along with seventeen other members of staff because of an illegal gambling and poker ring found within the staff."
"According to the receptionist, who knew both Oedds and Gryfford, Oedds owed Gryfford a lot of money, but she didn't know how much."
"And McKain?" Kate asked.
"Just Oedds girlfriend as far as we can find, but Gryfford has admitted to killing her to get to Oedds."
"The lengths people will go to." Madisyn muttered

The bullpen was almost silent as the team moved around to their desks.
"Reports on Monday." Gibbs ordered, moving towards the stairs and MTAC, the 'yes, boss's following him up the stairs.
"Now if you excuse me, I'm going on a date." Madisyn picked up her long green coat and walked to the elevator.
"Is it the Welsh man from downstairs?" Kate called after her.
"That's the one!"
"Enjoy yourself."
"Will do."
Tony watched the elevator doors close.
"There's a Welshman downstairs?"
"Yes, called Eien, or Ewan or something." Kate replied, not looking up.
"Looks like you over looked him when you were checking up on the competition." Tim replied, earning a glare from Tony and a soft laugh from Kate.
"Very funny." Tony muttered.
"I thought so."
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