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A Night Out

“ You know I never would have picked you as the romantic type Tony” Kate said, her hand in his and a rose in the other as they walk along the sidewalk.
“ There’s still a lot you don’t know about me” he said with a smile.
Tony had made reservations for them to eat at the most expensive restaurant in town so there was no way they would run into Abby, McGee, Ducky, Gibbs or the director.
They stood out the front of the restaurant for a while just looking at each other. They decided to go inside and were seated outside. They ate and they drank ( only a little) and before to long it was 9:30pm.
They decided to leave. Once again they stopped out the front of the restaurant.
“ Lets go for a walk” he says pulling her in the opposite direction of the way they came.
“ Tony, its late and I’m tired” she complained.
Tony stopped. Turned around to face her. He grabbed her by the shoulders.
“ Kate it’s a walk. Nothing is going to happen. We don’t have to work tomorrow so you can sleep in” he pleaded with her.
“ Alright”
“ Thankyou” he kissed her and put an arm around her shoulder.
They eventually ended up walking along the pier.
“ It’s beautiful” Kate gasped looking out at all the boat lights on the water.
“It sure is”
Tony and Kate froze as they heard a voice they know to well.
They both slowly turned around.
“ Gibbs! What are you doing here?” Kate asked stunned. He was standing next that red head he’s been seeing.
“ I could ask you the same question” he said looking at Tony and his arm which was still around Kate. Tony removed his arm.
“ Uh well. Uh we” Tony stuttered trying t look for the right words.
“ Spit it out DiNozzo”
“ Well we are seeing each other boss” he finally spat out.
“ Outside of work, so to speak” Kate put in.
“ I see that” Gibbs said with a smile on his face.
“ Gibbs I know what rule 12 says but it sucks” Kate tries to explain.
“ Yeh I know” he grabs the red heads hand.
“ Agent Todd, DiNozzo. I’m your new director Jenny Shepard” she announced shaking Kate and Tony’s hand.
“ See you Monday” Gibbs said before they left.
Kate and Tony stood there for a while trying to take in what had just happened.
They turned around to face the water and the boats. Kate turned to face Tony. Her back leaning on the railing.
She just kept starring into his eyes. She loves his eyes.
He leaned in and kissed her long and hard. He then started placing kisses down her neck and then started nibbling in this one spot just under her ear.
“ Tony stop” she said in a giggly gasp. She closed her eyes enjoying the attention he was giving her.
His hands were on her hips and hers on his back.
“ Kate?”
Kate’s eyes shot open as she saw Abby, McGee and Ducky standing in front of them.
“ Tony stop. Stop. Tony!” she said trying to pull him off.
“ Why?” he whispered into her ear.
“ Oh because Abby, McGee and Ducky are here”
“ Yeh right” he said going back down her neck.
“ Hey Tony” Abby said tapping him on the back. He froze instantly.
He slowly turned around to see all 3 standing there with shocked but happy looks on their faces.
“ Hey guys. What are you doing here?” Tony asked them.
“ Well we went to the movies and its such a beautiful night so I suggested we go for a walk along the pier” Ducky tells them.
“ That’s nice” Tony says taking a couple of deep breathes.
“ Does Gibbs know?” McGee asks.
“ Uh yes. He found out just like you guys did about 5 minuets ago” Kate said with a little chuckle.
“ See I told you they were being nice” Abby chimmed in.
“ Well now everyone knows” Kate said looking at Tony.
“ When you say everyone you mean the director knows to?” McGee asks.
“ Well the old one doesn’t but the new one sure does” Tony tells them.
“ New one?” They all ask in unison.
Kate grabs Tony’s hand and they start to head back to the car.
“ See you guys on Monday” Kate yells back.
They keep walking hand in hand not wanting to look back.
“ Well that was easy” Tony said.
Kate just laughed.
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