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Author's Chapter Notes:
It has been a week since the rooftop shootout in which Kate took a bullet for Gibbs and Gibbs killing Ari.
It has been a week since the rooftop shootout in which Kate took a bullet for Gibbs and Gibbs killing Ari.
Kate is seated at her desk starring blankly at her computer screen. Tony id doing the same when the elevator doors ding open and a tall, dark haired women steps out and heads their way.
“ Where is Special Agent Gibbs?” she asks, no emotion in her voice just a foreign accent.
“ Who wants to know?” Tony asks standing up and looking her up and down. Kate gets up and stands next to the women.
“ Ziva David. Mosard. Where is Gibbs?”
“ He is not here at the moment. Your welcome to wait” Kate says in the most nicest tone she can muster as she doesn’t like the look of this Ziva David. She shows her to the spare desk next to McGee’s.
Gibbs enters the bullpen to see Tony sitting at his desk with Kate, both looking in the direction of their new arrival.
“ What are you two starring at” he says standing behind them.
“ Hey boss. Um there is a Ziva David of Mosard to see you” Tony said seeing Ziva stand up from the desk. She walks up to Gibbs.
“ You are Gibbs?”
“ Yeh. What’s it to you?”
“ We need to talk about the killing of a Mosard officer” Ziva said sternly.
Kate and Tony share questionable glances.
“ What is there to talk about?” Kate asks stepping forward to stand beside Gibbs.
“ Agent Todd, this is between Miss David and myself” he said still staring a t Ziva.
“ But Gibbs. He” she tried to reason.
“ Agent DiNozzo please take Agent Todd to the lab”
“ Yes boss” Tony said coming to Kate’s side and putting her arm around her shoulders.
“ Tony…get..off…me” she shoved him off. Gibbs took her arm and pulled her away to the window.
“ What the hell has gotten into you” he asks looking into her eyes.
“ Her. She wants to talk about you killing Ari when he tried to kill me” she is getting quiet worked up.
“ Kate. Let me handle it. Go and see Abby” with that Kate and Tony headed to the lab.
* Abby’s Lab*
They both enter the lab to find Abby sitting in front of her computers asleep.
“ She looks peaceful doesn’t she” Tony says inspecting her.
“ Tony leave her alone. She needs it” Kate says pulling out a chair and sitting down.
Gibbs enters Abbys lab to see Kate, Tony and Abby all asleep.
“ Oi!” he yells. They all wake up startled.
“ Gibbs. What are you doing here?” Abby asks yawning.
“ To tell you all that our guest is gone”
“ What did she want?” Kate asked standing up.
“ To know what Ari’s plans were and to claim his body”
“ They send a chick just for that. Haven’t they heard of air mail” Tony said walking towards the group.
“ Listen I do not want to hear that bastards name or those events ever again. Do I make myself clear?” Gibbs says starring all of them in the eyes.
“ Absolutely” they all agreed.
“ Now where’s McGee?” Gibbs asks looking around.
“ He’s um with his mother who is in the hospital. She is really sick” Abby informs him.
“ Ok. Now back to work” Gibbs heads out of the lab and Kate and Tony follow closely behind him.
They reach the elevator when they hear the shatter of glass. Tony and Kate look at each other.
“ Abby!?” Gibbs yells and runs back to her lab.
Tony and Kate run after him.
“ No. Abby!” Kate rushes past a frozen Gibbs to Abby’s side. She has a gunshot wound to the temple.
“ Oh god” Tony gasps.
“ N. Abby. Please” Kate collapses down on the floor and picks up her head and rests its on her lap. She is crying, more like balling and cant stop. Tony goes to Kate’s side and puts his hand on her shoulder. He himself feels the tears running down his face.
Gibbs gets his phone out.
“ Duck.Lab.Now” he says in almost a whisper. Kate has now got Abby’s limp body in a hug. Tony has left to go to the bathroom.
Ducky soon arrives to see Gibbs standing in the doorway.
“ Jethro what’s the matter?” Ducky said in a happy tone.
“ Oh Abbbyyy” he hears Kate’s cries. His face quickly changes. He slowly walks into the lab and is shocked at what he sees.
“ Oh dear lord” he exclaims. The only thing that could be heard was Kate’s cries. Ducky couldn’t take it. He went to Kate’s side and pride Abby from Kate’s arms.
“ Caitlin I have to take her now” he whispered to her.
“ No Ducky please” she pleaded. Ducky put his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug.
After a while Ducky and Palmer had taken Abby’s body to autopsy. Gibbs and Kate where still in the lab. Tony had gone to the hospital to tell McGee.
“ You did this” Kate whispered but Gibbs still heard her.
“ What?” he says shocked.
“ You killed a Mosard officer and now they are getting us back” she gets up and goes over to him.
“ You pissed them off and now look. Abby’s dead!” she screams at him.
“ You would of rathered me let him kill you instead” he yelled back.
“ Yes. God yes. You did this. You killed her” she screams hysterically and starts hitting him. Gibbs doesn’t fight her. He puts his arms around her and tries to bring her into a hug. She slowly stops fighting and cries into his chest. She collapses into a heap and he slumps down on the floor with her and lets her cry until she can’t anymore.
Kate wakes up still in Gibbs’ grip.
“ Your awake” he whispers looking down at her
“ Gibbs I’m so sorry for what I said I” she starts in a hoarse voice.
“ No I’m sorry. It is my fault. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen” he says.
“ Gibbs. It was not you. It was her: she says placing her head on his chest again. Being in his grip makes her feel safe.
“ Who?”
“ Ziva David. She’s Mosard. She’s connected to Ari and I had a bad feeling about her” she says, anger in her voice. Tears start pouring from her eyes again.
“ Come on. Lets go wash up” Gibbs said helping her up. He kept his arm around her for fear of loosing her to.
They enter to find McGee and Tony at their desks. Tony is asleep, McGee is staring at his computer with tears in his eyes.
“ McGee” Kate exclaims. He looks up at her.
“ Kate. Oh god did you get hit to?” he asks getting up and going to her.
“ No. Its….its” she cant seem to finish her sentence without crying. McGee takes her off Gibbs and hugs her tight. Gibbs walks over to Tony’s desk.
“ Tony” he says hoarsely.
“ Yeh boss” he says getting up.
“ Hunt down Ziva David”
“ No need Agent Gibbs. I’m already here” came her voice.
Gibbs turned around to see her approaching. Kate lifted her head off McGee’s shoulder. Rage ran through her.
“ You did it. You shot her. You killed my best friend” she started yelling as she moved quickly towards her. She was ready to tear her apart. Gibbs stepped between them before she could reach Ziva.
“ Gibbs let me go. She killed Abby. Let me go” she struggled in his grip.
“ Tony take Miss David to MTAC” Gibbs said as he picked up Kate, who had completely fallen apart, to the bathroom. He walked into the female toilets, made sure no one was in there and locked the door behind him. He sat Kate on the bench. She sat there holding on to the edge of the bench and slumped her head down not wanting to look Gibbs in the face. He grabs a piece of paper towel, wets it and tells Kate to lift her head. She doesn’t respond. He lifts her head up with a hand to her chin. He uses the damp paper to clean up her face.
“ I overreacted didn’t I?” she said softly.
“ Nope”
“ Gibbs” she sighs.
“ I would of shot her” he said flatly.
“ Why didn’t you?”
She didn’t get an answer.
Gibbs’ phone rings.
“ Gibbs” he looks at Kate as he gets the news. He hangs up.
“ What?” she slips down off the bench.
“ The FBI has the guy who shot Abby in custody” he says in disbelief. Kate walks out of the bathroom and up to MTAC to find Tony, Ziva and the Director talking to the Director of the FBI.
“ I believe you’ve got the bastard” Kate says walking up next to Tony.
“ Yes we do Agent Todd. Agent Fernel was on his way to NCIS when he heard the gunshot and spotted the shooter running away and chased him down” the Director of FBI told Kate.
“ Thankyou for your time Director” Director Morrow said before ending the video call.
The Director left leaving Tony, Kate and Ziva alone.
“ Kate are you ok?” Tony asked.
“ No Tony, I’m not. My best friend was just killed, I accused her of doing it and I made a fool of myself in front of Gibbs. Twice” she said getting snippy. Ziva walked closer to her
“ Look I know you don’t trust me but I know how hard it is to loose someone close” she said sincerely.
“ I’m sorry I accused you. Do you mind if I ask who?”
“ You don’t have to apologise. My brother. Ari Hazwarai”.
Kate’s head snapped to look at Tony. Tony looked at Gibbs who had just entered.
“ I’m sorry for you loss” with that Ziva walked out of MTAC and out of the NCIS building.
“ DiNozzo. Go home” Gibbs ordered. Tony left after giving a hug to Kate.
She walked back and sat in a seat. Gibbs joined her.
“ We killed her brother. And they killed our friend. When will it stop?” she asked Gibbs.
“ I don’t know” he shook his head. Kate went to stand up but sat back down.
“ Are you ok?” he asked concerned.
“ Just a head rush, I’ll be fine. I think I’ll go home to”
“ I’ll take you” he offered standing up.
“ Gibbs please. I’ll be fine” she tried to stand up again but soon was falling but Gibbs was there to catch her.
“ Your not fine. I’m taking you home”. She didn’t argue with him.
*Kate’s apartment*
Gibbs walked her to her door.
“ Gibbs you can go now. I’m ok really” she said trying to convince him and herself. She walked inside and he followed her in shutting the door behind him. Kate sat on her lounge and Gibbs followed her. They sat there in silence. She looked up on the mantle piece. There was a photo in the middle, of her and Abby together at last years Christmas party. She couldn’t help it but to hang her head and cry. Gibbs walks over to her and knees in front of her.
“ Kate. It’s going to be ok” he says grabbing her hand. She shakes her head.
“ No its not. Gibbs my best friend is gone. Never coming back” she crys. He sits next to her.
“ Come here” he pulls her over to him. She wraps her arms around him and he does the same to her. He kisses her head softly.
“ Gibbs. Promise me something” she finally says
“ What?” he looks down at her as she looks up into his blue eyes.
“ Never leave me” she says.
“ Never” he says as serious as ever. They stare into each others eyes. Kate slowly moves her hand closer to Gibbs until finally they kiss. She breaks away and quickly stands up.
“ God Gibbs I’m sorry. I mean I” she is topped short. Gibbs gets up off the lounge. Takes her into his arms and kisses her more passionately to show how much he wants this to happen. He urges her back to the lounge. He lays her down softly and supports himself over her.
“ Gibbs not now. Not tonight” she breaths.
“ Ok” he sits back helping her up.
“ Can we just lie here. Together” she says.
“ Sure” he pulls her into him and she rests her head on his chest as he lies down on the lounge. They wrap their arms around each other. Just as she falls asleep she whispers.
“ Don’t leave me”
“ I wont” he replys kissing her head. They both fall asleep.
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