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Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony and Gibbs are happy...for the moment
“We found the car,” Ziva said as they walked to their desks.

“Let’s go,” Gibbs said as he grabbed his gun from his desk. Everybody was hot on his heels.
When they arrived at the unfilled caravan park they saw the blue Chevy that the suspect had stolen. They approached it with caution to find nothing.

“Check the caravans,” Gibbs ordered. They checked each caravan to find not even a tiny bit of evidence. They gathered back at the car.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing,” Tony said as he kicked at the ground.

“Why would he leave the truck here?” Ziva wondered aloud.

“Because he’s in the trees over there,” McGee said as he pulled out his gun. The other followed suit and were quickly running into the trees. Shots were fired from all directions.

“He’s got Kristen,” Gibbs yelled. A man in a black hoddie, dark jeans and sunglasses was running, dragging a fragile looking blonde behind him. He disappeared out of their sight but they kept running in hope of finding him. Gibbs motioned for them to keep going straight as he ran around into some thicker growth.

After a running pursuit they stopped. Everything went silent and they looked about frantically. Gibbs still hadn’t appeared. A gunshot echoed around them and they drew their weapons up. They heard footsteps and aimed in the direction they were coming from. Gibbs appeared supporting the blonde. They put their weapons away and rushed to help them both out. Ziva and McGee took the girl while Tony held back with Gibbs.

“Nice work boss,” he said as they headed back through the trees.

“Just doing what I do,” Gibbs said as they stepped out of the trees. Tony smiled as they approached Ziva and McGee. They headed back to NCIS and when they got there went straight to Abby’s lab.

“What you got Abby?” Gibbs asked as he neared her. She smiled and pointed to the screen.

“I found traces of arsenic on the cuffs of his jacket and on his sandwich,” she said as she pointed to the table which held the two items.

“That’s original,” Tony said.

“So somebody was trying to kill him, but who?” McGee said as he walked up to Abby.

“Good work Abs,” Gibbs said as he left. The team followed him. The blonde was walking towards him.

“Thank you Agent Gibbs,” she flirted. He grabbed her arm and cuffed her.

“Tony, her rights,” Gibbs ordered. Tony spoke out her rights as he followed Gibbs who was taking her to interrogation.

After 10 minutes she finally confessed to putting the arsenic on the suspect’s food. Gibbs pleased with his job, left interrogation. He sat at his desk and placed his gun in the draw and locking it.
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