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Author's Chapter Notes:
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“Abby,” he called, but there was no response. He turned to leave when he spied a piece of paper tapped to the door. He quickly tore it off and opened it. He saw Abby’s handwriting.

Hey Tony, can you grab Bert the hippo and bring him down to autopsy...
xo Abby

Tony’s expression became puzzled as he walked over and picked up Bert.

Does Ducky want to perform an autopsy on Bert?

Tony laughed as he headed down to autopsy. When he entered Ducky and Jimmy weren’t there. He put Bert on Ducky’s desk and looked around. He ran to the far wall and peeled a note off, discovering Ducky’s handwriting.

Anthony, would you be so kind as to find Ziva for me and tell her I need to see her at 11.00. I’m in a meeting right now.

Tony’s expression became more puzzled. He went up to the bullpen and to Ziva’s desk, where she obviously wasn’t.

Time to investigate.

He thought to himself. He searched Ziva’s desk but found nothing. He moved onto McGee’s desk then Gibbs’ desk to find nothing. He sat down at his desk and sighed.

“What the hell is going on?” he said out loud to himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something on his computer screen. There was another note, so he ripped it off and opened it. He smiled when he saw Gibbs’ handwriting again.

I think my jacket is in your car, can you grab it for me...
Love Jethro xoxoxo

Tony jumped up and ran to his car. He opened it and scanned the front seat and saw Gibbs’ jacket.

That wasn’t in here this morning, was it? How the hell did he get into my car...? Ha, that’s Jethro for me...

Tony thought happily. He picked up the jacket to see a note folded underneath. He opened it up.

I’ve gone home, come back so we can have some alone time.
Love Jethro xoxoxo

Tony looked to his right to see Gibbs’ car wasn’t there. He smiled when he remembered alone time. He quickly drove back to Gibbs’ house only to see a whole heap of cars parked in front in the house. He glared at each car as he realised who’s they were.

“So much for alone time,” Tony said bitterly before getting out. He walked to the front door and swung it open when something on the door fell off. He looked down to see another note; he shook his head as he picked it up.

Ok, so we have some guests, but there is plenty of time for alone time... I’m down in the basement...
Love Jethro xoxoxo

Tony closed the door and headed downstairs to the basement. When he got to the bottom step he looked around and was somewhat shocked to see that there was no boat. He walked aimlessly around the bare spot before searching for another note, he soon found one.

I have a surprise for you, come into the living room...
Love Jethro xoxoxo

Tony became excited and ran up the stairs and into the living room. He saw Gibbs seated on the sofa and smiled.
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