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Chapter Ten

Gibbs watched silently, standing sentry-like as Tony began to get dressed. They needed to go downstairs and see the doctor, but he found himself lingering in this room, unwilling to leave a place where they didn’t have to explain or answer for anything. He was getting tired of justifying this new bond with Tony to family, and the fun hadn’t even begun yet. When Shannon arrived tomorrow, there would be a lot of pointed questions and she wouldn’t back down like Nate and Sarah seemed to have. For now, anyway.

Though Gibbs knew his wife and in laws were owed an explanation. He had a lot of work to do easing his wife’s mind most of all. Shannon had been so stressed when he’d come home injured, and Gibbs knew she was the one holding the household together while he was recovering. And his wife wouldn’t blithely accept him telling her that it was complicated instead of him fully disclosing the situation and his feelings.

Gibbs brushed a hand over Tony’s hair as the teenager got dressed in slow, careful motions. They’d have to shop for Tony, too. It wasn’t as if Nate was as slim as the boy and Gibbs hadn’t brought enough gear for them both.

“Downstairs,” Gibbs said authoritatively, eyeing Tony for his reaction. He wasn’t surprised when the young man’s eyes sharpened, an expression of pure relief coming over his face.

“What if I have to go to the hospital?”

“Probably will. If you have to, I’ll come with you. They’re gonna want to look at my head, too.”

“What happened?” Tony asked quietly. “Military stuff? Injured in the line of duty?”

“Yeah. I’ll tell ya later. No time now.” And if he didn’t get off his feet soon, he was gonna get sick again.

“Promise?” Tony asked. “Don’t want this to be all about me being a selfish kid.”

“You’re not a selfish kid,” Gibbs assured. “You’re a guy in a hell of a lot of trouble here and I’m the guy to help you out. Glad you called me. You needed a friend.”

“And a dad.”

“And a dad. And you’re gonna get what you need, we just have to be quiet about it for now so that everyone doesn’t get mad. Okay?”

“Got it, Dad…Jay.” Tony brought his hand up and impacted the back of his own head­hard.

“Hey! Watch it!” Gibbs said, wincing.

“Sorry. My teachers do that to me when I’m not paying real good attention.”

“They hit you?” Gibbs asked, his voice going low, a thread of command woven in his words.

“Only to make sure I pay attention, Jay. I get off the subject a lot. My mind is funny that way, but I can’t help it. I’m real smart but I can’t always stay on the subject.” Tony frowned. “Guess I’m not gonna go back to school, am I? I mean… I’m staying with you in Washington, right?”

Gibbs blinked a couple of times, wondering how to answer Tony’s question. The logistics and legal crap involved were gonna be a nightmare, and he still had Shannon to convince. Gibbs would fight tooth and nail but he wasn’t Tony’s legal guardian. He didn’t know if he could even take the boy out of the city, much less the state.

“Dunno yet,” he admitted softly. “Got a lot of things to figure out. But my wife is a teacher and she’s never hit anyone, Tony. Nobody needs to hit you.” He sighed. “For now, let’s get ya downstairs. They called the doc over special for us and we don’t want to make him wait.”

“Kay, Jay.” Tony gave him a brilliant smile. “See, I can do it if I concentrate real hard. I’m not dumb, no matter who thinks so, even you.”

“Didn’t think you were, even for a moment,” Gibbs replied firmly. “We’ll figure out what has your concentration screwed up and get it fixed, Tony.”

“You think I’m smart?” Tony asked, hope lighting up his eyes.

“Yup. Shouldn’t I?” Gibbs asked.

“Nobody really has since my mom died.”

“That’s changing. Now. Ya understand me…Son.”

“Yes, sir,” Tony whispered, standing as tall as his injuries allowed, his eyes swimming with tears. “Yes, Dad.”

Gibbs pulled Tony’s head close gently, kissing his forehead. “Gonna be okay. Let’s get down there are face ‘em.”

There were two doctors in the living room, both middle aged men with traditional black bags. Sarah was bustling around with a tray of cookies and some coffee and Nate was standing between the two men. “Jethro, this is Doctor Perle, a neurologist I know quite well. He’ll be examining you and possibly taking you to the hospital for some testing. And Tony, this is Doctor Rubenstein, a pediatrician I know well. He’ll be examining you.”

Tony gave Gibbs a concerned look and Gibbs tried to convey that it would be all right without speaking.

“Where do you want me, Doc?”


“Not going far, Tony. Not going far at all. Let them examine us, okay?”


Shannon stared at the stick bearing the positive pregnancy test result, tears swimming in her eyes. “Jane, I’m pregnant.” Her voice was full of wonder even though Shan herself was shaken to the core. There was so much uncertain about her life now. A baby wasn’t what she or Jethro had expected.

“Were you trying?” Jane asked quietly. Shannon knew that her friends were aware that she hadn’t been able to get pregnant, that she and Jethro had stopped trying even though they weren’t using any birth control in years. There had been the one miscarriage when Kelly had been just under two and then nothing.

During a series of exhaustive tests, both Shannon and Jethro had learned that there were no physical problems with either of them. It had taken some time, but even Jethro had conceded to undergoing tests for sperm counts and motility. The fertility experts had explained that it was just one of those things and that when the time was right, it would happen.

After four plus years without even an irregular period, Shannon had given up that dream and she imagined that Jethro had as well. It was part of the reason she suspected he’d become close to the teen boy. And now Jethro was in New York with the stranger when she needed him.

“Shan…were you and Jethro trying again?”

She shook her head rapidly, her stomach churning. Shannon turned toward the toilet, heaving over to for a few minutes, Jane’s hand soothing on her back. “Here, honey,” Jane said as Shannon straightened up. Her friend placed a cool cloth at the back of Shannon’s neck and Shannon leaned back into the hands now rubbing her shoulders. When the room stopped spinning, she brushed her teeth and turned very slowly to regard her friend.

“Did you have morning sickness with Kelly?” Jane asked gently. “This is the second time you’ve been sick in a few minutes, hon.”

“A little,” Shannon admitted quietly. “But I haven been sick before today, Jane. I’ve been feeling a bit stressed because of Jethro’s head injury and out of sorts, but…” She shrugged, at a loss for words.

“You have a lot on your plate right now, Shan. Jethro and this boy…and his head injury…and Kelly being so insecure. Could your parents come down for a few days just to help your stress levels?”

Shannon sighed, starting to shake her head before thinking the better of it. “No. Kelly and I are going up there for Easter. And to deal with this situation with the boy. Jane…I don’t know how I feel about that. It is an added stress when we’re having another baby.” She broke out in a smile for the first time, the news truly hitting her and being absorbed.

“Jane…I’m having a baby! Jethro and I are going to have another little girl or little boy.” She threw her arms around her friend as tears of utter joy began pouring down her face.

“I know, honey. And the rest will work out. Just have faith and you’ll see.”
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