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An hour had passed before anyone in the room spoke again.

Tony had noticed Ziva’s arm twitch a little. “Hey! I think she might be waking up. I saw her arm twitch.” Tony watched intently as Ziva slowly opened her eyes and blinked them rapidly. “Hey Ziva, have a nice nap?” Tony chirped.

“Maybe Tony, I feel quite sore. What is going on?”

“What is the last thing you remember?” Ducky asked.

“Tony was arguing with McGee, it had something to do with superglue.”

“Ah.” Tony sighed. “That was two days ago.”

“Then how did I end up here Tony?”

“Long version or short version?”

“Short, for now.”

“There was an explosion back at headquarters. We were caught in it.”

“By ‘we’, you mean…”

“You, me, Tony and Gibbs.” Jenny answered.

“Are you two worse than you look?”

“Nah. Were fine, except for a busted arm and foot.”

“What about Gibbs?” Ziva asked.

“We don’t know.” Ducky said in a soft voice.

“You okay Ducky? You seem said, sadder than you should be in this situation.”

“My mother has passed on.”

“Oh, I am sorry Ducky, I should not have asked.”

“It is alright Ziva.”

A mass of black and chains came barreling through the door and head for Ziva. “Oh Ziva! You’re okay! I was so worried!”

“Ziva winced at Abby’s hug. When she did not immediately let go Tony intervened.

“Abby.” Tony said grapping her shoulders. “Be gentle.”

Abby startled. “Oh my gosh, Ziva. I’m sorry.”

“It is all right Abby. I am fine.”

“How is everyone else?”

“Me and the Director only suffered minor injuries. The people in the other building were worse off.” Tony replied avoiding the hidden question.

“Two bombs exploded! Ducky, why didn’t you tell me that?”

“I did not want you to worry my dear.” Ducky sighed.

“What? I’m not worrying Ducky, this is me not worrying!” Abby replied frantically.

“Abigail! You’re worrying.” Ducky said moving closer to Abby.

“Oh, I guess I am.” Abby started to sob and fell into Ducky’s arms and cried there.

“Abby! We are alright!” Ziva called from her bed.

“What about Gibbs?! I don’t see him around and you guys haven’t said anything.” Abby retorted.

“That’s because we don’t know Abby.” Jenny said.

“You don’t?” Abby choked out.

“No.” Ducky said firmly.

“How long has it been since you guys got here?”

“Several hours.” Jenny said.

“Well that can’t be good.”

“Abby listen to me,” Tony said. “He was drugged, remember? You know that. That could cause serious complications, who knows?”

“I just wish we knew something!” Abby said starting to cry again.

“It’ll be alright Abby.” Ducky murmured.


A doctor walked up to the room where five people were quietly conversing. He knocked on the open door with a grim look on his face. “Dr. Mallard?”

Ducky looked up and walked out of the room leaving Abby with Tony. Ducky already had a theory about what this was about. “How is he?”

“It’s a nasty list, I’m not going to lie to you. He has a broken leg, a fractured wrist, some cracked and broken ribs, had some internal bleeding, one of his lungs collapsed, was running a fever, and has a very nasty concussion in addition to the fact that he had been drugged before this happened.”

“Do you know with what?”

“Not yet, the lab is still analyzing the blood sample.”

“Came we go see him?”

“Only two can for right now.”

“Hold on a moment.” Ducky said as he reentered Ziva’s room.

“What is it Ducky?” Tony asked.

“We can go see Jethro, but only two can go right now.”

“You and Abby go, Jenny’s asleep and I want to kept Ziva company.”

“All right Tony. Come along my dear.” Ducky held his hand out to Abby.


When they arrived at Gibbs’ room they didn’t even get a chance to step inside before an alarm went off inside the room. Abby made a move to go inside the room by the doctor held her back. “I’m sorry miss, but you need to wait outside.”

The doctor rushed inside the room followed by two nurses dragging a cart. Abby stared at them for a moment and turned back to Ducky who pulled he into his arms.

Abby started to cry.
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