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A Breed Apart:

Chapter 13:

Jen sat at her desk, trying to concentrate on the paperwork before her. Her pale brown eyes kept straying to the phone as she silently encouraged it to ring; for Dominic to let her know it was over. She jumped as her door opened and Gibbs walked in.

“Jethro!” She exclaimed, then after seeing his face, the haunted look in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“DiNozzo. Tony, he’s …” Gibbs trailed off, watching her closely for a reaction. Her face morphed from concern to triumph as she waited for him to finish. “…alive.” He smirked as he saw the blood drain from her face and she stepped back. “He had some very interesting things to say Madame Director.”

At that, the door to her office opened again and Kate and McGee entered, followed by a couple of Mps. “Cuff her and read her, her rights.” Kate ordered curtly, her dark chocolate eyes narrowed and spitting fire.

Once she was cuffed, Gibbs walked over to Jenny and leaned in close, his mouth near her ear as he murmured. “For future reference Jen, so there’s no confusion, you come after Tony in any shape, form, or fashion again and it WILL be the last thing you do. I won’t let the law work its justice, I’ll extract my own.”

“But Jethro!” she complained, struggling against the cuffs that bound her wrists behind her. “You love me! I know you do. Remember Paris!” She hissed at him desperately straining toward him.

“Paris was due to the job, no more than that. It certainly wasn’t real.” Gibbs told her forcibly.

“No! I don’t believe it! You can’t fake something like that!” Sheppard interrupted angrily. “He’s a grotesque, unnatural freak! He can’t possibly be what you want.”

“Tony is exactly who and what I want in my life, now and always.” Gibbs promised sincerely, before stepping back. He nodded to the Mps and they took her away.
“Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs!” Abby called as she hurried down the corridor of the hospital. “Tony’s awake, he’s asking for you.” She told him as she wrapped her arms around his waist, burrowing into him.

“Is Atlas with him?”

“Yeah. Is it true, he’s Tony’s biological father?”

“According to Dominic DiNozzo, yeah.”

“Yay, for Tony then.” Abby said turning to head back to his room. Gibbs laid a restraining hand on her arm.

“Give ‘em a few minutes Abs.”


Tony opened his eyes slowly, knowing that he was in the hospital and the bright florescent lights always hurt his eyes, but more so since Dr. Crayton had altered his DNA. He groaned as he shifted in the bed, pulling against the lines that connected him to several monitors. He could hear the beeping of his heart monitor, along with the drip of the I.V., and other noises associated with hospitals.

“Easy.” A quiet tentative voice came through the fog in his head. “You don’t want to dislodge the I.V. and other lines.” Atlas told him.

“Where’s Jethro?” Tony asked, not hearing the familiar heartbeat of his lover.

“Abby went out to meet him. They should be back shortly.”

Tony nodded and simply stared at the man standing next to his bed a moment, before closing his bright green eyes against the dizziness and nausea that suddenly swamped his senses.

“I’m sorry. I should have known; got you and your mother out of there; away from him.” Atlas murmured.

Tony nodded, accepting the apology, even as he smirked, quoting, “Never apologize, it’s a sign of weakness.” Then he opened his eyes, the smirk fading as he spoke honestly. “It wasn’t your fault. You had no way of knowing what he had planned.” Tony looked at the older breed a moment, wordlessly communicating his forgiveness. Then a small smile played along his mouth as he heard his lover’s heartbeat approaching and his scent floating through the air.

“I should go; your mate will want to make sure you’re okay.” Atlas stated, also catching the scent of the senior agent.

“Nah, no need to rush off. The longer you’re here the longer he has to wait to kill me.” Tony murmured a hint of apprehension in his voice.

“Yeah, well, you deserve it. Playing with your life like that.” Atlas told him, with a hint of censure, as Jethro and Abby entered the hospital room. “Gibbs. Miss Scuito.” He greeted, then looking at Tony, “I hope that we will have time to get to know one another, once you are healed and out of here.”

“Yeah.” Tony agreed with a nod.

The older breed looked to Gibbs and stuck out his hand, saying, “He chose well with you. Be sure to take care of him.”

Gibbs quirked an eyebrow at the feeling of acceptance that swept over him as he shook the breed’s hand and replied. “I intend to.” And with that the older breed left.

“Yeah, Bossman will totally kick your butt if you ever does something like that again.” Abby put in, meeting Tony’s eyes as she launched herself at the bed, managing to secure herself against Tony’s side with out dislodging the lines or causing Tony too much distress, until she punched his shoulder. “You promised you were going to take better care of yourself!”

He gave a gruff laugh looking straight to his lover, as he answered her. “It was a calculated risk Abs. I knew I’d heal rather quickly and it was the only way to get the bastard.” His voice carried the slightest hint of apology.

“Maybe so, but I swear the next time I’m really going to be mad Tony.” Abby promised him vehemently.

“There won’t be a next time.” Gibbs stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. His eyes narrowed dangerously as Tony opened his mouth to argue. “There. Will. Not. Be. A. Next. Time. Clear?” He growled.

Tony swallowed a bit nervously as his mouth went dry at the possessive dominance in Gibbs eyes. “Clear Boss.” He mumbled lowering his eyes a bit in an unconscious sign of submission; oblivious to their audience, the awareness thickened.

The spell was broken as Ducky walked in followed by Tony’s doctor. “Ahh, Anthony, Jethro, I have convinced Dr. Walters that it would be considerably helpful in your recuperation to be released into my care. Therefore you will be able to go home this afternoon, Anthony.”

Tony gave his trademark grin and said, “Thanks Duck. I’ll be ready.

“Jethro, why don’t you get Anthony some clothes and pack him a few things. I’m sure you won’t want him on his own, while his shoulder is healing.” Ducky spoke quietly, knowing that his old friend needed something to do. Gibbs simply nodded, then caught Tony’s eye.
“I’ll be back in a bit to take you home and then we will have that conversation.”

“Yes, Boss.” Tony agreed anticipation flowing through him.

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