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Author's Chapter Notes:
Gibbs' first day out of the hospital.
Slipping �" chapter ten

Tony stretched languidly, enjoying the warmth of the covers and the overall sense of contentment that washed over him in his semiconscious state. He turned over to his back, and became aware of labored breathing beside him. Gibbs. He was at Gibbs’ house. Suddenly wide awake, he flipped over to look at the older man lying next to him.

Gibbs was awake. A faint sheen of sweat covered his face as he struggled to get up. He looked pale in the faint light that trickled in through the partially drawn curtains. Tony got out of bed, bare feet padding across the hardwood floor to get to the other side.

“Wait,” Tony said, “let’s do this together.” He turned on the lamp on Gibbs’ bedside table; it was still rather early in the morning. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, he saw it was barely six o’clock.

“Together?” Gibbs asked, as he squinted in the sudden light. His hair was plastered to his head and the man was clearly in a lot of pain, but Tony knew he wouldn’t like to be reminded of it.

“Yeah, together, Jethro.” He sat down on the bed beside him, and put his arm around Gibbs’ waist. Jethro slid forward a bit, before using one of the crutches to steady him as he got up off the bed. Grunting, he stood for a moment, as the dizziness subsided.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

They slowly made their way into the bathroom, Gibbs still not accustomed to using the crutches, where Tony left him to do his thing.



“I’m here,” he answered, poking his head through the door. He looked so rumpled Gibbs had to smile. Completely naked, with his hair sticking out in five different directions and sleepy eyes squinting against the glare of the bathroom light, not quite focused.

“I need you to help me up,” he said, “and into the shower. As long as we’re here, we might as well get clean. I don’t want to make this trip again for a while.”

They covered the wound and stripped Gibbs of his t-shirt. He’d opted to do without boxers for now; his leg being so sore made it easier. Tony put the stool he had found in the basement onto the shower before he helped Gibbs get up. Safely inside, Gibbs sat on a stool, leaning against the wall as he looked at Tony. The younger man seemed very focused. Finding the shampoo he’d probably brought from home, Tony started to lather him up, as strong hands gently massaged his scalp, trying to alleviate the headache Tony knew Gibbs was suffering. Rinsing off the shampoo, the young Italian rummaged round the shelf until he found what he was looking for. Gibbs was about to ask, when he ducked into the shower again, holding a bar of soap in his hand.

Gibbs’ leg throbbed and it was still very swollen. Wanting to escape the pain, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on Tony’s hands, gliding across his body. Warm and gentle, they covered every part of his body, paying particular attention to his back and arms, massaging lightly as he cleaned him. Lifting a hand, Gibbs ran it over Tony’s body, wanting to feel, to connect to this man he’d grown to trust so innately. Handing him a washcloth, Tony crouched down and let Gibbs run his hands over his upper body, before he leaned in for a quick kiss.

The water starting to cool, Tony quickly cleaned up and turned the water off. A fluffy towel Gibbs didn’t recognise found its way out of a cupboard. He realised it must come from the stash Tony’s brought.

“You like your creature comforts, don’t you,” Gibbs tried to smile, but felt too drained. It had only been half an hour out of bed but he still felt tired.

“You should lie back down,” Tony said, looking closely at Gibbs. Gibbs knew he was right, but it still didn’t like showing his weakness to another person. He probably had a rule about that, although right now he couldn’t bring himself to care. He hated feeling like this. Old, damaged goods. Dependant on another man even to get to the bathroom. Gibbs bit back a retort, getting even more annoyed by the slightly amused look Tony shot him.

Leaning against the strong arm that circled his waist, Gibbs made his way back to the bedroom, relieved to be horizontal again. The nurse would be by in a couple of hours. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand and was surprised to find it was only 0630. This was going to be a long day.

Tony disappeared downstairs, only to return with a light breakfast and a tray of medicine.
“You need to eat this, and take your medication,”

“Ya think?” Gibbs glared at the young Italian, flinching when he heard the anger in his voice.

“Finally,” Tony chuckled. “I don’t want you to change who you are, Gibbs, just need you to get better.”

Without a word, Gibbs snatched the glass of water out of Tony’s hands and used it to wash down the pills Tony held out to him. Refusing the offered banana, he opted for a piece of toast, knowing it would help prevent nausea.

All done he sat back and closed his eyes. Tony had fluffed up a few pillows, making it possible for him lie propped up in bed, making breathing easier. A few minutes later he could feel the pain killers kick in, and felt himself drift off.


“How ya doin’, Tony? Any bruises yet?”

Abby sounded like her normal cheerful self when she rang at precisely 0700.

“Abby! It’s 0700 hours; we’re barely out of bed yet.”

“Reeeally? I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“Funny, Abs, really funny.”

“Sorry...seriously, though. Did you get any sleep? Is Gibbs okay?”

“He’s tired, sore and grumpy. Much like his usual self, when I come to think of it,” Tony chuckled, yawning as he found his way to the front door, wanting to pick up the morning paper. He stopped in his tracks, puzzled. What looked like an umbrella could be seen through the glass of the front door, twirling as the owner turned it this way and that.


“Yes, Tony?”

“Whathca doin’?”



“Please, Tony, open up.”

“Give me a minute, Abby, just gonna find something to wear”

“Aaw...” Abby pouted, clearly not ready to give up just yet. Still smiling, Tony found a towel, tied it around his waist and opened the front door.

With a bag of bagels in one hand, and the newspaper in the other, Abby gave him a big kiss before she patted his ass.

“Still nice,” she smiled, before heading into the kitchen. Tony slipped upstairs, to find something more to wear. A towel was clearly not gonna cut it this morning, he thought wryly.


“Hi Ducky! “

“Hello, Anthony. How is our patient treating you?” Ducky arrived a few minutes after Abby, armed with a bag of Danishes and fresh fruit.

“Not too grumpy, yet, “ Tony smirked, “no violence has ensued, no crutches being used...yet. He’s doing as well as can be expected for a man who hates being ill and dependant upon others. “

“I need to speak with you,” Ducky began, “it concerns you both, and I mentioned it briefly to Jethro yesterday. Our Director has decided she wants you to undergo a full psychiatric evaluation. I guess it is my fault really, for putting you on two weeks sick leave after the shooting. “

“She thinks I’m falling apart, is that it?”

“She knows something’s ‘hinky’ as Abigail would say, and I guess this is what she has come up with. Apparently, Gibbs is a father substitute for you, and you’re too attached to him. If this continues, you will no longer function satisfactory on the team, if you’re afraid he’ll die all the time.”

“Right, thanks for the heads up, Ducky, I’ll keep it in mind. This reminds me, I’ll have to make the guest bedroom look lived in.”

Grinning, he bounded upstairs, leaving Ducky behind in the living room. Abby was in the middle of making breakfast, bouncing too and fro the kitchen. A pot of tea found its way to the table, along with juice and bagels. Scrambled eggs and an assortment of jams were already present.

Tony checked on Gibbs, and was relieved to find him asleep. He needed his rest to regain his strength. Closing the door quietly behind him, he made his way downstairs and joined the doctor and Abby in the dining room.

Just as they were sitting down, the door bell rang again. Tony went to the door, only to find a slightly sheepish McGee on the front porch.

“Just thought I’d say hello before going in to the office,” he explained as Tony invited him in.

“Great timing, Tim! The rest of the gang is in the dining room.“ He led the way, before popping into the kitchen for another plate. Sitting down, he looked again at his friends, feeling very relieved they had his six.


Gibbs was exhausted. Nurse Laura had been by twice, to check the wound and the swelling. She was a tiny little thing, Gibbs thought when she first showed up that morning. He’d dosed off a bit after having a shower and eating a bit, but was awake again when she arrived.

His reputation must have preceded him, because she didn’t attempt any smalltalk, nor a ‘how are we doing today”. She just went about her business tending to his injury. He’d asked her what she was checking for when she paid particularly close attention to the back of his leg. She’d explained she looked for cold spots, which could be indicative of compartment syndrome. Relieved to hear she found no such thing, he relaxed slightly. Lifting his head, he saw Tony standing by the door, following closely what Nurse Laura had to say. After she left, he had a couple of hours rest before the physical therapist. Tony had left him in peace, only stopping by to give him an icepack for his headache or refreshing his water. Each time he had a few words and a quick kiss to offer, before making himself scarce. Gibbs was grateful for the time alone, too many visitors tired him out, although he had to admit he missed Tony if he didn’t come up for a while.

He was just about to drift off when he heard the doorbell again. Curious as to who it was, he straightened up, trying to decipher the voices drifting up from the hall.

Jenny. Groaning inwardly, he sank back into the pillows. Gibbs braced himself as he heard her bound up the stairs.
Chapter End Notes:
Don't own the characters :)
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