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Chapter Two

Kate laughed gleefully as she moved to the beat of the music in the packed nightclub. “This is insane!” she yelled. Even though Galit was dancing only a couple of feet away from her she had to yell to be heard over the music.

“I know! It is great, yes?” she shouted back.

A different song began to play and they moved to stand against the club wall. They were neither foolish nor drunk enough to attempt to dance to the more complex beat of the new song meant for skilled dancers. Most of the crowd had decided against dancing as well, and Galit had to shove aside an amorous couple to make a space for them.

Galit whistled quietly as they watched the more talented people on the dance floor. Her eyes darted around, and then settled on one dancer in particular. Seeing that Kate was distracted by a rather handsome man standing nearby, she recaptured her attention with a well placed poke.

“Ow, Galit,” Kate wailed as she rubbed her shoulder blade, “That really hurt.”

Ignoring her complaints and shooing away the disgruntled man, Galit pointed towards the dance floor. “Look at her,” she demanded.

Kate just glared at her. Sometimes, old friend or not, Galit's pushiness drove her insane.

“Okay, I am sorry," there was no hint of remorse in her voice, "Now look at that dancer."

Kate sighed and rolled her eyes but turned towards the dance floor anyway. Soon she spotted the dancer her friend had pointed out.

“Wow, she’s amazing,” Kate murmured in awe.

The young woman they were watching was dominating the attention of almost everyone in the club. She seemed oblivious to their existence though, as she performed complex steps, leaps and twirls, completely wrapped in the music. Her slinky black dress accentuated her figure and seemed to make her olive skin glow. Her long brown hair was piled on her head and a few strands rebelled against the strict up-do to curl around her heart-shaped face.

As the music began to come to a close she performed a final elaborate twirl. The applause of the many onlookers seemed to jolt her from the enraptured state the music had put her in. She looked startled for a moment but then a smile spread across her face. She bowed slightly before she began to move off, dodging various proposals from both men and women with a quickly teasing smile and a shake of her head.

Though most people soon lost interest in the woman as a new song began to play Kate’s eyes remained on her. She tracked her progress through the club carefully, frustrated by a thought, an image, that seemed extremely important but remained tantalizingly out of the grasp of her conscious mind. She’d almost grabbed it when Galit’s voice distracted her. She reflexively turned towards the petite brunette standing next to her.

“What did you say?”

Galit smiled impishly. “I said, ‘she sure caught your attention, huh?’”

Kate narrowed her eyes, not liking what her friend was implying. “I was just thinking, that’s all.”

“I am sure you were.”

Kate didn’t bother replying. Sometimes her friend had an annoying tendency to act like a miniature, female DiNozzo. Instead, she turned back around and searched the crowds. But the mysterious woman had vanished, and when she racked her brain she found the mental image she’d been trying to reach had disappeared as well. All that was left was a vague impression that the exotic beauty was very important somehow.

As she resignedly began to turn back to Galit, who was now watching a man on the dance floor, she once again got the strong impression she was being watched and a shiver crawled down her back. This time, though, the feeling was accompanied by a hand covering her mouth and strong arms pulling her into the shadows of the club.
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