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Story Notes:
This is set in a future alternate universe.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Abby must anwser some of her daughter's hard questions at bedtime.
Caitlin-Jenna’s Questions

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS; it is the property of its respective creators. I do however, own Caitlin-Jenna.
Warnings: This is set in a future alternate universe. Abby was pregnant with Caitlin-Jenna when her husband was killed. Read on to find out who Caitlin-Jenna’s father is!

“And they lived happily ever after, the end.” Abby Scioto finished reading the book of fairy tales to her daughter [for the seventh time since she was born, and it was a long book.] The book had been a gift from her little girl’s daddy. She kissed her baby girl’s forehead. “Goodnight Sweetheart,” she whispered to her wide awake daughter, hoping she would take the hint.
“Mommy,” Caitlin-Jenna began, not about to go to sleep without some answers to her many, many, questions. Mentally, Abby sighed, resigned to another long night. “Mommy, why do the people in the stories always get a happy ending, and we didn’t?” Caitlin-Jenna asked.
Caitlin-Jenna had no idea how much, although Abby had been expecting it, the question still took her breath away. All the things Abby had thought to say to this ran from her mind. “Mommy”, Caitlin- Jenna asked, worried when her mommy didn’t answer. Her daughter’s tone of voice shook Abby out of the whirlpool of thoughts on her mind.
Abby sat down and took a deep breath. “Sweetie, do you remember the conversation we had about when bad things happen to good people?” Caitlin-Jenna nodded, she remembered. “Well, you know the very sick man killed your Daddy.” Abby managed to say around the lump in her throat. “Why, though mommy, why did the sick man kill daddy, did daddy do something to him?” Caitlin-Jenna innocently asked her mother.
Though Caitlin-Jenna was only four years old, her intelligence was far beyond that. Her mind wanted answers, wanted to understand something far beyond any human being’s comprehension. Her mother tried to tell her with what little she understood. “No, sweetie, Daddy didn’t do anything to him. He was very sick, and thought incorrectly, that if he killed your daddy then his problems would go away.”
It had taken Abby many crying sessions with Ducky and her therapist to understand that. “Mommy, would Daddy have liked me?” Caitlin-Jenna asked so quietly Abby almost didn’t hear. Abby mentally cursed her husband’s killer, sick though he may be, she still shouldn’t have to answer these questions, and Caitlin-Jenna shouldn’t have these questions at all. She should be a normal little girl, with a Father. Her Father should have gotten to meet his little girl.
“Your daddy loved you more then anything in this world, Caitlin, he couldn’t wait for you to be born.” Abby stated. “I miss him Mommy,” Caitlin-Jenna whispered. “So do I sweetie, so do I.” Abby silently said a prayer that her husband would let their daughter know he loved her. I love you Tim, Abby signed. She could almost see him clumsily signing it back.

Written by Valerie Portolano- AKA SongBirdie
April 26, 2009
Chapter End Notes:
This is set in a future alternate universe.
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