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“Mrs. Simpkins, I’m special Agent Gibbs, this is officer David. We need to speak to you regarding your son.”
“You found Kevin? Is he all right?”
“No ma’am, I’m sorry to tell you that your son is dead.”
“No. No, there must be some mistake. Kevin got a little carried away at a party that’s all.”
“His body washed up on shore here at the base ma’am. Our ME matched his teeth to the dental records in the missing persons file.”
Steady silent tears replace the desperate denials and Gibbs remains stoic, knowing anything else would not be welcomed at the moment. When she reaches for a tissue and takes a deep breath he braces himself for any of a half-dozen possible outcomes. “How did it happen?”
“He was stabbed. We think by someone who knew him.”
“Did you suspect someone specific?”
“Not yet. May we ask you a few questions?”
“You reported Kevin missing on Monday morning?”
“Yes, we always have dinner together on Sunday evenings, especially when his father is deployed. I figured he just got a little carried away and forgot. So the next morning I called his dorm and his roommate said he hadn‘t spoken to or seen Kevin since Friday. Campus security talked to some of his friends when I called and advised me to file a missing persons report.”
“So he’s been missing since Friday?” Ziva asks curiously.
“No. Friday night he stayed with his girlfriend Frannie. She said he left her apartment at noon on Saturday. No one had seen him since.”
“Could you give us the names and addresses of his friends?”
“Yes, I made a list for the detective who took the missing persons report, let me get it for you.”
“Which one would you say is his best friend?”
“Malcolm Fry, they grew up here together. They’ve been inseparable since they were ten years old. Malcolm was protecting a younger boy from the school bully and Kevin stood with him. They were going to go to college together, they had it all planned out.”
“What changed their plans?”
“Malcolm couldn’t get a scholarship and couldn’t afford to attend without one.”
After a nod from Gibbs Ziva makes a note of that and asks, “What about enemies?”
“Kevin’s a sweet boy. No one would wish him harm. No one who knew him at any rate.”
“Do you or your husband have any enemies that might try to use Kevin to harm you?”
“I don’t. And I doubt any enemy of Holden’s would recognize Holden, let alone our son.”
“Thank you for your time Mrs. Simpkins, we’ll be in touch,” Gibbs promises as they head out the door.
“Please, Special Agent Gibbs, find the man that killed my son.”
“That is what we do Ma’am.”
As they get back in the car Gibbs calls Tony.
“Dorm room isn’t our primary scene. Simpkins is your typical kid. The rooms a mess. No drugs. No money. No style. Room mate’s got an alibi. We’re just heading out to speak to his friends and teachers. Did Ducky have a more accurate time of death?”
“Between 1600 Sunday and 0400 Monday. Make sure to speak to Frannie McKenzie she’s Simpkins’ girlfriend. She’s the one the campus police identified as seeing him last. Call if you find anything.”
“She’ll be our first stop Boss.”
“No stopping to girl watch DiNozzo.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Got an address for Frannie McKenzie there McGee?”
“It’s in the missing persons report. She lives a block off campus in the Johnson heights apartment complex.”
“We’re starting there, she was the last to see Simpkins, officially.”
“Didn’t the police already talk to her?”
“They didn’t know he was dead McGoo. Now get in the car.”
“Tony, about my book-”
Tony cuts him off, “I’m buying a copy as soon as we finish here.”
“It’s not about you Tony. You are not Agent Tommy. Sarah was just trying to annoy me.”
“We’ll see. She seemed pretty confident of her facts to me.”
“Sarah has some… odd ideas about my books. Keeps insisting things I never wrote are clear as day about some of the characters. Turn here.”
“Let me do the talking here Elf Lord.”
“Can I start talking when she slaps you?” McGee asks as they get out of the car.
Tony shoots him a reasonable imitation of Gibbs’ glare. “Ms. McKenzie?”
“I’m Frannie McKenzie. How can I help you?”
“I’m special agent DiNozzo, this is special agent McGee. We’re from NCIS. I’m sorry to inform you that Kevin Simpkins is dead.”
She begins to cry, “What happened to him?”
“He was murdered.” Tony hands her a tissue, “We understand you were the last to see him. Did Kevin mention where he was going?”
“He was going to see Malcolm. That’s Malcolm Fry, his best friend. Malcolm’s enlisted in the Navy, Kev’s been spending a lot of time with him before he goes.”
“Do you know of anybody who’d want to hurt Kevin?”
“He has a long standing fight with Jimmy Lloyd in his dorm. Something about guitar practice at one AM, I sort of tune Kevin out when he starts to go on about it…” She looks guilty after this admission. “Kathleen Benson’s wished him dead a few times. They broke up before they started here but she keeps coming around. No one else I can think of.”
“Was Kevin into drugs, gambling, anything like that?”
“Nothing like that. Kev was a dedicated student, and a video game addict but what college boy isn’t?”
“Okay. Thank you Ms. McKenzie, you’ve been very helpful. If you think of anything else just give us a call.”

They find Malcolm Fry at a gym in town after being redirected there by his father. “I’m Special Agent Gibbs, this is Officer David. We need to speak with you Mr. Fry.”
“Have you found Kevin?”
“As a matter of fact we have,” Ziva offers carefully. “Mr. Simpkins is dead.”
“What happened to him?”
Gibbs steps in, “That’s what we’re investigating. When was the last time you saw him?”
“Thursday night. Kev and I have been working on my Charger for years, and just when we finished it I lost my chance at college and ended up enlisting in the Navy. We’ve been taking it out every chance we get. You know, reaping the benefits while we can.”
“Kevin’s mother mentioned that you’d planned to go to college together. Did it bother you that Kevin got to go and you didn’t?”
“A little, I suppose. He couldn’t have managed Chemistry without me. But if you’re suggesting I killed Kev you’re insane. He was the best friend I ever had. I don’ know what the hell I’m going to do without him.”
“You’re telling me in nine years you never once had a fight with Kevin Simpkins?”
“Of course we fought, we’re guys. Kev cleaned my clock when I beat him to the punch with Shelly Quinn. I beat the snot out of him when he let slip that I like Pride and Prejudice. We argued over whether sweat equity earned him partial custody of the charger. Normal stuff.”
“He’s got it all. A girl, a full scholarship, and a bright future. It must have burned you a little that on top of all that he wanted your car too.”
“I never once begrudged-”
He’s interrupted as a half dozen bullets shatter the window behind him. Gibbs quickly tackles him to the ground but is hit by not one but two bullets on they way down.
Ziva quickly calls for an ambulance as one of the trainers rushes over with a first aid kid. Neither wound is life threatening, a pair of grazes, one to the forearm and the other to the top of his shoulder. Still the paramedics insist he go to the hospital because of the blood loss and possibility of nerve damage.

“He what?!” Tony practically shouts. “Has anyone called Abbs?”
“No. I did not know how to tell her. They say he will be fine by the end of the week. They just want him to go home for rest of the day.”
“All right, take him to his place. I’ll get Abby and we’ll meet you there and take care of it. When we do you can get to work on this angle. Where‘s Fry?”
“The local police are transporting him to NCIS.”
“After you’ve talked to him make sure he’s got protection.”
McGee’s watching him with concern, “What’s happened?”
“Gibbs got himself shot. And he’s not listening to the doctor. I’m going to pick Abby up and let her emotionally blackmail him into doing as he’s told. You’ve seen the kind of sway she’s got over him. Keep going with the interviews on campus. I’ll meet you at the office when you’re done.”
“On it.” If Tony were in a better mood he might have laughed at the visible urge to add a “Boss” to that.
Instead he’s halfway to the car and speed dialing Abby’s lab. “Abbs honey, I need you to listen and stay calm, okay?”
“Tony what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”
“Our idiot is in the hospital. He’s fine. Never even a chance he wasn’t going to be okay. But he did have to have a transfusion and probably several stitches.”
“He’s okay? You’re sure?”
“He’ll be fine, I promise you Baby girl. If not I’d have to kill him myself, remember?”
“Okay. Where is he?”
“I’m coming to get you. Ziva is bringing him home. We’ll put him to bed, and force feed him his pain medication if we have to.”
“I am,” He promises and hangs up.
Upon Abby’s entrance to the car Tony pauses long enough to pull her into a tight hug before speeding away. “As much as I’m dying to see him you’ll need to go in alone when we get there. I have to run Ziva off. He wants to go back to work. You know how he is. He thinks he’s superman.”
“Not exactly. He knows he’s mortal. He just thinks everyone else is worth more. Because he’s an idiot.”
“Then it’s up to you and I to keep convincing him otherwise, isn’t it?”
In the silence that follows Abby settles her head on Tony’s shoulder and calls the director.
Abby goes directly to Gibbs’ room as Tony speaks to Ziva. “What happened?”
“We were interviewing Malcolm Fry when someone shot at us. It was a drive past. Gibbs was grazed on the forearm and shoulder.”
“Drive by,” Tony corrects absently. “Were they aiming at you or Fry? Could you tell?”
“They were not aiming at anyone specific. But if I had to make a deduction I would have to say they were attempting to harm Fry. His presence at that gym was a known part of his routine. We on the other hand were there by chance.”
Tony takes a considering breath before responding. “Makes sense. Head back to the office and start searching for reports containing Simpkins’ name. It sounds like he might have witnessed something and been killed to keep him quiet.” Despite himself he looks toward Gibbs’ room, “How concerned was the doctor?”
“I am not sure. He seemed rather upset that Gibbs wanted to head back to work.”
“Infuriating man.”
“Does he know?” At Tony’s blank look she continues, “Does your boyfriend know you’re in love with Gibbs?”
Tony barks out a mirthless laugh, “I’d say so.” He doesn’t wait to see if she understands, he just joins Abby in Gibbs’ room.
“I do not need to stay home baby girl. I’ll take the pain medication they gave me and I’ll be fine.”
“No, you’ll be passed out over your desk. I already told Madame Director you were going to stay at home and I meant it.”
“You what?” Gibbs asks just the slightest hint of outrage.
It‘s Tony that responds, “You’re not fucking superman. You’d be no good in the field on percocet and you know we don’t need you in the office running searches. So for once in your life just do as you’re damn well told Jethro.”
“Yes dear.”
“That’s it, just ‘yes dear?’”
“You both keep telling me I need to look after myself and we all know you can handle the team. I can spend one afternoon in bed if it will ease your minds. But I am going to work tomorrow.”
“Fair enough,” Tony concedes with a glance at Abby.
Gibbs falls asleep almost as soon as he’s settled, convincing Tony that they dosed him before signing him out. Which frankly he’s grateful for, he’s panicking enough over having outted them to Ziva without having to own up to it. It’s only a light doze so he and Abby agree with a look to wait it out.
Abby brings a water and the prescription bottle upstairs. She sits at the foot of the bed and while he slowly stirs, “So who’s hero were you being today Pop?”
“No one baby. It was a drive by, aimed at Fry. I just had the misfortune of being closest to the window.”
That placates her, “Then I guess there’s evidence waiting for me. Get some rest Pop.” She kisses his cheek and leaves the room.
“I’ll call when we have something,” Tony promises offering his own kiss goodbye before following her. Gibbs is out again before they’re out the door.

Half an hour later the landline in the house rings. Gibbs doesn’t really wake up at first, but answers the phone on autopilot. “I’m fine Honey buns.”
Fornell chuckles, “Honey buns huh? That what you’re calling the new redhead? So tell me a little about her.”
“Brunette this time, with the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen and legs up to here. Caring, loyal, funny, and strong enough to stand up to me.”
“Sounds like I might have to poach this one before you marry her.”
“Two major problems with that Tobias. You couldn’t if you tried and who said it was a ‘her’?”
“Really Jethro. I never would have pegged you for that kind of thing. Is that why you let three beautiful women get away?”
“No, it’s not. It’s why I’m not letting a beautiful man get away. Now unless Jenny Sheppard is blackmailing you this isn’t why you called.”
“You’re investigating the murder of Kevin Simpkins?”
“My team is.”
“I suppose asking you to back off won’t do any good?”
“Has it ever?”
“Simpkins is a civilian.”
“A naval dependant, killed on a naval base. No jurisdictional issue Tobias. Just send whatever you’ve got to DiNozzo.”
“Why would I send anything to DiNote-zoe?”
“Because I’m at home on pain killers and I promised my daughter I’d stay here tonight.”
“I heard about that. What is it Jethro, a midlife crisis? Claiming a daughter, new boyfriend. What next, a sports car?”
“No midlife crisis. Just settling down. And it was Abby who was keeping that a secret. She didn’t want people treating her like spun glass to avoid my wrath. And right now you’re tempting hers. I’m supposed to be sleeping.”
“Forget midlife crisis Jethro, you’re just plain getting old.”
“Blood loss Tobias. Now why do you have such a problem giving the case file to Tony?”
“Because then I’ll have officially handed it over.”
“Fine. Bring it here. Tony can pick it up later and I’ll read it over in the meantime.”
“Front door still unlocked?”
“Probably not. Abbs tends to lock it when she leaves. Just ring the bell when you get here.”

Abby clings to Tony until the elevator opens on her lab, “Thank you for taking me with you Tony. I needed to see him.”
“I know how scared you’ve been when any of us gets hurt since Kate was killed sweetheart. Now let’s figure out why some dumb ass decided to shoot up the front of a gym in broad daylight.”
“I’ll call the minute I’ve got something.”
“Please do. I don’t have your father’s clue e s p,” He kisses her forehead and hit’s the button to return to the bullpen.
Ziva gets up as soon as she sees him and pushes him back into the elevator. She of course hits the stop button, “Am I to understand that you are involved with Gibbs?”
Tony takes a fortifying breath and braces himself for one hell of a fight. “Yes I am. I have been for months.”
“What of rule twelve?”
“When have you ever known Gibbs to worry about breaking a rule, even one of his own, if he wants something?”
“What about you?”
“I love my job, but not enough to give him up.”
“You really are serious about him.”
“Completely. Now that you know what do you plan to do about it?”
“What would I do about it?”
“That depends. If you’re a friend you’ll keep your mouth shut. As I’ve said we’ve been together for months, it hasn’t effected our working relationship. If you’re not a friend, well I’m not going to go making suggestions.”
“I would not tell the director if that is what you are worried about. I meant what I said when I figured out that you are gay. I am glad you have found someone, and I do not understand the American obsession with and prudishness about sex. Also I am not blind about Jenny Sheppard’s interest in Gibbs.”
“Which complicates things. Any other director might be willing to work with us on finding a solution that would allow us to work together without any sort of conflict. I don’t know how Sheppard would react but I can‘t believe it would be good. Especially as she’s made no effort to hide her personal interest in Gibbs.”
“Do you call him that at home?” Ziva asks with a hint of interested laughter.
“Not that it’s really any of your business but I call him Jethro at home. It just wouldn’t do to let myself slip up here and get us caught, would it?” He restarts the elevator, “What’d you find concerning the drive by earlier?”
“I was able to recall a partial license plate number and have put out an BOLO. As for reports concerning either Kevin Simpkins or Malcolm Fry I was not able to locate anything. Perhaps one of them was a confidential informant.”
“Unless it was a first offense they made a very sweet deal on they aren’t a CI without an arrest record.”
“I am still looking into it.”
“Any word from McGee?” Tony asks as they reemerge into the bullpen.
“He called me to let me know Simpkins had a metro card a short time ago. He had three more interviews to complete and I sent Abby the information about the metro card.”
He nods and is interrupted by a phone call. When he’s done he shoots her a rueful look. “I need to brief the director on why Gibbs is out of commission. Wish me luck.”
“You do not need it.”
Tony doesn’t agree but makes his way upstairs with his head held high. “Afternoon Cynthia. Is she available?”
“She’s waiting for you Tony.”
He offers Cynthia a wan smile, “I know. If she kills me have Abby call my family, won’t you?”
Cynthia laughs, “You’re only the messenger Tony.”
“That’s a bad place to be milady,” Tony calls as he approaches the door.
“Special Agent DiNozzo. Please brief me on the status of your investigation.”
“We are currently completing our initial interviews with friends and associates of the deceased. During the interview of the victim’s best friend, a Malcolm Fry, at a local gym several shots were fired from a vehicle. No one was grievously harmed, but Gibb was grazed by two bullets. He required more than a dozen stitches and a transfusion so at the behest of his doctor and daughter he has gone home to get some rest. We have a BOLO out on the suspect vehicle in the drive by and are looking into theories linking the attempt on Fry and Simpkins death.”
“You will be keeping me informed Tony.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
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