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"What Had To Be Done"

-Chapter Ten-

Gibbs had just returned from his meeting with Fornell in the park, and now all he could do was wait for his friend to call him back with either a 'yay' or a 'nay'.

"Where's DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked as he entered the bullpen.

"We were actually wondering the same thing." McGee admitted from his desk.

"He took off a couple of hours ago, and hasn't been back since--he hasn't even checked in which is unusual for Tony." Ziva added.

"Try his cell phone again--if he doesn't answer--then try the hospital." Gibbs instructed Ziva.

Just then his own desk phone rang, and he answered it on the second ring, before he even had a chance to sit down in his chair.

"Gibbs-" he said, asnwering the phone. "What--Abby slow down. On my way." he said, as he hung up the phone and the spun on his heel and made a bee line for the elevator.

Gibbs strolled into Abby's lab a few minutes later where she was waiting anxiously for him.

"Gibbs! Gibbs finally, you made it." she said, rushing up to him, and then quickly spinning around and heading back to her workstation.

"Whatcha got?" he asked.

"I found something--but I don't think you're gonna like it." she informed him. "I just finished the 'shootout re-creation' like you asked and-"

"Put it up on the plasma." he said at once, as he headed around to where he could see the screen.

Abby did as she was told, and quickly punched a few keys on her console; and within just a few seconds the images flashed up onto the plasma screen. "With this CGI model I can accurately tell you where every bullet fired started from and where it ended up." she explained. "But one scenario in particular...bothers me."

She pushed the key on the console and the CGI re-creation film began to play. After a little bit she paused it.

Just then Ducky entered the lab. No one had really spoken to the older man since the events of the night before because he had specifically requested that he be left alone for a while to think and do his job without hindrance.

"Oh D-Ducky, I uh-" Abby stammered, not knowing whether it was a good idea that he be present for what she was doing just yet.

"Abs, whatcha waitin' for?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes, please. Don't mind me." Ducky said, quietly. "I'll just stand back here and wait."

Abby swallowed a lump in her throat, but then continued with her explanation.

This figure here--is Jimmy--but this figure here, I don't know, but from the reports there wasn't a gunman anywhere near this area--but this figure is clearly the one who shot Jimmy." Abby explained.

"Well it wasn't one of us." Gibbs replied. "Thinking over what he was seeing on the screen in front of him.

Behind them though, Ducky was deep in thought. His mind was racing a million miles per hour, and the memories of the night before vividly danced around in his head, until he saw what he was looking for--and suddenly his sadness was nearly over run by a suddens urge of anger and hatred.

"I-I know who it was." Ducky spoke quietly and slowly.


Suddenly without another word Ducky spun on his heel and left the lab.

"Duck!?" Gibbs called after his old friend.

"Sorry Jethro--I have 'Business' to attend to." he said as he rushed off.

Gibbs and Abby looked at each other quickly, and then Gibbs darted off after the older man.

Gibbs caught up with Ducky, and cut him off before he could go any further.

"Who was it Duck?" Gibbs asked quietly.

The two of them stood in silence for a few, long moments before Ducky spoke up. "H-Harrison." he finally admitted.

Suddenly Gibbs' cell phone rang, and he answered on the first ring, without taking his eyes away from Ducky.


"Boss. We found Tony." McGee said over the phone.

"On my way." Gibbs replied. He then snapped his cell phone shut, and stowed it away back in his pocket. "Come with me." he said, putting his arm around Ducky and leading him back towards Abby's lab.

Gibbs stepped off of the elevator and quickly rounded the corner into the bullpen. "Where is he?" Gibbs asked.

McGee looked from Gibbs to Ziva, and then back again. He swallowed a lump in his throat, thought briefly about the words that he was about to say--and then finally spoke.

"He's on his way to the hospital." McGee informed Gibbs and Ziva.

--End of McGee's FLASHBACK #1--

Everyone, by now, had filed back into the courtroom, settled back into their seats once again, and the judge had called everything back into order with a few taps of his gavel against the bench.

Tony was back on the stand, once again, continuing his story from where he had previously left off.

"I got the call from Congressman Harrison, and left as soon as the conversation ended." Tony explained.

"And where did you go, Agent DiNozzo, after you left NCIS HQ?" Prosecutor Franklin asked, plainly.

"I went to the King's Cross motel, which by the way is one of those nice, two-story motels," Tony explained, answering the prosecutor's question.

"And why, pray tell, did you go to the 'King's Cross Motel'?"

Tony inhaled a deep breath, and then let it out. "To confront the bastard." he mumbled, hoping that no one would hear what he was saying.

"I'm sorry, Agent DiNozzo, could you repeat that last part, please?" the prosecutor asked, with a slight smirk.

"I said...I went there to confront the man..."

--Tony's FLASHBACK #2--

By the time Tony pulled up into the parking lot at the 'King's Cross Motel' it had, in fact, started to rain. He put the car in park, and then turned it off. He reached across the empty passenger seat and opened up the glove compartment.

Inside he fetched out his Badge, his Gun, and the slip of paper on which he had written down the room number for the room that the Congressman was staying at.

He exited the car, and quickly made his way over to a nearby overhang--though he did get a little wet along the way--he still remained relatively dry.

He stowed his side-arm into its holster at his hip, along with his shield, and then made his way towards a nearby staircase. The room that the Congressman had rented was room number '28' which was up on the second level.

He walked up the stairs and followed the numbers on the doors until he reached number '28', and then he knocked. On the other side of the door there were sounds of locks being unlocked and bolts being unbolted. Then finally the door opened.

"Special Agent DiNozzo," Harrison said greeting the man with a handshake at the door. "Knew you'd see things my way...though I am a little surprised that you came around so quickly."

"What can I say? I Guess I just know when I'm beat." Tony replied. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards the inside of the motel room.

"Oh sure, sure." Harrison said, moving out of the way so that Tony could come inside.

Harrison then closed the door behind them, and then turned and walked over towards the room's single Chest-of-Drawers.

"Drink?" he asked, picking up a bottle of what appeared to be Scotch off of the dresser.

"No thanks. Never drink on the job." Tony replied, waving the offer.

"Suit yourself." Harrison said, pouring himself a drink anyway.

"So lets talk shop. Shall we?" Tony said, cutting to the chase.

"Yes, Yes. Lets." Harrison said in agreement.

"You'll be paid hansomely for your part, of course." Harrison explained, between sips of Scotch. "And your 'sweetheart' gets to stay in this country."

Tony gritted his teeth, but kept it hidden as best as he could manage. "Good."

"Just--tell me what I have to do." Tony insisted quietly.

"We need the investigation shut down--immediately." Harrison explained. "We had a 'similar' situation with the FBI recently, and we were able to handle that one a little more 'gracefully'." Harrison continued to explain. "This 'thing' with NCIS has been anything BUT 'graceful'; however, though it is regrettable that we even conceived
of that horrible shootout at the party--we feel that just a few minor steps in the 'Right' direction will soon rectify all that."

"Wouldn't you agree Agent DiNozzo?"

"Sure." Tony replied. "And can I assume that the 'situation' concerning the FBI had something to do with 'Zena-Corp'--Right?"

"Very good, Agent DiNozzo. I see you've done your homework."

"Well, I learned from the best." Tony replied, referring of course to his long-time mentor Jethro Gibbs.

"I see." Harrison replied, taking another sip of Scotch from the glass that he held in his hand. "Well, suffice it to say, our greatest hurdle may be your Boss--Special Agent Jethro Gibbs--but if worse comes to worse we'll have a bullet ready for him."

Tony only nodded.

"Now, Tony--Can I call you Tony?--Let me tell you something about 'Zena-Corp'. With funding/backing from, shall we say 'Higher Powers', my company has been developing what amounts to the most powerful new asset to, well, any country's arsenal." Harrison explained.

"And what's that--I mean ICBMs are already all the rage." Tony replied jokingly.

"Well, lets just say NO ONE has EVER seen anything like MY MISSILES." Harrison replied, with a chuckle and a cruel smirk.

Tony nodded. It was all becoming much, much clearer by the minute.

"But," Harrison said, clearing his throat. "My missiles are equipped with the latest in guidance technology--as well as a newly-designed 'Smart-Tech' program."

A few moments later the door opened and Tony stepped back outside, after having shaken the Congressman's hand once again. Tony turned and headed back towards the stairs.

He pulled out his cellphone, flipped it open, and then dialed a number as he walked. A voice answered, it was female, and then Tony began speaking into the phone. "Timothy McGee's desk, please." he said into the phone.

"Okay. One moment please sir." the voice replied.

Harrison's door opened up, at that moment, and Harrison stepped out carrying a 9mm pistol w/ silencer attached.

"Close the phone." Harrison said slowly.

Tony stopped in his tracks at the edge of the deck, right next to the stairs. He thought for a second, and then did as he was told.

"Now throw it aside," Harrison instructed him.

Tony did as he was told.

"Now put your hands up--in the air."

Tony complied with Harrison's instructions.

"You didn't actually think I was going to just let you leave--did you?" Harrison said, quietly.

"You knew?" Tony asked, quietly and not really surprised.

"From the moment you stepped through my door; but I couldn't very well do anything while you were still in my room, now could I?"

Tony shook his head. "Guess not."

"I mean you said it yourself, right, you learned from the best." Harrison pointed out. "And I'm assuming you were referring to Agent Gibbs--am I right?"

"Gibbs IS the best." Tony said, gritting his teeth.

"Well, I will try to reason with him--every man has his price you see, except you of course--and perhaps replacing you won't be a problem." Harrison explained. "However, if I should fail, he'll need replacing as well." Harrison gave a small chuckle at that.

"Gibbs can't be bought." Tony informed Harrison through gritted teeth.

"Can I just ask one thing?" Tony asked. His hand(s) were beginning to twitch a little, ready to go for his gun as soon as the right opportunity presented itself. "When you said 'Higher Powers'--were you referring to the Pres. of The United States of America?" Tony asked, hesitantly.

"Oh no dear boy," Harrison chuckled. "That 'JOKE'...he doesn't have the damndest clue what's about to happen." Harrison smiled an evil, crooked little smile as he said the words.

Just then a nearby motel room door opened up, and a young woman stepped outside with her dog. "What the-" she started to say, upon seeing Harrison pointing a gun at Tony's back.

Harrison turned the gun on the young woman and squeezed the trigger twice, dropping her dead right where she stood. "Sorry my dear."

Tony tried to seize the opportunity, he drew his Sig out, and started to spin around towards Harrison; but Harrison was faster and managed to pull off one shot, which hit Tony before he could do anything else.

The force of the impact from the shot knocked Tony off balance, and caused him to stagger backwards--and right before Harrison's eyes Tony tumbled over the side of the railing and fell downwards--smashing into the windshield of a car setting just below them. This set off the car's 'car alarm' which jolted Harrison into a frenzy.

--End of Tony's FLASHBACK #2--

Tony now was in tears on the stand. "He killed that poor girl...just-just shot her, point blank, and--he killed her and...and I couldn't stop him."

--McGee's FLASHBACK #2--

The team rushed to the hospital where Tony had been transported to as quickly as they could. They arrived in a frenzy, and were met by a doctor in the hallway just outside of the E.R.

"Where is he?" Gibbs asked first, looking around past the doctor standing in front of him--hoping to catch a glimpse of his Senior Field Agent.

"He's--he's--calm down--everyone calm down first." The doctor instructed everyone.

"Okay, that's better." he said, once everyone finally stopped jumping around in a frenzy--well for the most part anyway.

"Where is he?" Gibbs asked again.

"Well his injuries aren't good, and its miracle that he's still alive at this point, but we are doing everything that we can." the doctor explained.

"When can we see him?" Ziva asked, beating Abby to the punch.

"Right now he's being prepped for emergency surgery--and until he comes out of that--we won't know much else." the doctor explained, with a sigh.

Abby turned, quickly, and buried herself in McGee's shoulder as the tears came out in a rush. McGee patted her on the back, whispering to her, and doing his best to console her.

"We did find this on him when he came in." the doctor added, as he held up a plastic bag that contained a mini-tape recorder with a couple of wires sprouting from it.

Gibbs took the bag from the doctor, and examined it for a brief moment. "Thanks."

--End of McGee's FLASHBACK #2--

--Ziva's FLASHBACK #1--

Several hours had passed since they'd originally arrived at the hospital, and now Tony was 'stable for the moment'--as the doctors had called it--and had been moved to ICU recently.

Ziva sat at his bedside, one of his hands held in her own, tear stains still hung against her cheeks as she sat there staring at the man she loved--hooked up to a bunch of machines almost as if he himself WERE a machine.

"Tony, if-if you can hear me," she whispered over the sounds of the machines that he was hooked up to. "I know I've never, actually, said this before now, but--I--I--I love you." she whispered, as she kissed the back of his hand. "You told me that you would not say it, until I said it--so there I said it," she whispered, looking up at his expressionless face. "N-Now its your turn. Its your turn Tony."

Gibbs stood in a stall in the hospital bathroom. He was listening to the tape that was inside the mini-tape recorder. He had decided to listen to it now, rather than waiting until they returned to the office. He was curious as to what had happened that caused Tony to end up in critical condition in a hospital ICU.

"...and perhaps replacing you won't be a problem." the voice on the tape-recorder said.

Gibbs listened intently to every word that was said, and every noise/sound that was made--big or small in did not matter--he took in everything that the recording offered up to him.

"...Gibbs can't be bought..." he heard Tony's voice say. And then came the gun shots, the car-alarm, and then finally--silence.

A tear rolled down Gibbs' cheek as he stood there in that stall clutching that mini-tape recorder in his hands. He sank backwards, down, onto the toilet seat where he sat, and just stared at the floor--a million thoughts running through his mind all at once.

Abby, Ducky, and McGee were waiting out in the hall for their turn to go in and see Tony. The doctors had not been willing to bend their 'one visitor at a time' rule for anyone--not even for a group of Federal Agents.

Gibbs came around the corner and immediately motioned for Ducky to follow him to the side for a moment. Ducky followed.

"What was on the tape?" Ducky asked, solemnly.

"Not important." Gibbs said quietly.

"Not important!?" Ducky gasped. After that is was all just ranting and raving like a mad-man for the aging M.E.

"Duck." Gibbs said finally.

Ducky finally calmed back down, and was able to let Gibbs finish.

"I just got off the phone with Fornell." Gibbs explained. "He can't get through either. The Director of the FBI is suppressing us there too."

"Why?" Ducky asked, now genuinely curious.

"This whole scandal starts higher up than we originally thought." Gibbs explained. "I also spoke to Vance. He says he's being pushed to shut down OUR investigation as well--someone's hiding something."

Ducky sighed.

"What are we going to do about it?" Ducky asked, somewhat reluctantly.

"Nothing. This is something I need to do alone Duck." Gibbs said, quietly.

"The rest of the team need alibis." he explained. "You have connections--connections that no one else knows about," Gibbs pointed out. "I need you to protect THEM." Gibbs said, referring to the rest of his team.

Gibbs and Ducky hugged, for what they felt might be the very last time, and Gibbs turned to leave.

"Jethro," Ducky called after Gibbs quietly. "I won't fail again--I promise."

Gibbs just gave a lop-sided, knowing grin.

He walked back out to where everyone else was sitting in the hallway. "McGee, Abby. Come with me."

"But Boss, what about-" McGee started to say, but then he stopped because he knew that there was no use in arguing with Jethro Gibbs.

Abby followed her silver-haired boss obediently as he walked down the hallway.

In the car on the way back to NCIS HQ Gibbs outlined the tasks that he had in mind for McGee and Abby. He did not dare tell them any of his other thoughts about what he was about to do, or what the ramifications might be--just for him alone.

"McGee." Gibbs had said. "You're gonna do something for me--no for Tony--and if you refuse...neither he nor I will hold it against you."

"Just tell me what it is Boss." McGee replied quietly, thinking of his friend lying in a hospital bed in a coma that he might never recover from.

"I need you to hack the FBI--I need access to all of the files that are linked to our investigation...they've been suppressed from everyone else." Gibbs explained.

"You got it Boss."

"Abby," Gibbs said, turning his attention to the young Goth Forensic Specialist riding in the front, passenger seat of his car right now.


"I need something from evidence storage." He explained. "From Kate's last case..." he added, his voice trailing off as he remembered Kate Todd's last case with NCIS all those years ago.

Abby knew, almost instantly, what her boss was referring to, and she made it clear--without making it clear to McGee--that she understood completely.

.........To Be Continued in Part Five.........
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