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Author's Warning: This chapter will contain spanking of an adult.

Save Me From Myself

The early morning sunlight spilled in through the open kitchen windows, the strong scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the room. He was sitting at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee warming his hands as he allowed his mind to drift, thoughts of his fallen agent and lover tainting the otherwise beautiful morning.  He could hear his cell phone chirping happily from the next room and the very sound irritated him to no end. Lowering his cup of coffee to the table, he pushed himself to his feet and stalked out of the kitchen, plucking the device from the table.

"What?" He barked as he flipped it open, in no mood for pleasantries.

"That's no way to answer the phone," Abby greeted brightly, the smile evident in her voice. "How did he do last night?"

"Don't know. He's still sleeping," Gibbs responded, his tone clipped as he made his way back into the kitchen, checking the clock on the stove.

"I'm on my way over," she promised, as if reading his mind. "Timmy and Ziva are on their way to work but I thought I'd spend the day with Tony. He's going to need some new clothes anyway and I thought it would be best if he wasn't left alone on his first day."

"He'll be fine, Abby. The house is secure. He's not goin' anywhere."

"It has nothing to do with that. I just think he'd feel more comfortable if he had someone there with him while you were at work."

"You can't babysit him all the time. He's gonna have to get used to being alone during the day sooner or later."

"Well, I'd rather it be 'later' than today," she responded and he could practically hear her rolling her eyes at him.

"Suit yourself. You clear it with Jenny?"

"I have plenty of leave time saved up. The Director told me to take as much as I need."

"You won't need much."

"I'll take as much as I need to make him feel comfortable."

"You'll take today to get him situated and that's it," he growled.

"Gibbs, you can't seriously expect--"

"I can and I do expect it, Abby. You asked me to get him trained for you and that's what I intend to do. But I can't do that if you're gonna baby him."

He heard her sigh heavily before she spoke again. "Fine. Just today then."

"Just today," he repeated, taking a long drink of his coffee, closing his eyes as it burned its way down his throat. "How much longer you think you're gonna be?"

"I'm going to stop by the bakery and grab something for breakfast. Maybe another ten minutes or so?"

"I'll have him up and ready."

"You can let him sleep a little longer."

Gibbs grunted in response before hanging up the phone. There was no use in arguing with the stubborn young woman. He knew from previous experience that she had to have the last word and that she'd continue to go one for hours if he let her. Setting his coffee down on the counter again, he made dropped the phone onto the table before he made his way up the stairs. Pausing outside of Tony's room, he took a deep breath before opening the door, surprised when he didn't see the young man in the still neatly made bed.

He scanned the room quickly, relieved when he noticed all the windows were still firmly shut. "Tony?" He called out as he stepped into the room, a million possible scenarios already running through his head. Was it possible that the young man had managed to sneak out of the secured bedroom? Abby would never forgive him for this.

He'd just turned to leave the room when he caught sight of a single foot sticking out from behind the bed. Furrowing his brow, he stepped closer, releasing a sigh of relief when he found the young man.  He was curled up as much as his height would allow, using the thin sheet as a makeshift pillow on the hard floor. Running a hand over his face, he crouched down near the man's head, reaching out to touch his shoulder lightly.


The slave jerked away from the touch and was awake almost immediately. His hazel eyes were wild with fear as he pushed himself into a kneeling position, his head lowered to his chest as he trembled.

"S... sorry. I slept too long. I'm sorry."

Years in the military had allowed him to keep his face impassive, though he looked more relaxed than he actually felt.  "What are you doing sleeping on the floor?" The question was meant to be asked casually, but there was a slight bite in his tone and he wasn't unsurprised when Tony flinched.


"The floor. What the hell are you doing down there?"

"I... I..." He trailed off, swallowing hard.

"On your feet," Gibbs commanded. He waited patiently until Tony pushed himself to his feet, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"I'm s... sorry." he stammered. "Sir," he added as an afterthought.

Gibbs narrowed his eyes briefly before he spoke. "Look at me," he commanded.

Flinching again at the tone of the older man's voice, Tony kept his eyes on the floor, unable to bring himself to look up. A strangled cry escaped him when the silver haired man reached out, gripping his chin lightly as he forced his head up.

"You will not disobey me, Tony. When I tell you to do something, I expect you do it the first time. I should not have to ask more than once."

"Y... yes sir."

"Good. You're not to sleep on the floor again. I gave you a room with a bed for a reason and I expect you to use it. You're not an animal who's not allowed on the furniture. You understand me?"

"I'd rather get used to it now than have to readjust later... sir," the younger man replied stubbornly, his hazel eyes hardening for just a moment.

"Nobody's gonna make you sleep on the floor. Not here and not when you're with Abby."

Tony didn't respond, though he breathed a sigh of relief when Gibbs released his chin, allowing him to look away from those hard blue eyes. "Will I get to see her today?" He asked tentatively.

"She's on her way over. Take a couple of minutes and get yourself together. I want you downstairs in five."

"Yes sir."

Stepping out of the bedroom, Gibbs pulled the door closed behind him to give the young man a little privacy. Though he didn't approve of Abby attempts to coddle Tony, he had to admit to himself that he was relieved he wouldn't be alone.

Walking downstairs into the kitchen, he had hardly had an opportunity to refill his coffee mug before he heard a thump at his front door followed by a yelp that he knew was Abby's. He chuckled to himself, having forgotten that he locked his door the night before when Tony had gone to bed, just in case he managed to get out of the bedroom. He made his way over to the door and unlocked it, swinging it open to reveal the Goth standing on the porch rubbing her nose.

"Gibbs! Your door is locked!"

"Yeah," he responded with a roll of  his eyes as the young woman entered the house.

"Your door is never locked," she accused, setting the bag of pastries on the counter.

Gibbs nodded. "I know, Abs. Though if you'll remember correctly, I do have a new guest. He's known to be a flight risk."

"Oh my God! Did he try to leave?" Abby cried, her eyes wide as she turned back to face Gibbs.

"No. He didn't try to leave. Or if he did, he didn't succeed."

"Oh thank God. I was so concerned that he'd try to take off again, though I really don't think he will. He's wary of us, but I think he believed me when I told him he could trust us. I hope he did, anyway." A slight frown crossed her dark lips before she shook the thought away, offering him a smile. "Donut?" She offered, shaking the bag at him.

"Donuts, Abs? He should be eating healthy food, not that sugar filled crap."

"You're one to talk, Mr. Diabetes-in-a-cup," she mocked, sticking her tongue out at him quickly. "Besides, he's too thin, Gibbs. A donut for breakfast isn't going to hurt anything."

"This from the woman who drinks between 3 and 5 Caf-Pow!'s a day," the silver-haired man snorted, crossing his arms over his chest while she took the donuts out of the bag. "And you stick your tongue out at me again, it'll be the last time you have control of it," he said, cocking an eyebrow at the younger woman and flashing her a slight grin when her eyes widened.

She was about to open her mouth with the intention of replying when she heard Tony's light footfalls on the stairs. Looking over at him, she smiled brightly. "Good morning, Tony. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes ma'am," he said happily, a smile on his face as he knelt in front of her. She reached out to scratch his head affectionately when Gibbs growled in warning, narrowing his eyes at the young man.

"On your feet," Gibbs demanded, pulling him off the ground. "I will tell you when kneeling is necessary."

"Yes, sir," Tony replied quietly, his eyes darkening.

Abby glanced over at the older man and frowned slightly. "Gibbs..."

Gibbs shot her a stern look and her frown deepened before she looked back to Tony. "Would you like a donut? I got all types when I stopped at the bakery on the way over."

Tony nodded, his bright smile returning. "Yes, please ma'am."

"No ma'am today, Tony. Just Abby, okay?" She grinned, passing him a plate. "Go on, sit down at the table."

"But I...I really shouldn't..."

"Come on," she said, noting his hesitancy. Patting the chair next to her at the table, she didn't miss the way he looked between herself and Gibbs quickly before accepting the seat closest to her. "You should get going, Gibbs. We'll be fine here."

The older man grunted, leaning over and pressing a kiss to the Goth's cheek. "I'll be home around 1700. I expect you'll be back by then."

"We'll be here," she promised, waving him off.

"Don't give Abby any trouble today," Gibbs warned, ignoring the woman's irritated snort.

"Yes sir," Tony mumbled, his eyes fixed on the wooden table.

"You need anything, you call. I can be here in ten."

"We'll be fine," Abby insisted with a roll of her eyes. Plucking a donut from the bag, she handed it to the nervous young man at her side before grabbing one for herself.

She waited patiently for the sound of the front door closing behind Gibbs before she spoke. "You're going to need some clothes," she mused out loud. "We'll just start with the essentials now so we don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe when we get you back to a healthy weight."

"I get clothes?"

"Of course you do," she laughed. "You won't need them too often when you come home with me, of course," she teased, an impish smirk on her face. "But we can't just send you out in public naked. No matter how nice your body is. That'll be for my eyes only."

"When do I get to come home with you? I don't like him," he said quietly, just in case the silver haired man hadn't actually left.

Dropping her half eaten donut on the plate, she reached over, rubbing his scalp affectionately. "I know he's hard to get used to," she said, all traces of amusement gone from her voice, "but you're in good hands with him."

"I'd rather be with you."

"And you will be. As soon as I get approval from the Council, I'll bring you home. I promise."

He didn't respond, though his frown darkened as he picked at the pastry on his plate.

"Tony," she frowned. "Please just give him a chance. Whatever your previous masters were like, I promise you that Gibbs is as far from that as you can imagine."

"That's what they've all said, Abby," he responded quietly. "May I be excused? I'm not feeling so hungry anymore."

"You have to eat. Please... For me."

He crossed his arms over his chest, never lifting his gaze though he watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye. After a moment, her shoulders slumped in defeat as she stood, grabbing the plates.

"Okay..." she said, forcing a smile. Leaning over, she pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "I'll just clean this up. We'll go shopping in a bit. You get to pick lunch...
Maybe you'll be feeling hungry by then, hmm?"

He watched her go, a triumphant smile forming on his face despite his best attempt to hide it. The man would not be easy. But Abby would.


The squad room was quiet as his agents worked silently as they had for the majority of the day. Lifting the cup of coffee to his lips, Gibbs took a long sip, closing his eyes as he savored the strong liquid.

It had been a slow day, though for once, he found that he didn't mind. To his right, Abby's Israeli was working diligently on cold cases, a task usually reserved for days such as these when they had nothing pressing to occupy their time. It was a tedious job, poring over older files, looking for answers that simply were not there. It was Ziva's least favorite task, though today, she'd taken it on without so much as a peep. 

Across the bullpen, McGee sat hunched over his computer, his eyes scanning the monitor in front of him. Usually, the eager young man helped Ziva work through the stack of cold files, his never ending patience balancing the short temper of the Mossad Assassin. Today though, Gibbs had him working on something else.
Despite the fact that he had limited information from Alan on the young man currently taking up space in his home, he had the luxury of having a certified, self proclaimed 'computer nerd' at his disposal and he planned to use him to help fill in the blanks on the skittish slave. After leaving McGee with just the first and last name Alan had grudgingly provided after the ordeal at the Capital House, the young man went to work on an in-depth background check, intent on digging up the things that even Tony wouldn't know was buried.


"McGee?" Gibbs sighed, looking over at the younger man.

"I think I found something."

"Well, you gonna tell me or are you just gonna stare at it all day?"

McGee blushed slightly, pressing a few keys on his computer, sending the information on his screen to the large plasma."He's 27 years old, born in Long Island, grew up around there and New York City before moving to DC when he was 21 when his father, a CEO of a large banking company, disowned him."

"He found out his son was to be Marked. Probably was embarrassed," Gibbs frowned. He couldn't understand parents who refused to accept their children after they were Marked, despite the fact that they had no choice in the matter. It was something that the state decided.

"The whole process is before his father's time, Boss. The man is nearly 60 now." McGee explained, pulling up another screen. "He's run away at least another 3 times that have been documented, claiming abuse each time, only having one of the claims actually checked out. Two out of the three times were when he was with his second Master. The Council didn't see it fit to investigate the man, deciding instead that Tony was just full of it."

"Lemme guess. Wealthy Master his second time around, huh?"

"Looks like it," McGee frowned. "His previous Masters let him hold down a job though. Was with the Baltimore Police Department for nearly 4 years before he quit with no notice just over a year ago."

"6 months before he ran again."


"Well, while this is all very interesting, do you think it is possible that McGee can help me with the cold cases? You have all the information you need on Abby's new boy souvenir, yes?"

"Toy, Ziva. Boy toy," McGee corrected.

"Yes, that too. Though it does not matter if he is a toy or a souvenir. The point is, he is a collectible that is meant to replace the both of us!"

"Ziva," Gibbs said, shooting the Israeli a warning glance.

She narrowed her eyes, a scowl darkening her pretty face. "Abby is not here. You can not punish me."

"Wanna bet? I've got an empty interrogation room downstairs I've got no problem using."

She paled slightly. "A... Abby would not allow it."

"I don't answer to Abby."

For a moment, she looked as though she wanted to say something, but after a pointed glare from McGee, she dropped her gaze to the files on her desk, her teeth clenched in an effort to hold her tongue. Though she couldn't quite believe that Gibbs would take it upon himself to punish her, especially on a day when Abby was not present, she really did not want to test the theory.

Smirking in satisfaction, Gibbs turned back to the plasma, his eyes scanning the information on the screen. He knew his boy had beaten and abused; that was not news to him, though the confirmation of it made his gut twist uncomfortably. He, much like Abby, had no tolerance for people who treated those with the Mark as anything less than human.

After a moment, he turned his attention to McGee and gave him a curt nod of
approval. "Help Ziva with the cold cases. I'll be back in awhile."

"Where are you going?" Ziva asked, her face set in another scowl.

"Last time I checked, I didn't answer to you, Officer David," Gibbs pointed out as he grabbed his nearly empty cup of coffee from his desk.

She watched him go with narrowed eyes before she turned her attention back to McGee, tossing a file in his direction. "You are a traitor, McGee!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"You are assisting the enemy!"

"Since when is Gibbs the enemy?"

"Since he agreed to help Abby replace us!"

"She's not going to replace us, Ziva," McGee responded, fighting to keep from rolling his eyes. The young woman had been out of sorts all week despite his best attempts to assure her that they were not being replaced. He'd gone through something similar when Abby had informed him, nearly a year ago, that she planned on taking Ziva in though he liked to think he wasn't quite as distressed about it.

"She may not replace you," she said moodily as she dropped her gaze to her desk once more. "But that is because everyone knows that you are her favorite. Do you think the Director would allow me to stay on once Abby turns me over to the Council?"

"Ziva," McGee sighed, his exasperation evident in his voice, "Abby isn't going to turn you over to the Council. She's not going to get rid of you just because she's got Tony. Besides, you never know. Maybe Gibbs will decide to keep him for himself."

"You think I am being silly," she observed.

"Of course I do. I can understand your concern, but you've been with Abby long enough now to know that it's not justified."

"Perhaps you are right," she conceded, chewing thoughtfully on her lip. Perhaps her concerns over being replaced were not justified, though one thing was certain: she would not sit by and let it happen. At least not without putting up a good fight first.


"I think this is everything," Abby announced as she lifted the back of the hearse, offering Tony a bright smile as he took the bags from her hands. "Is there anything else you can think of that you might need?"

"No ma'am," he responded as he placed the last bag in the back of the car.

"Good," she grinned, closing the hatch as she reached for him, linking her arm through his. "I was thinking that we could pick dinner up on the way home. To surprise Gibbs. Anything in particular you're hungry for? You didn't eat much at lunch."

"I don't think that we're going to have time to stop for anything, Abby. He said we had to be home by 1700 hours."

"Right, but it's only 4:45!"

He smirked, pulling the passenger side door open. "You aren't very familiar with military time, are you?"

"I hear them using it at work, but no, not really. It's too confusing."

"1700 hours is five pm. We have fifteen minutes to make it home."

She frowned momentarily before she offered him a casual shrug. "It's a half an hour drive. We're going to be late anyway, so we might as well pick up dinner."

"But... I don't... what if..." Tony swallowed hard, his face paling slightly. He'd had an enjoyable day with the woman, and for awhile, he'd allowed himself to forget the Mark that stood out prominently behind his ear, but the thought of angering the older man was all the reminder he needed. Abby might not be concerned about angering Gibbs, but he was.

Sensing his  apprehension, Abby allowed her fingers to trail down his arm reassuringly before she gripped his hand. "It's okay, Tony," she assured him. "He was giving us... more of a guideline than anything. It's not going to hurt if we're a few minutes late. Besides, if anyone gets in trouble, it'll be me. So don't worry, huh?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble either," he muttered, dropping his eyes to the pavement.

"You will not concern yourself with this," she commanded quietly. "Okay? You let me handle him when we get back. You've had a good day, haven't you?"

"Of course."

"Then you won't allow this to ruin it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good boy," she smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Now come on. What are you hungry for? Pizza again? You liked that last night, right?" She waited until he slid into the passenger seat before she closed the door behind him, missing the frown that darkened his face.


He paced angrily in the living room, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He'd told Abby that he expected her home by 1700, though nearly an hour had passed since her deadline and he hadn't seen neither hide nor hair of her. A million different scenarios ran through his mind, the majority of them involving the unpredictable young man he'd left in her care.

Pausing at the sound of tires against the gravel outside, he stalked over to the window and pulled the curtain back, his eyes narrowing at the sound of Abby's laughter. A low growl escaped him as he sank down on the couch, grabbing the boat building magazine from the coffee table in an attempt to appear unconcerned.

He kept his gaze trained on the magazine in his hands as he heard the front door opening, though his jaw was clenched in irritation.

"Gibbs?" The Goth called, a bright smile on her face as she stepped into the living room, pizza in hand. "Sorry. I know I'm a little later than you expected, but we stopped and picked up dinner on the way home."

"What time did I ask you to be here, Abby?"

Her smile faltered momentarily when she heard the anger in his voice. "1700. But Gibbs, it really wasn't fair for you to ask me to be home then because you know I'm no good with military time."

"It's basic math! You're a scientist for Christ's sake! You're telling me you can't remember to subtract twelve?" He asked as he pushed himself to his feet, dropping the magazine to the table. "How do you expect me to train him," he asked, nodding his head to Tony, "when you disobey me? What kind of example is that setting?"

"I'm sorry," she muttered, dropping her eyes to the floor. "I'm sorry."

"And you might not know military time, but he should. Most police agencies use that, don't they Tony?"

The younger man was silent, his face pale as he refused to meet Gibbs' cold gaze.

"He does. He tried to warn me, but I insisted that we stop. It's not his fault."

"Go put the pizza in the kitchen, and then I want the two of you back in here. I'm not letting this one go, Abby. Not when you just completely disregarded the direct order I gave you."


"Do not argue with me," he warned, narrowing his eyes at her.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "Yes sir," she mumbled.

Tony stood in the doorway, his heart pounding in his chest as Abby brushed passed him, heading for the kitchen. He'd warned her that this would happen, though she'd paid him no mind. While he wasn't particularly afraid of her, despite the fact that she was his Mistress, he wasn't too sure about the old man. She'd promised him time and again that Gibbs wouldn't hurt him, wouldn't abuse him like his previous Master's had, though he wasn't quite sure he believed that.

Walking back over to the couch, Gibbs sank down on the cushions, waiting patiently for the young woman to return. "You know I don't like having to punish you, Abby," he reminded her as she stepped back into the living room, her dark lips turned down in a frown.

"I know."

"And I don't like it that you've gotten Tony in trouble on his first day either."

"You aren't going to punish him too, are you? Gibbs, it was my fault! He tried to get me to come straight home and I didn't listen!"

"Abby, it's fine," Tony muttered under his breath. "Don't make it any worse... please," he pleaded.

"He should have tried harder to persuade you."

"But Gibbs! Please! I'll take his punishment for him!"

Cocking an eyebrow at the younger woman, Gibbs gave her a curt nod. "If you're sure."

"I am," she said bravely.

"You don't have to do that," Tony said quickly, frowning at the raven-haired woman.

"Yes I do. I promised you that you wouldn't get in trouble tonight and I meant it. It's not fair for you to be punished because of me."

"It's going to be six swats on the ass for you and six for him. One for every ten minutes you were late. You sure you want to take his punishment?" Gibbs asked.

"I'm sure," she responded with a slight nod of her head.

"Come on then. Let's get this over with."

Tony watched in horror as the young woman crossed the room, settling herself across his lap. She was facing away from him, but he could see the tension in her shoulders as she gripped the couch cushion, preparing for the punishment that was to come.

"You'll watch, Tony. This will serve as a reminder of what happens when you disobey me."

"Abby, you shouldn't be doing this!" Tony tried, his hazel eyes wide as he watched Abby lower her head to the cushions.

"You will not try to interfere," Gibbs warned. "She's agreed to take this punishment. Should you try to stop me in anyway, I'll double it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Abby," he tried again, ignoring the older man.

"It was my fault we were late, Tony. I'm okay with this."

"I asked you if I made myself clear, Tony. Do you understand that you will not--"

"Yes!" He growled, his eyes flashing angrily.

"You'll change your tone if you expect to walk out of this living room without a sore ass," Gibbs warned, narrowing his eyes. "You stay where you are and just watch." Turning his attention back to Abby, he reached over, brushing a lock of her black hair out of her face. "Are you ready?"

"Yes sir," she responded quietly, though even from where he stood, Tony could hear the slight tremble in her voice. He could feel his stomach clench painfully as the sound of Gibbs' hand collided with Abby's bottom reverberated through the living room. A loud gasp escaped the young woman as she gripped the cushions tighter in her hands, tears filling her eyes.

By the third swat, she was writhing against the older man's leg, her breath coming out in short, ragged spurts.

"You're hurting her!" Tony roared as he took a step toward the pair, ignoring the angry look that Gibbs threw his way.

"You stay where you are," the older man commanded, bringing his hand down for a fourth blow.

"Tony, please," Abby pleaded, her voice thick with tears. "Please just stay back."

The fifth, sixth and seven swats very nearly sent the younger man over the edge as he watched helplessly. She'd willingly given herself to this in an effort to protect him, though he was positive that standing by while it happened was more painful than accepting the blows would have been.

By the time he delivered the ninth smack, Tony had had enough. He crossed the room quickly, his hands clenched into fists at his side. Ignoring Gibbs' words of warning, he grabbed Abby, lifting her off Gibbs' lap.

"No more," he demanded, his own voice thick with emotion as he tugged Abby away from him. "You can't do this to her. You've hurt her!"

"She's an adult, and it's not the first time she's been spanked. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed, didn't you, Abs?"

The Goth nodded, pulling herself away from Tony. "I'm fine, Tony. I told you to stay back."

"I'm not gonna watch him beat you!"

"He's not beating me. I'm accepting a punishment for disobeying an order. Now, you stay back or you'll be subject to the same punishment."

Gibbs watched as the younger man clenched his fists, his eyes on Abby as she retook her place on Gibbs' lap.

"Just gonna finish the twelve, Abby. How many did you have left?"

"Three, sir. I can take the double, if you'd like."

"No, I think your boy is gonna have to learn his own lesson," He said, his voice low as he whispered in the young woman's ear. "Do not fight me on this, or you really won't be able to sit for the next few days."

Gripping the cushions in her hand again, she nodded, tears prickling at her eyes again. She'd warned Tony to stay back, to let her take her punishment though it hadn't mattered in the end. The boy was too stubborn for his own good, it seemed, and she knew this time, as much as she'd like to take his punishment for him again, she couldn't.

She fought to stay silent as Gibbs dealt the three remaining blows, each more painful than the last against her already sore bottom. Despite her best efforts, she found herself gasping for air by the time he finished, tears streaming silently down her cheeks. She could feel Gibbs' arms around her as he helped her back up before he pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"Take a pillow and go wait for me in the kitchen."

"Maybe... Maybe I should stay," she hiccuped, swiping at the tears on her cheeks. "It might be easier on him if I'm here."

"It might be easier on him, but not on you. You aren't ready for this part yet."

"I punish Ziva and Timmy all the time," she reminded him, her voice hoarse.

"But you don't have to watch someone else do it for you. Go. I'll be in as soon as we're through here."

Gripping the pillow he pressed into her hands, she made her way into the kitchen slowly, avoiding Tony's glare as she passed.

"I warned you that you were not to interfere, Tony. She offered herself so that you wouldn't be punished. She took six extra swats but it was in vain because you couldn't control yourself."

The younger man remained silent, his jaw clenched angrily.

"Nothin' you wanna say?"

"Does it look like I have anything to say?" He growled back, his eyes flashing.

"That's an extra swat. I won't tolerate your smart mouth."

Gibbs watched, surprised, as the younger man crossed the room in three short strides, his jaw still clenched. Though he knew that Tony would comply with the orders, out of habit more than anything else, he was surprised that he was met with such little resistance. Schooling his face back into a stern look, he patted his lap, barely hiding his smirk at Tony's look of horror.

"You've got to be kidding."

"You saw how Abby took hers. That's what you'll do too."

"I'm not a five year old. I'm not going to lay on your lap to have my ass spanked."

"When you stop acting like a five year, I'll stop treating you like one," Gibbs retorted. "Now let's get this over with before I add an extra smack." Reaching up to help guide him across his lap, Gibbs waited patiently until the younger man was settled before he wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him in place. "You'll take the six swats from your original punishment and the seventh you earned for your attitude. Are you ready?"

"Does it matter if I say no?"

"I won't start until you're ready and I can wait all night until you are. You should know something about me, Tony. I was a sniper. I can wait as long as I need to."

Swallowing hard, the younger man gripped the couch cushion in his hands, lowering his head. "Get it over with then," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut, preparing for the worst as Gibbs pulled his pants down.

He should have known better than to push the older man, he realized. He'd known from the beginning that while he may be able to work Abby, Gibbs was a different story and to test him had been a bad idea.

Gibbs started without preamble, raising his hand and dropping it square on Tony's bare ass. It wasn't as hard as he had been spanking Abby, but he knew her limits, and he wanted the boy to be aware that these punishments weren't going to be like the ones he had experienced at the hands of his other Masters.

He yelped, surprised more by the lack of sting than the actual smack. The younger man had been punished before, even beaten to the point where he couldn't sit or lay down because his ass and back were so bruised and welted. But even after all those punishments, this one was different. Thinking back, he couldn't ever remember having been touched with anything besides the abuse implement during a punishment.

Another smack landed in the same spot and Tony whimpered, surprised when the older man brushed his hand over his back to calm him.

The third and fourth smacks came quickly, stinging just a little against his slightly red bottom.

"Almost there," Gibbs muttered, his large hand resting against Tony's back.

Though the punishment had not been particularly painful, Tony could feel the sting of tears in his eyes after the final blow had been dealt.

"It's all over, Tony."

Nodding, more to himself than anything, he pushed himself up off of Gibbs' lap, swiping discreetly at his face.

"I want you to go upstairs and wash up. Need you back down here in five for dinner."

"I'm not... I'm not hungry."

"Wasn't a suggestion. Five minutes," he repeated before he pushed himself off the couch and headed for the kitchen, leaving the young man alone.

"Is he okay?" Abby asked, her face set in a frown, her cheeks wet with tears.

"He's fine."

"Are you... Are you sure?" She asked, swiping a hand over her face. "I promised him he wouldn't be punished tonight!"

"Shouldn't make promises you can't keep," he responded, making his way over to the counter. "But it's not your fault. You took his punishment for him. He's the one who decided he needed a taste of it too."

Lowering her gaze to the table, she sobbed quietly, covering her face with her hands.

Releasing a quiet sigh, the older man turned back to her, pulling her to her feet. Wrapping his arm around her, he held her against his chest, rubbing her back gently. "He's fine, Abby."

"I broke a promise to him, Gibbs! He'll never trust me now!"

"He will. And you didn't break your promise. He wasn't punished because you were late getting home. He was punished because he can't follow orders," he reminded her before he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Pulling away slightly, she wiped her eyes again and gave a shaky laugh. "You're right," she conceded with a nod. "You know, I don't remember it ever being this difficult to punish Timmy and Ziva."

"And it won't be hard to punish Tony. I told you it was gonna be difficult this time. It's never easy to know someone else is handing out a punishment."

"I know," she sniffled.

"No more tears, huh? You don't want him seeing you like this. If he knows it bugs you, he's gonna exploit that. You'll never be able to train him properly."

Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he pulled away as the sound of footsteps on the stairs reached his ears.

Abby plastered what she hoped was a convincing smile on her face when the young man joined them in the kitchen. "I hope you're hungry."

"I'm not," he muttered as he leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest defiantly.

"What's the matter?" She asked, the frown returning to her dark lips. "You haven't eaten much today at all."

"How can you just stand there with him after what he did to you?"

"Tony... I told you. He didn't hurt me. He was punishing me."

"He hit you harder than he hit me! It should have been the other way around!"

"I did not hurt her, Tony."

"You beat her! And now she's just standing there like everything's okay!"

"Because everything is okay. It was a punishment and now it's over," Abby explained.

"Whatever," he growled, his hazel eyes dark with anger.

"Regardless, Abby's punishment isn't up for discussion," Gibbs said. "Come sit down and eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"And I told you earlier it wasn't a suggestion. You have to eat."

Pushing himself off the wall, he stomped over to the table before he sank down in the hard chair, wincing slightly. Giving him a warning glance, Gibbs pressed another kiss to the top of Abby's head before he sank down in the chair across from Tony. Grabbing a slice of pizza from the box, he dropped it on a plate, handing it across the table to the younger man.

The younger man stared at him for a moment before he snatched it out of his hand, dropping it to the table.

"Lose the attitude," Gibbs warned.

Tony remained silent, lowering his eyes to the greasy slice of pizza in front of him.

"Please eat, Tony," Abby pleaded, concern lacing her voice. "You're going to make yourself sick if you don't start eating. Please!"

"I'm not hungry," he grumbled.


"I don't want it!"

"Fine!" Gibbs snapped, ignoring Abby's quiet whimper at his side. "Then you take yourself upstairs and go to bed. You'll just have to wait til breakfast to eat."

"Gibbs! He hasn't hardly eaten today!"

"If he's not concerned about it, neither am I. Go upstairs, Tony."

The younger man hesitated for a moment, ignoring the painful grumbling of his stomach, before he pushed himself out of the chair and stalked out of the kitchen.


"Don't wanna hear it, Abby. Not gonna baby him. He's a grown man and I'm not gonna cater to that kind of behavior."

Dropping her gaze to her own plate, she ignored the tears burning behind her eyes.

"Come on," Gibbs coaxed, nudging her gently. "Finish up."

"I'm not so hungry anymore either."

"If you don't stop letting him do this to you, you'll never be able to deal with him," he warned before he stood, grabbing the younger man's discarded plate with a disgusted shake of his head.


Night had finally fallen over Washington and the room was dark, save for the gentle moonlight that filtered in through the closed window. Tony was hunched against the wall beside the bed, his arms wrapped around his middle.

He'd been trying to sleep for hours, hoping that it would allow him to forget the gnawing ache in his stomach. Dropping his head back against the wall, he closed his eyes, willing sleep to come. He didn't remain in that position long, shifting into a kneeling position to peer over the mattress at the sound of footsteps outside the door.

He flinched involuntarily as the door was pushed open before he sank back against the wall.

The older man walked into the room carrying a plate of food, frowning when he saw Tony slumped against the wall. "Get up," he commanded, a softer tone to his voice than the younger man was used to. "Now."

He watched the brunette push himself up and bow his head, looking down at the floor.

"C'mere. Sit," Gibbs said, patting the edge of the bed next to where he was sitting. "We need to talk."

"We don't, sir. I understand what the punishment was for."

"That's not what we need to talk about, Tony. Sit down." He handed him the plate with a few slices of pizza on it. "You're gonna eat and listen, I'm gonna talk. Got it?"

He nodded sullenly, his stomach growling loudly as he breathed in the mouth watering scent of the pizza. Lifting it from the plate, he took a bite, practically moaning.

"Not hungry, huh?" Gibbs asked with a smirk.

Tony offered the older man a sheepish look, shrugging his shoulders casually. "Maybe a little."

"Uh huh," Gibbs said with a roll of his eyes. He fell silent for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Abby's different from most people," he said finally. "I know you didn't like watching me punish her today, but I wasn't doing it to be cruel. I was giving her what she needed."

"She isn't Marked though."

"No, she's not. And while she makes an exceptional Mistress, sometimes she needs to be Dominated."

"She likes being punished?"

"It's not that she likes it, it's that she needs it. It was something she kept hidden from me for a long time, afraid that the Council would take McGee away from her if they found out."

"How did you find out?" Tony asked, taking another bite of his pizza.

"That," he said, "is not my story to tell. But you won't ask Abby about it either. If she wants you to know, she'll tell you. You understand?"

"Yes sir," he responded with a slight nod.

"I want you to know that I don't take pleasure in punishing her, just like I didn't take pleasure in punishing you."

"You hit her hard. Harder than me."

"I know Abby's limits. Haven't learned yours yet. I'm not gonna give you more than I know you can take. Because of that, all I ask is that you be honest with me."

"Yes sir."

Nodding, more to himself than to Tony, Gibbs pushed himself off the bed, patting his shoulder reassuringly. "Not too bad for your first day," he mused. "You finish up your dinner and get some sleep. In the bed," he said, a slight smirk on his face.

"Yes sir."

"Goodnight, Tony."

"Goodnight," the younger man responded quietly, watching as Gibbs stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Tony waited for a moment before he laid back against the comfortable pillows. He finished up his pizza quickly before he placed the empty plate on the night stand. Tugging the covers over his body, he released a quiet sigh as he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to claim him.


Author's Note: I received some amazing reviews after posting the last chapter, and for that, I thank you! This one took me a little longer to put out, though I think this chapter is my longest to date, so hopefully, that'll make up for the delay! I must also send out a very special thanks to my dear friend (you know who you are!) for all your help with this chapter. I couldn't have done it without you.
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