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Tony had a new favorite word.

“DA-DA!” He yelled happily from his crib in the nursery, “DA, DA, DA, DA, DA!” Calling at the top of his voice as Gibbs entered the room. It had been a week since what Abby called ‘the walking incident’ had happened, a week since Tony had first said ‘Da-Da’ and now he was saying it constantly and every time Gibbs heard Tony say it his heart swelled with pride.

Gibbs grinned when he saw Tony standing up, holding the side of the crib, his eyes sparkling. Tony clapped his hands and held them out for Gibbs to pick him up.


“Good morning smiley boy, you finally awake now?” Gibbs said, picking the baby up and changing his diaper, before bringing him downstairs. Breakfast had become a routine that Gibbs thoroughly enjoyed; he placed Tony in his highchair and went to get the boy some oatmeal.

“Da-Da!” Tony called, when he couldn’t see Gibbs behind the cupboard door.

“Yeah, Tony I’m here… Boo!” Gibbs replied, sticking his head back where the kid could see him. Tony giggled and garbled away. Gibbs brought the food back to Tony and began to feed him - he had given up on trying to keep Tony clean at meal times. It just didn’t happen no matter what he tried and today was no different. Tony was refusing to eat and kept trying to take the spoon out of Gibbs’ hand, which resulted in getting oatmeal on Tony’s pajamas, on Gibbs’ shirt, on the floor and none in the little boy’s tummy. Gibbs pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration,

“Tony, leave the spoon alone please,” Tony just looked up at him, then put his hands in the oatmeal on the front of his pajamas, staring at his hands in concentration as the sticky substance clung to his fingers, “Come on Tony, eat your breakfast…” The little boy kept his mouth shut and shook his head.

“Da-D…. Mmmf…” Gibbs seized the opportunity and placed the oatmeal in his little mouth while it was open, Tony held it in his mouth for a while then spat it back out at him.

“Tony NO! That’s naughty; don’t spit out your food.” Gibbs sighed, frustration rising by the minute.

As Gibbs was about to give up he heard his phone ringing. Setting the bowl down he went to the front of the house where he had left the phone and answered it.

“Yeah Gibbs.” He grunted

“Gibbs, it’s Abby. I was just ringing to let you know Kate and Timmy are coming over with me today to watch Tony. We will be there at 12.30 on the dot.” Abby’s voice was enthusiastic as usual, but a little nervous �" she hadn’t completely forgiven herself after ‘the walking incident’ despite everyone telling her she wasn’t to blame. Gibbs had strategically asked Abby to watch Tony today while he went and saw the lawyer, in hopes that it would help to regain some of her confidence, and show her that he didn’t blame her either and he trusted her.

“Ok, Abbs. See you then.” Gibbs snapped the phone shut and returned to the kitchen.

“Clever boy.” He said, on seeing Tony who had reached the bowl of oatmeal and was now trying very hard to feed himself with a combination of using the spoon and his hands. He wasn’t having much success - none of the food was staying on the spoon and most of it was now on the floor and himself. Gibbs couldn’t help but laugh.

“Thank you.” He said, taking the spoon from Tony’s hand and quickly feeding him the last of the food. Once finished he cleaned up and whisked Tony off to clean him up and dress him for the day.

Gibbs and Tony spent the morning together playing. Tony was rather active today; crawling away from Gibbs and making the older man chase him all over the house, pulling things out of the kitchen cupboards while Gibbs was making coffee, playing with his cars and blocks - he also had a new found fascination with the downstairs toilet and kept trying to get in there.

All in all, Tony had been very busy and Gibbs was exhausted. Gibbs was now lying on his stomach on the floor, his head propped up in his arms reading the paper, as Tony crawled all over his back laughing and chatting away, with “Bub-Bub” and “Car” thrown into the jumble of noises Gibbs guessed were Tony’s attempts of a conversation. Gibbs closed his eyes for a second to relieve the strain, and when he opened them Tony’s little face was right in front of his, bright green eyes staring at him, pacifier wedged in his mouth.

“Da-Da.” He said, putting a little hand on Gibbs’ face gently, before moving the hand down to Gibbs’ mouth.

“Roar!” Gibbs said playfully as he pretended to chomp Tony’s hand in his mouth. Tony quickly took his hand away and laughed and laughed, before cautiously moving it back up to Gibb’s mouth again, “Roar!” Gibbs repeated, and nibbled on the boy’s fingers again. Tony squealed with delight and Gibbs grabbed him with one arm, pulling Tony’s little body closer to him, tickling the boy and pretending to nibble off his finger and toes. Tony was in hysterics by the time the game was over, even Gibbs’ stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

Gibbs left Tony on the floor and stood up to get the boy a drink and a snack, watching from the kitchen as Tony made his way over to the window and used it to get into a standing position. Gibbs smiled at the little boy who was thumping on the window saying “Ooooh!” as he watched the rain outside. Leaving the food and bottle of juice on the counter he walked swiftly into the lounge room, moving the coffee table as far away from Tony as possible. It had been a week since Tony’s first step fiasco (not that Gibbs really counted that as his first) and as yet he hadn’t tried again - now is the perfect time for another attempt, Gibbs thought. Crouching down a few feet behind Tony, Gibbs called his name and held his arms out toward the boy.

“Come on Tony…Come to Da-Da…Come on clever boy,” Tony very slowly let go of the window and took a slow, wobbly step towards his Da-Da. Careful not to startle the boy, Gibbs continued to give praise in a soft voice, “Atta boy Tony…. Come on… one more… you can do it!” Tony took another step and another before starting to wobble dangerously. Gibbs caught him before he could hit the floor.

“Who’s a clever boy?” Gibbs’ voice was full of pride as he stood the boy back down on the floor, holding his little hands till Tony caught his balance, “Ok Tony, try again…” Gibbs slowly let go of Tony’s hands…


Tim, Abby and Kate arrived right on time to Gibbs’ house and opened the front door quietly. It was 12.30 and they knew Tony usually had a nap around lunchtime, so were being extra quiet in case the little boy was sleeping. Creeping past the front room and into the main living area they stopped, smiles lighting up all their faces. Tony was walking, very slowly and unsteadily, towards where Gibbs was knelt on the floor. Abby did her best to quell her excitement and stay quiet while the others didn’t make a sound. McGee pulled out his phone and began to record the scene, Tony taking 1, 2, 3, 4 steps before falling into Gibbs waiting arms squealing with delight and yelling “DA, DA, DA!” loudly.

“Are you three just going to stand there all day or are you gonna come sit down?” Gibbs said without even turning around, his voice softer than usual, colored with pride.

“We didn’t want to disturb Tony’s efforts Gibbs.” Kate said with a smile.

Now that Tony was safely in Gibbs arms without risk of falling and hurting himself, Abby couldn’t control her excitement. She rushed over to Gibbs and Tony and threw her arms around them both. Gibbs chuckled and Tony looked surprised and jumped a little.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…! He walked, he actually did it! I can’t believe it Gibbs, Tony actually walked over to you! It was so much better than last week, last week was, well…. Let’s not go there. Last week doesn’t even count as anything. But this, this was walking! And Timmy caught it on camera, didn’t you Tim?”

“Well yes…” McGee went to reply before Abby cut him off again.

“And… he said Da-Da! When did he start talking? When did he start saying that? OMG Gibbs, this is huge!” Abby took Tony from his arms and lifted him high into the air. McGee and Kate grinned at Abby’s burst of excitement, it was big news. This was the first they had seen or heard of Tony’s new accomplishments, as they hadn’t been over in a week, deciding to give Gibbs and his new son some alone time. The only team member to visit this past week had been Ducky, who had been over at least every second night after work, but he hadn’t mentioned the talking or walking.

After the initial excitement, and Gibbs filling Abby in on each detail as she forcefully requested, Abby had sat Tony on the ground again. After all the spinning and lifting in the air courtesy of the Goth-girl, Tony looked a little dizzy and wobbly. Gibbs patted his boy’s hair softly, addressing his three team members.

“Ok you three, watch him like a hawk. I should be back in a couple of hours, there is a drink and snack for him in the kitchen and he hasn’t had a sleep yet so he will probably sleep for most of the time I’m out. If you need anything, call me.” Gibbs barked out his orders. Despite his team being a great help since Tony had arrived he still wasn’t ready to let them in fully. He also needed to keep them on their toes and slightly afraid of him for the job, where his ex-marine (Second ‘B’ for bastard) side got the results he needed. Gibbs gave Tony a quick hug and said goodbye before grabbing his pack with all the necessary papers in it and left. He yelled over his shoulder at his agents,

“If anything happens to him while I’m gone, you had better run.”


Abby and Kate had given Tony his snack and his drink before taking the baby upstairs for his obligatory after food clothing change, while McGee, struck with an idea, turned on his laptop and begun to download the video of Tony walking from his phone onto it.

Returning from the changing expedition, Tony looked fresh, clean and warm, dressed in a pair of little black baby Adidas sweat pants and matching gray hooded jumper �" it was the start of October and the weather was starting to cool off now. Tony was snuggling into Abby and giving her cuddles.

“Ok, I can’t believe it, you branded the baby.” McGee said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, so what Timmy?” Abby said, popping Tony on the floor with his toys as Kate gave McGee a glare.

“Well…Ummm…N- Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Tim stuttered, faltering under the gazes of the two ‘scary’ women before him �" at least Ziva wasn’t here yet - then he would be really worried.

The team played with Tony for about an hour before the little boy crashed out on the floor. Not having the heart to wake him they covered him with a blanket and let him sleep, pushing the pacifier (which had begun to fall out) back into his mouth softly.

“He is a pretty good kid,” McGee said, looking at the sleeping boy on the floor, “Doesn’t seem like much trouble at all.”

“You’re right Timmy, he does seem pretty content. He has already bonded with Gibbs really well, and they have only been together for like, a week….”

“I guess he knows he can trust Gibbs,” Kate said, running her finger through Tony’s baby curls, “And he is probably enjoying getting so much attention, not to mention the fact he is getting to spend more than a few hours with someone, before getting passed along to the next person. Gibbs is probably the first constant person in his life.”

After a few minutes of quiet conversation Kate and Abby decided to go grab the food they would need for dinner.

“McGee, you’ll be ok to watch Tony for a few minutes while Abby and I go get the food?” Kate’s question was more an order.

McGee gulped, and looked down at the sleeping baby, “Uhhh…yeah…Sure…” He stammered. The baby was sleeping - how hard could that be?

“Good, thanks Timmy.” Abby said, kissing him on the cheek before she and Kate took off.

“You think Tony will be alright with Timmy?” Abby whispered to Kate. Kate laughed quietly,

“Tony will be fine, it’s Tim I’d be more worried about…”

McGee had been working quietly on his computer for around 10 minutes. He was enjoying the silence, and although he would never admit it to Kate or Abby, Tony was a cute kid. Engrossed in his computer work McGee didn’t notice Tony had woken until he felt a bump to his legs. Tony had crawled over to McGee, car in hand and lifted it up to him,

“Car.” He said, his childish voice sounded a little sleepy still.

“Yeah, Tony that’s a car…” McGee said as he nervously picked up the little boy and held him on his lap, making car noises for Tony. This isn’t too bad McGee thought, nothing to it. McGee looked down at Tony, and suddenly the little boy turned bright red, and made a grunting noise; little fists balled up and shaking.

“Oh no….” McGee said, his voice a little weary as the smell filled his nostrils �" Ok, I can handle this, it’s just a little diaper change. McGee had younger cousins, he had done this before - well kind of - and it was just a diaper. Don’t stuff this up Tim, the boss will kill you if anything happens to his kid �" Pushing that thought aside he cautiously picked Tony up and took the baby upstairs. Grabbing a clean diaper, baby wipes and baby powder he set to work, lying Tony down on the floor.

“Good boy, Tony. Just hold still, we will have you fixed up in no time,” Taking the diaper off and cleaning the boy, McGee reached for a baby wipe “You’re being a good boy to…” McGee stopped dead in his tracks as he felt something warm spreading over his shirt. He looked back to the baby, who was smiling; his eyes shining brightly, and then looked at his shirt, “Oh you can’t be serious…” McGee said, frustrated. Tony had peed on him, and it wasn’t a little patch either,

“You were waiting to do that to me, weren’t you?” McGee asked, irritation in his voice, as he finished changing and dressing the boy. Tony looked at him innocently, but McGee swore he was smirking. Taking Tony downstairs and placing him amongst his toys, McGee raced quickly to grab a clean shirt out of his car in the drive, came back in and got changed in the front room. Pulling the shirt and jumper over his head, he heard the front door open,

“Uhh…. Hi Boss.” McGee said quickly.

“McGee…Where’s Tony?”

“He’s out in the lounge room playing; I just had to quickly change my shirt…” He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Gibbs strode into the room.

“MCGEE…” Gibbs growled, “WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO!?”

Gibbs was searching for the boy, all the doors to the other rooms were closed and the baby gate was at the staircase, so he had to be there.

Tim jumped at the tone of Gibbs’ voice - he sounded pissed. He only left Tony for a few minutes’ tops, and the kid had gone. How can a kid get lost in a room?

“Don’t just stand there, McGee - help me find him!” Gibbs’ voice was dark and threatening; he was doing a good job at hiding the panic he felt. Tony wasn’t in the room; under the couch, in the hall or in a cupboard.

Where the hell… Gibbs thought, panic rising - and then he remembered Tony’s fascination with the toilet today. Sure the door was closed now, but…

Opening the door he shook his head, relief flooding his body. There was Tony, standing up and holding on to the rim of the toilet, a mountain of unrolled toilet paper covering the floor �" there were 4 full rolls this morning and now only the cardboard centers were left, the rest of the paper was covering the floor and hanging off Tony.

Tony looked up at Gibbs guiltily, and Gibbs saw what was in his little hand, hovering over the bowl, waiting to release into the water below…. McGee’s phone.

“Tony, no...” Gibbs said, warning in his voice but not loud enough to startle the boy, “Give the phone to Daddy… there’s a good boy…” Gibbs said, extending his hand towards his son “Taa…”

“Come on Tony, please - give the phone to your Dad!” McGee’s voice was pleading with frustration, making Gibbs glare at him.

Tony looked at Gibbs, then at McGee and smiled cheekily…SPLOSH… In went the phone.

“NO!” The two men yelled, and both dashed forward. Shocked, Tony let go of the toilet and fell to his bottom with a THUD. Looking up to Gibbs with big teary eyes he began to cry, sobbing,

“Da-Da…” Gibbs scooped up the little boy and cuddled him, rubbing his back, “This, McGee, is what happens when you leave a child unattended!” Gibbs was more frustrated than angry, and McGee had learnt his lesson.

Gibbs left McGee to fish out his phone while he consoled Tony.


“Hello Anthony, my dear, dear boy,” Dr Mallard said upon entering Gibbs’ house and seeing the little boy crawling toward him at pace - apart from Gibbs, Ducky was the one Tony was next most familiar with. Ducky picked him up and cuddled him; Tony snuggled into his neck, “Have you been a good boy today, not causing your father any troubles?” Ducky asked, walking into the main living area, and spying the rest of the team already there, sitting in the lounge room.

“No, no trouble for me Duck…. But why don’t you ask McGee over there?” Gibbs said, pointing to McGee who was sitting at the kitchen table looking sullen. On seeing Gibbs, Tony stretched his arms out for the man to hold him, saying,

“Da-Da!” Gibbs took hold of Tony and held him gently.

“My Timothy, what happened to you?” Ducky enquired.

“Perhaps we should eat first, yes? Then McGee can tell you of his adventure.” Ziva said, her eyes twinkling as she motioned everyone to the table. Once again Gibbs’ house had become full, and Gibbs hazarded a guess it was all due to the bundle in his arms, who was putting his slobbery mouth on Gibbs’ cheek.

“Ohh, look Gibbs - he’s giving you kisses.” Cooed Kate

“Abbs, did you teach him that?” Gibbs asked, keeping his tone in mock annoyance even though he thought he might cry �" he was so proud of the little boy.

“Yep, well, someone had to teach him to be a gentleman.” She stated and they all laughed, even Tony - who just joined in because everyone else was, which only made them laugh harder.

Dinner was, once again, excellent; Ziva really was a good cook. And Tim had kept them all entertained with his story of the day, after cleaning up and bathing Tony ready for bed, everyone congregated to the couches for coffee. Tony took two steps from where he was holding Gibbs’ legs and crashed into McGee’s knees.

McGee looked down at him and sighed, “What now?” He said, trying not to sound annoyed, “I swear this kid has been sent to torture me. What with the eye poking, peeing on me, crawling off and putting my phone in the toilet…” McGee whined while the others laughed.

Tony looked up at McGee with big eyes and held his arms up to him, car in one of his hands. McGee sighed and lifted Tony so that he was now in a standing position in his lap.

“Hey Tony,” Abby said, making Tony turn to look at her, “Give McGee a kiss!” she said while making kissy noises at the little boy.

With car in hand Tony put his mouth against McGee’s cheek and slobbered. McGee’s heart softened; he couldn’t stay mad at Tony, the kid was too damn cute.

“See McGee, he does like you.” Ziva said. Gibbs watched on proudly as his little boy brought his team together.

McGee smiled slightly and Kate and Abby cooed. McGee went to take another sip of his coffee. SPLOSH. Tony’s car landed right in the cup.

“Tony, No!”
Chapter End Notes:
This is my first ever posting on this site, so please forgive me if i get it wrong... I love feedback so please review it gives me the courage and enthusiasm to write when i know people are enjoying what they read.
I wrote this fic as there isn't many baby Tony fic's around and i think he would make a cute kid, plus I wanted to give Gibbs a chance to be a daddy again.

This is my favorite chapter so far, it will give you a bit of an indication as to how cheeky Tony will be as a child. He will have Gibbs pulling out his hair!
Please let me know what you think of the story, what you like, what you don't? I love feedback !
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