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DiNozzo was the first to find his voice. “Wow, sure wasn't expecting that!”

Abby ran up to Gibbs and threw her arms around him. “The Duckman isn't really going to retire is he, Gibbs? He's just tired, he'll feel better in a couple of days. You can't let him retire, Gibbs, you just can't!”

“Easy, Abbs. I'll go talk to him.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Ziva.

“I'm going down to autopsy and try and talk some sense into him.”

He turned on his heel and headed for the elevator. He stopped at the doors and turned around pointing to the team. “Palmer, you stay here. I'll let you know when it's okay to go down to autopsy. As a matter of fact, all of you stay here!”

Gibbs stood outside of autopsy for just a moment and saw his old friend sitting at his desk. Not doing anything, just sitting. He barged in, “Dr. Mallard, just what in hell are you thinking!”

Ducky rose up and turned to meet his friend head on. He was expecting Gibbs and had a speech ready for him. “Jethro, my mind is made up. I had three and a half days to think this through, and I would appreciate it if you would respect my decision enough to not try and talk me out of it.”

“Not good enough, Doctor! I don't understa.....”

“Jethro! Please!” shouted Ducky his eyes hardened as he looked up at his friend matching glare for glare. “Don't make this any harder than it is. Truth is I should have done this years ago.”

Gibbs stood with his mouth open to reply, but he looked into his friend's blue gray eyes and saw the resolve in them. He walked over and sat down in the extra chair by Ducky's desk. “I'm sorry, Duck, it's just such a surprise.”

Then a thought crossed his mind. He jumped up quickly and put his hands on Dr. Mallard's shoulders. “Duck, this isn't Vance's idea is it? Is he forcing you to retire? That son of a bitch! As sure as God made little green apples, I am gonna give him a piece of my mind.” With that he spun around to leave autopsy.

“No! No, Jethro.”

Ducky grabbed Gibb's arm with the strength of someone much younger than his age, “This is completely my decision. No one is forcing me to do anything. Jethro, come sit down and I'll tell you about it.” He steered Jethro back to his desk, opened up his bottom desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of scotch along with 2 glasses. He poured three fingers in each glass and handed one to Gibbs.

Twenty minutes later after Ducky explained his concerns of advancing physical limitations and the need to be able to explore new avenues while he was still able, he ended with, “...so Jethro, last week's accident merely served as a catalyst, or wake up call, if you will. I want to be able to do other activities in my life while I still can. You can understand that, can't you?”

Gibbs sat quietly for a moment, then staring into his drink, “Yeah, Duck, I can.” He lifted his eyes to look into Ducky's. “It's just hard to think of you no longer working here, we've been at this together, for a long time.”

“Yes, Jethro, but I still have a month left. We'll just have to make the best of it, won't we?” he patted Gibbs knee and smiled. “It won't be that bad and I'm looking forward to what retirement will bring, I really am.”

Gibbs sighed heavily and stood up and as Ducky stood with him, Gibbs pulled him into a strong embrace. “You have my full support, Duck, “he spoke into the older man's ear, “my full support.”

With that, he drew back, put his arm around his friend's shoulders and they walked together to the doors, Gibbs matching the pace of the ME's limping gait.

“Thanks, Jethro, you don't know how much that means to me.” Dr. Mallard watched as his friend of many years entered the elevator and made eye contact with him as the doors slid closed. With a sigh and a quick smile he turned around and began to set about catching up on his work load.

Up in the bull pen all eyes turned towards the elevator as it dinged and the doors opened. All eyes watched Gibbs as he walked out and came toward them.

“Well? What did he say?” inquired Ziva.

“Yeah, Gibbs, did you talk him out of it?” Abby asked hopefully.

“No, I didn't. And none of you will try to do so either, is that clear?” declared Gibbs.

“What do you mean, Boss?”

“Exactly what I said, DiNozzo! I told Ducky that he has my full support.” He punctuated the last statement with a glare that made it clear that the topic was closed to discussion.

“Is there anything we can do for Ducky?” McGee asked.

Gibbs smiled, looked at each of his agents, his friends, and said, “Yeah, there is. We're gonna give Ducky the best damn retirement party NCIS has ever seen. Abby, would you be in charge of it?”

“Oh yeah, Gibbs! What a terrific idea.” The others nodded in agreement.

“Great, you have a month before his last day.” Gibbs looked fondly at his team, then barked, “All right now, get back to work! The government doesn't pay you to sit around on your asses all day.
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