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Author's Chapter Notes:
Set after Heartland. Gibbs finds Home.
Coming Home
One â€" Shot

“Sometime I feel so alone, Finding myself calling your name.”
- Big O Soundtrack
Author â€" ScarletBloodDoll
Date Started/Date Ended â€" October 31st, 2008 â€" November 07th, 2008
Category â€" N.C.I.S.
Rating â€" General
Warnings â€" Male Relationship/Episode 6.4
Pairings â€" L.J. Gibbs/Tony DiNozzo
Disclaimer â€" ScarletBloodDoll does not own the premise or character of N.C.I.S. (CBS & D.P. Bellisario) and is a Non â€" Profit Effort.

The drive back home gave him that sense of peace that he hadn’t found in many years. There was life outside of finding dead bodies, working the exhausting twenty-four hour shifts, and drinking more coffee then what was needed for a century. When he lost his memory, he lost apart of himself that he hadn’t been able to find. Losing Shannon and Kelly twice, was not an easy experience. Formerly, coming home to beer, pizza, an unfinished boat and a rather empty home was no way to live a life.
A trip back home was all that he needed.
He knew that he was forgiven. Wounds had healed.
Yet wherever the Mother and Daughter were, he was sure they only wanted happiness for him. He had found it again.
There were too many complications.
Too many wires to untangle.
He had given up, even when she had begun to persist, and then she had died in that diner. He had lost more of himself.
Eventually things had fallen back into a somewhat normal pace.
Maybe he had found someone to love.
Mexico. Perhaps that was the biggest obstacle.
He had run away.
Away from the guilt, pain, and hurt.
Most of all, he had left him behind.
Left him to deal with his mess.
When he came back, he knew that he wouldn’t be so easily forgiven. Hell, it had taken this long. Between his coaxing, Abigail’s persistence, he watched the Love of his life come back into his arms. Now he refused to let go.
Now, with everything that had occurred, he would go out of his way to make sure that things were right in his world.
DiNozzo might have still felt that at any moment, Gibbs would walk out once more, but all be damned he would prove him wrong.
Turning onto the road that led home, he sighed and smiled.
His Father had approved. Out of the Blue, Really.
Perhaps Abigail had something to do with it. Maybe Ziva as well, but she didn’t know did she?
He would ask them later, but as he pulled up to his home and got out, he stared up at the second story window which glowed and danced with multi - colored lights and knew that he was home.


“Tony?” he called out, entering the Master Bedroom. Hearing muffled sighs, he found the remote and switched off the T.V., and shrugged off his jacket.
“Tony?” he slid into bed, kicking off his shoes and found the true love of his life cuddled up with his pillow, muttering something about Ziva killing him and Abby locking him in her coffin. Shaking him gently, he blinked awake and smiled.
“Hiya, Boss.”
“Go back to Sleep,” Gibbs kissed him on the forehead. “Just makin’ sure your still alive and made it home in one piece.” Tony smiled and snuggled up against Gibbs’s chest.
“How was the drive home?” Gibbs knew that Tony was falling asleep, and wouldn’t be around to here the answer to his question.
“Perfect,” he kissed his sleeping lover’s forehead. “Just Perfect.”


Author’s Note â€"
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