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Summary: AU. The entire team is made up of monsters. A group of vampires are out to get Abby. Will she avoid them and save the world or will they catch her and make all hell break loose...Literally!
Rated: R
Categories: Kate/Abby, Other Slash Pairings Characters: Kate Todd, Donald Mallard, Anthony DiNozzo, Abby Sciuto, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Original character, Other, Timothy McGee, Ziva David
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Established relationship, Drama, Alternate Universe, Action, Romance
Pairing: Kate/Abby, Abby/Ziva
Warnings: Violence, Torture, Rape, Kink, Homophobia, Disturbing imaginery, Death story, Dark story, Horror
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 1008 Read: 8024
Published: 10/24/2010 Updated: 10/24/2010
Story Notes:
Okay, it's back. Sorry to all of those who read it before. I just had to do a bit of modifying. It's the same, some things are just a bit different. And no, it is (sadly) still not complete.

1. Vampire by snowflake [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Who is it?

2. Dark Secret by snowflake [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Obviously, the vampire is Abby.

3. Monsters by snowflake [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
The entire team is made up of nothing but monsters. Are Kate and McGee monsters as well?