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Story Notes:
This is my first attempt at an INTENTIONAL series. I have never written any Abby/Tony frienship stories, so please bear with me. Be kind. Tony's not mine. But maybe for Christmas...hint...hint!
Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony and Abby take a road trip that goes wrong.
“Enough with the ‘punch buggy,’ Abby.” Tony said rubbing his arm and trying to keep his car in the road.

Abby nodded. “Thanks for coming with me.” She resisted the urge to punch him again as another Volkswagon Bug flew past them, in the opposite lane.

“Not a problem, I was startin’ to love Lu-zianna.” Tony said in a bad accent. “I’ve never seen a gator that up close and personal before.”

Tony nodded and stepped on the gas reliving the memory of Lula Belle trying to have his foot for supper. He desperately wanted to get back to D.C. where the only ‘gators’ that existed were the mythical ones that lived in the sewers.

“I know. Cousin Ricky raised Lula Belle up from a pup. She must be 7 feet now.” Abby said, practically bouncing in her seat. “Jill Hansen was so jealous.”

Tony smiled. “I noticed.” Tony looked at her. “I loved being Mr. Scuito for a night. Your high school reunion was really fun.”

“I didn’t know you could sing like that. You have an amazing voice.”

“Yeah, well, thanks.” Tony said preening. “I can never turn down a dare when I’m as wasted as I was last night. It’s too bad I don’t remember a lot of it.”

“You were still singing after everybody had left. The janitorial staff had to clean around you.” Abby said.

“That would explain me waking up on stage.” Tony said.

Abby nodded. “Yes, I couldn’t even pry the microphone out of your hand.”

Tony laughed. “Sorry about that. But I do love to sing.”


Tony pulled into a gas station about 100 miles from D.C. They were super low on gas and they both needed to stretch their legs. Tony was about to walk into the station when he hesitated. Something didn’t seem right. It was a gut feeling. Abby, however, didn’t have that sense and she was already out of the car and across the parking lot. Tony ran to catch up with her. He reached her just as the first shot rang out. Seconds later Tony and Abby were both flat on the ground Tony covering Abby with his body. The thief exited the store and fired two shots indiscriminately at Abby and Tony. One shot hit Abby in the left shoulder and the other hit Tony in the lower back.

“Okay, Tony.” Abby said. She had not felt Tony move, but had just figured he was waiting for the guy to leave before he got up. But now she was getting concerned. She had heard the guy drive off moments ago and Tony had not moved. “Tony?!” Abby said, trying to move under his weight. It was nearly impossible. “Tony!” Abby repeated, becoming alarmed. It was only after she tried to move her left arm that she realized what had happened to her.

Cold fear centered in her stomach when she came to the realization of the reason as to why Tony was not moving. Abby turned as best she could and slid herself out from under Tony’s body. Tony groaned when she moved but did not open his eyes. She knelt on her knees beside him. She touched his back. The blood had already seeped through his shirt and had left a large dark red circle on his back.

Tony was lying on his chest on the cold pavement. Abby then gently touched his face and he opened his eyes.

“Abs.” Tony groaned. Tony looked around for a moment before he fully grasped the situation. “Someone shot...inside.” Tony said, struggling to get to his knees. “…need to see….”

“You can’t….” Abby started.

“I have too.” Tony said, by that time Tony was standing up, pressing his hand to his lower back. Luckily the bullet had entered nowhere near his spine, so he was not causing himself any further damage that way. Now it was just the loss of blood and the fact that it hurt like hell.

Abby also stood up and had put her arm right around Tony. She caught him just as he started to sway. “We are quite a pair. The walking wounded.”

“Yeah.” Tony said looking at her. He noticed her shoulder for the first time. “You’re….”

Abby nodded. “Yeah, in the shoulder.”

“I’m sorry, Abby.” Tony said, sincerely.

“Stop it! This is NOT your fault. Besides, we needed to stop. I needed to pee, we both were starving, and we needed gas.” Abby said.

They both took in the scene in front of them as they entered the store. The floor was littered with merchandise. The clerk behind the counter was clearly dead, bullet hole in the center of his chest. The cash drawer was opened and had been picked clean. It seemed that just the area around the front of the store had been disturbed. The rest of the place looked untouched.

“Nothing we can do here.” Abby stated.

“What?” Tony said, still studying the crime scene.

“There’s nothing we can do here.” Abby repeated. “Except contaminate the crime scene.” Abby said when she noticed Tony had moved his hand from his back and was now dripped blood on the floor.

Tony swayed again and Abby managed to catch him with her good arm. “Need to check him. See if….” Tony said as he started towards the body.

“He’s dead, Tony. Even I can see that.” Abby said, trying to tear her eyes away from the look of fear on the man’s face.
Chapter End Notes:
This is my first attempt at an INTENTIONAL series. I have never written any Abby/Tony frienship stories, so please bear with me. Be kind. I am sure I underestimated the time to drive from Louisiana to DC, so please forgive me. Tony's not mine. But maybe for Christmas...hint...hint!
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