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Author's Chapter Notes:
Gibbs gets the news on his people.
Gibbs was beyond angry and he was worried out of his mind. A search of Tony's and Abby's apartments had yielded nothing. It was obvious that neither had slept in their beds last night, and nothing looked to be out of place. He, Kate, and Tim were now on their way back to NCIS.

"Gibbs." Gibbs said, growling into his phone after snatching it up on the second ring.

"Agent Gibbs? Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs?" The man asked. He sounded, to Gibbs, like a policeman.

"Yes, this is Agent Gibbs." Gibbs replied. Fear of bad news, death, settled like lead in his stomach.

"Ms. Abigail Scuito told me you were the one to contact about Agent Anthony DiNozzo. My name is Officer Greg Adams. I work for the Lynchburg Police Department in Lynchburg, VA. Your people were involved in an armed robbery. Actually they walked into it. They were in the parking lot when they heard the first shot fired, which killed the store clerk. Your people dove for cover, but were shot by the perpetrator before he left the premises."

"How is To...Agent DiNozzo? Ms. Scuito?" Gibbs said, almost afraid to ask the questions.

"Agent DiNozzo suffered a gunshot wound to the back. He is in critical condition. Ms. Scuito was shot in the shoulder. She is in surgery now, so is Agent DiNozzo."

"Thank you, Officer." Gibbs said, stunned. He closed this phone and put it back into this pocket.

"Boss?" Tim asked, looking across the front seat at Gibbs, unable to read his expression.

"Abby and Tony...they've been shot. They walked in on a robbery in progress. They're both in surgery right now." Gibbs said, delivering bad news. he filled them in on the rest as they sped towards Lynchburg, VA.

By the time Gibbs, Kate and Tim arrived at the hospital, Abby was out of surgery. She had just been moved into the recovery room and Tony still had about an hour left in surgery.

Abby arrived in her ICU room about 30 minutes later. She had woken up completely and was suffering no ill effects from the anesthesia.

Abby smiled when she opened her eyes and noticed her visitor. "Bossman." Abby managed, though her throat was dry. She looked around the room. "Tony? Where's Tony?"

Gibbs gave her hand a comforting squeeze. "He's fine. They're still working on him."

"Hurt bad, Gibbs." Abby replied.

Gibbs nodded. "He's going to be fine." Gibbs had a million questions, but he knew Abby was in no shape to answer them. He had called the Lynchburg PD and had requested a copy of the police report be sent to the ward where Abby was. To have knowledge, it had not arrived yet. He was going to give it just a little bit longer before he called the police station again.

"Tried to protect me. Cover me. Don't be mad at him." Abby said.

Gibbs nodded and smiled. "I'm not mad at Tony. I know he would have done anything and everything to protect you."

Abby smiled. She closed her eyes and Gibbs resumed his position in the chair beside Abby's bed. He sat waiting for word, any word, on Tony.

Ducky arrived in Abby's room with the Lynchburg PD police report in hand. Ducky had been delayed by an autopsy he had to finish in DC, causing him to arrive about 45 minutes after Gibbs. But he had been in regular contact with Tony's doctor at Lynchburg General. He had informed Dr. Adam Harold of Tony's lung condition, but luckily the bullet did no damage to Tony's lungs.

"Jethro, the nurse's told me to deliver this to you." Ducky said, handing the paper over to Jethro. "Tony is doing well." Ducky said, reading Gibbs' mind. "He is coming out of recovery as we speak. He will be here within the hour. I requested Abby and Tony room together."

Gibbs smiled and nodded. He had just finished reading the police report as Tony's bed was wheeled in. Gibbs stood up to make room. Tony had been positioned on his right side, propped up by a mound of pillows. He was still groggy, but wakened easily when touched.

Ducky busied himself checking Abby's dressing and generally talking to her. He knew she had fallen asleep, but hoped she was still listening.
Chapter End Notes:
I am not sure if Lynchburg, VA is even close to the route from Louisiana to D.C. I was looking at 2 maps on Mapquest trying to figure it out.
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