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Author's Chapter Notes:
An unexpected arrival during the christmas party
Kate stepped off the elevator in a big red coat. She entered the squad room with a big smile.
“ Merry Christmas everyone” she said in a happy tone. Ziva, Tony and McGee all looked up at her with smiles, except for Jethro. He got up and made his way over to her.
“ What are you doing here? You should be at home resting” he told her. Tony decided to come into the conversation.
“ Yeah Kate, you look like you could pop and second” he said with a smile as he looked at her huge belly. He was met by glares from Kate and Gibbs.
“ I came because I was invited to the Christmas party going on upstairs” she told him with a smile. She gave him a quick kiss before she started to make her way up to the conference room. She stopped half way up the stairs and called out.
“ Besides I have two weeks to go and if he is anything like me he will be late” the she turned and disappeared from their sight.
“ You know Gibbs she has a point. Me and my siblings were all late” Ziva told him, trying to make her boss feel better. She got a small smile in return.
Kate entered the room filled with people. She recognised most faces, but the one she was looking for wasn’t there.
“ Hey Kate, I thought you were on leave?” a very happy Jimmy Palmer greeted her.
“ I am, but I just couldn’t stay away from the Christmas party” she said with a smile. Jimmy nodded in agreement.
“ Yeah, this stuff is amazing. Did you want one?” he asked holding a champagne glass up. Kate shook her head and went to speak but Jimmy spoke up first.
“ Oh right the baby. I’m so sorry I wasn’t thinking” Jimmy spluttered.
“ It’s ok Jimmy” she told him with a smile.
“ Caitlin” she heard someone call. She looked up to see director Vance.
“ Excuse me” she politely said to Jimmy before heading over to Leon.
“ Nice to see you here” he said with a smile.
“ If Jethro had his way I wouldn’t be here” she said with a laugh.
“ Yes he tells me you’re due in two weeks”. Kate nodded as she naturally rubbed her belly.
“ Yes. Sometimes it feels like it could be any day now”.
“ My wife knows that feeling. We had false alarms before it happened. Now I told Jethro he could take time off if need be. I think work will be the last thing on his mind when the little one is born” Leon told her. Kate was surprised he hadn’t told her about that. She felt a sharp pain in her back, she thought nothing of t as it went away as quickly as it had come.
“ Thank you. I’m going to need all the help I can get” she told him with a smile. Then another sharp pain shot through her, this one making her hand fly to the side of her stomach
“ Kate are you ok?” Leon asked. Kate took a deep breath before speaking.
“ Yeah, I think he is just turning”. Her heart started to race. When he moved around it never hurt this much. Another sharp pain shot through causing her to reach out for Leon’s arm. Her breathing quickened and her legs started to go weak.
“ Kate I don’t think he is turning” Leon said putting down his drink and wrapping an arm around her back and started guiding her to the door. Kate shook her head.
“ He’s coming” she breathed. The other quests noticed the commotion.
“ Do you want me to call an ambulance?” Michelle asked. Kate shook her head.
“ Jethro will be faster” she answered through haggard breaths. As they exited the room everyone yelled their best wishes. Leon and Kate walked as quickly as they could towards the stairs.
“ Jethro is…going to kill…me” she said before another sharp pain through her causing her to let out a cry and keel over in pain. Everyone in the squad room heard her cry and looked up to the top of the stairs. Gibbs jumped from behind his desk and sprinted up the stairs, stopping by Kate’s side.
“ He’s coming Jethro” Kate panted.
“ I can see that” he replied, placing an arm around her back and the other under her belly. She let out another moan as another contraction started. Gibbs grabbed his keys from his pocket.
“ DiNozzo, grab my car” Gibbs called as he threw his keys down to him.
“ Sure thing boss” he caught the keys and ran for the elevator.
“ Can you walk?” Gibbs asked her. She shook her head. Gibbs looked over at Leon for help. Both men put one arm around her back and the other under her legs and lifted her off the ground. She let out another painful groan at the sudden movement. She wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders and squeezed when the pain came. They move down the stairs as quickly as they could.
“ Katie, remember your breathing” he said soothingly. She started the breathing, stopping occasionally when more pain erupted.
“ Oh god” she cried out.
“ Ziva the elevator” Leon ordered as they approached the squad room. Ziva shot out from behind her desk and raced for the elevator. The doors opened when they reached the elevator and stepped straight in.
“ Good luck” Ziva waved before the doors closed. The normally silent cabin was filled with Kate’s quick breaths and occasional moans. Gibbs was excited and scared at the same time. He had been through this before, but that was many years ago. He leaned in and kissed her cheek the whispered.
“ I love you” into her ear. Kate turned to face him.
“ I love you toooo” she moaned loudly. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. They saw Gibbs’ car come to a halt out the front of the NCIS building and Tony run around the car and opened the passenger door. They walked out of the building and straight to the passenger side. Leon and Gibbs let her down carefully and Gibbs helped her into the car.
“ Good luck Kate” Tony said as Gibbs closed the door and ran for the driver seat. Within seconds they sped off. Gibbs broke many speed limits to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.
“ Maybe it’s a good thing you came tonight”.
“ How?” she breathed.
“ I wouldn’t know about this until you were at the hospital” he explained. She leaned forward grabbing her stomach.
“ It’s ok, we’ll be there soon” he soothed as he reach over and put a hand on her shoulder. Eventually Gibbs pulled up out the front of the hospital and ran around to Kate’s side. He helped her out of the car wrapped an arm around the small of her back and the other under her belly and took as much of her wait as he could as they walked into the hospital and hurried up to the front desk to a nurse named Lisa.
“ Kate Gibbs for Dr Gomez. She’s gone into labour” Gibbs said quickly.
“ Yes sir I can see that. Trudy get a wheel chair” Lisa called back.
“ The doctor is currently busy, we can set you up in a delivery room and she will come as soon as she can” she told them. Trudy came out with a wheel chair. Gibbs helped Kate down into the chair. Kate grabbed Gibbs’ hand not wanting to let go.
“ Take them to delivery room 6” Lisa instructed Trudy.
“ No problem” Trudy said with a nod and started pushing Kate in the direction of the room. Down the corridor and to the left the entered a room with a bed, blankets and other important things. Trudy pulled the chair to the side of the bed.
“ We need you to get into a dressing gown then up on the bed. Dr Gomez and a midwife will be here shortly” Trudy told them. Gibbs nodded and helped Trudy get changed and onto the bed. Trudy fixed the bed so Kate was sitting upright, her legs up bent up on the bed.
“ I’ll get you some water and a towel” Trudy said as she wheeled the wheel chair out, leaving them alone. Kate leaned back on the pillow after another painful contraction. She looked up at Gibbs who was still holding her hand.
“ He’s coming and he won’t wait” she said out of breath. He ran a hand through her hand and kissed her forehead.
“ It’s ok, they will be here soon” he assured her. Trudy came in with a bowl and a small blue cloth. Here we go. I just passed Dr Gomez, she will be here any minute. This is Alison, she will be your mid wife for today” she said motioning towards the small woman behind her gathering all the necessary equipment.
“ Now I hear you are actually two weeks early” Alison said as she made her way over to Kate. Kate just nodded.
“ That isn’t a problem is it?” Gibbs asked as he wringed out the towel and started to pat Kate’s forehead.
“ Any earlier and we would be worried but two weeks, it should be fine” Alison said as she placed a blanket over Kate’s legs to get ready. Dr Gomez entered the room as Trudy left closing the door behind her.
“ Today’s the big day. He didn’t want to wait did he” She said with a smile as she came to stand next to Alison.
“ NO” Kate said through gritted teeth.
“ Breath Katie” Gibbs told her in a soft voice and she let out a big breath. Alison moved so Dr Gomez could examine Kate herself.
“ Ok Kate looks like you’re ready to go. Now you have to listen to what I say ok” she told her. Kate just nodded her head again.
“ Good. Ok now when the next contraction starts I want to you to push as hard as you can” Dr Gomez instructed, once again she nodded. Gibbs leaned in and kiss her cheek. Alison stood on the other side of Kate’s bed.
“ Breath with me Kate, he who who he” she said. Kate followed what Alison was doing until she felt another contraction and followed her orders from Dr Gomez. Her grip on Gibbs’ hand tightened as she gathered up all her strength to push her baby out.
“ That’s it Kate keep going” Dr Gomez encouraged her.
“ You’re doing great” Alison said. Gibbs watched his wife. He knew this was supposed to be one of his happiest moments but seeing the pain she was in, he just didn’t like it. Kate flopped back onto the bed with exhaustion. Her chest rising and falling quickly.
“ Come on Kate you’re almost there. One more big push and his head will be ok” Dr Gomez told her. Kate shook her head.
“ I can’t” she said breathlessly.
“ You can. Come on Katie, I know you” Gibbs whispered in her ear then kissed her cheek again. She turned her head and looked into his big blue eyes and found the strength she needed in them. She took in another deep breath and started pushing.
“ That’s my girl” he encouraged her.
“ Kate he is almost there, you can do it” Alison told her, now standing next to Dr Gomez to help with the rest of the delivery.
“ AHHHHH” Kate yelled as she gave her final push.
“ Ok the head is out. Just one more push and you will be able to hold your baby” Dr Gomez said as Alison got everything thing ready. Kate took a couple more breaths before pushing again.
“ That’s it keep going, keep going” Dr Gomez said from between her legs. Kate slumped back against the bed as she heard the cries of her baby filled the room. Tears filled Kate’s eyes at the wonderful sound.
“ Congratulations, you have a boy” Dr Gomez said as she cut the cord and wrapped him in a blanket that Alison was holding. Alison walked over to Kate and placed the little boy in her arms, his cries started to cease almost instantly.
“ Oh my god” Kate gushed as she took in her little boy. Gibbs had an arm around Kate’s shoulders, the other ran along his sons arm softly.
“ Good job” Gibbs told her quietly. Kate turned and looked up at him, a smile on her face. He leaned down and kissed her.
“ I love you” she told him.
“ I love you, both of you” he said and looked down at his son.
“ I’m sorry but we do have to take him to the nursery now” Alison told them. Kate nodded as Alison carefully took him back.
“ Do you have a name?” Dr Gomez. Kate nodded.
“ Connor Jack Gibbs” she announced. Dr Gomez smiled.
“ Great name” she said. Dr Gomez cleaned up and the left the two alone. Gibbs looked down at Kate who looked exhausted.
“ I’m so proud of you” he told her then kissed her again.
“ I’m proud of you “ she told him also. He smiled at her then kissed her again.

Gibbs sat on Kate’s bed, an arm around her shoulders and her head on his chest as she rested.
“ Jet” she said softly.
“ Hmm” he replied looking down at her.
“ I love you so much” she said looking up at him. A smile spread across his face.
“ And I love you just as much” he leant down and kissed her.
“Thank you” she said softly.
“ For what?” she asked confused.
“ For giving me a second chance at having a family” he told her in a small voice. She felt tears well up in her eyes.
“ You don’t have to thank me Jethro. All I ask is that you never stop loving me”.
“ Never” he replied pulling her closer and kissing her again.
“ Here we go, little Connor Jack Gibbs” Alison said as she wheeled Connor into the room. Kate and Gibbs broke apart. Gibbs got off the bed and looked into the plastic crib at his sleeping son. He looked back up at the nurse.
“ Can I hold him?”. Alison smiled.
“ Of course you can” she gently picked up the little boy and handed him to Gibbs. Kate watched as Gibbs’ face lit up. She felt like she could cry again at the sight.
“ I also have to let you know you have visitors. Do you want them to come in?” Alison asked.
“ Yes please” Kate answered. She adjusted herself on the bed to a more upright position. Alison left to retrieve their visitors. Kate watched Gibbs walk around the room just staring at his son in his arms. Kate couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
“ My two boys she finally said. A smile crept across his face and he walked back over to her and kissed her. He didn’t want to stop kissing her, but the unmistakable ‘Awwww’ stopped him. They looked at the door and there stood Abby, Ziva, Tony, McGee, Ducky and Leon.
“ One happy family” Abby said happily looking at the three of them. Gibbs sighed.
“ Come on” he told them and Abby ran straight to Gibbs to get a good look at the new addition to the Gibbs family.
“ He is so adorable” Abby cooed. Then Ziva went to see their little boy.
“ He is gorgeous. I could almost eat him all up” she said. Tony laughed.
“ You show women a baby and they get all clucky” he said. Kate looked at him.
“ What, you don’t think men can’t get clucky” she asked with a smile.
“ I have never met a man who gets all gooey once a baby is in the room” Tony told her. Kate laughed.
“ Jethro give Connor to Tony” Kate told him. Gibbs looked at her but she nodded her approval. Gibbs walked to the end of the bed and handed Connor over to Tony. He stared at the little person in his arms. Connor opened his eyes as he yawned and looked up at Tony.
“ He has your eyes boss. And definitely Kate’s nose” he said. Everyone laughed as Kate proved her point.
“ What? I’m just saying” he said looking up from Connor. Abby couldn’t contain herself.
“ Can I hold him?” she asked. Kate and Gibbs both nodded their heads. Gibbs went back to sitting on the bed with Kate and watched their friends interact with their son.
“ He’s already like you” Kate said softly.
“ How?” he asked confused. She smiled.
“ He’s very quiet, totally gorgeous and had my heart the instant I saw him” she said looking into Gibbs’ eyes. A grin grew across his face.
“ I could say the same about you” he whispered before kissing her with all the love in the world.
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