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Tony, McGee, Ducky and Abby walked into Ziva's room to find Gibbs asleep in a chair. He was still holding Ziva's hand and they could see fresh tear tracks on his face. Ducky walked over to Gibbs and gently woke him up. Gibbs jumped and turned to see his team smirking at him.

"What time is it?" asked Gibbs.

"Ten in the morning," replied Abby.

Gibbs let go of Ziva's hand and stood up to hug Abby. He then took Ducky's offer of breakfast and left the room. Abby and McGee followed. Tony was left alone and he took Gibbs seat.

Tony looked at Ziva's pale face and then realised that he was crying. His crazy ninja chick was always happy and healthy. Now she was unconscious, relying on the doctor and nurses to make her better. It just wasn't fair in Tony's mind.

Before he knew it, Tony was telling Ziva about a movie that he had been reminded of when he saw her in the hospital. It was called Just Like Heaven and starred Reese Witherspoon, who, incidentally, was Tony's favourite actress. He was surprised when he felt a small amount of pressure on his hand.

Tony looked down and noticed that Ziva seemed to be squeezing his hand. Tony called for the doctor and then tried to wake Ziva. He was unsuccessful. As Tony was about to try again, Dr Smith walked in and Tony told him that he thought Ziva had squeezed his hand.

"She could have. It would make sense if she was trying to wake up. But there's nothing I can do until she opens her eyes. If she squeezes your hand again, just keep applying pressure to her hand. She'll open her eyes if she's ready to wake up," said Dr Smith.
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