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Chapter 5

AN: Thank you for your responses, and I will get around to replying to you all. And, just to let you know, all is still not RIGHT with the world, as you will see in this chapter. Also, I am not really putting a date or time on this. But I think Vance will be the ‘director’ here. I know that that will put Team Gibbs having been through a similar situation with Director Shepard with Tony and “The Frog,” but there is just more angst this way. (My explanation as to why Gibbs and Co. are not searching with Pacci and his team.) I left Chris Pacci alive only because I hated the way they killed the character off. Jackie

Pacci and his team had only been at the scene for 15 minutes, and Gibbs was already pacing. He walked the edge of the embankment, looking down at the progress they were making. At least, now, the smoke had lifted, and Gibbs could actually see what they were doing. He wanted to go down. He needed to go down, but he knew if he did Ziva and Tim would follow him. And he wasn’t sure either of them could handle it if Pacci’s team actually found Tony. And, in all truth, he was not sure he could handle that either, not after ‘The Frog.’

So, Gibbs continued to pace.

A couple of hours later Pacci and his team made their way up the embankment. They had searched the car and found ash.

Pacci handed Tony’s gun and badge over to Gibbs when he made it to the top. “Searched the whole area Gibbs, nothing. There’s human ash…burnt body parts. I’m…I’m sorry, Gibbs. I am so sorry.”

Chris patted Gibbs on the back, then he and his team took the evidence they had gathered to their car. They had arranged for a tow truck to take the car back to NCIS. They headed back.

Gibbs, Tim and Ziva stood for a long time, just staring. It was Gibbs who broke the silence. “I promise you, Tony, whoever did this will pay.” He turned and walked away. “We’re done here.”

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