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Chapter 8

Tony opened his eyes. But he didn’t seem to be awake. His face and chest was covered in a sheen of sweat and he seemed to be struggling with someone or something. His actions disturbed Buster and he began to bark. He moved closer to his master, frightened by their guest’s actions.

The barking seemed to scare Tony. By the time Emma returned from the kitchen, a couple of cold towels, in her hand, Tony’s eyes were still unfocused. He seemed to be looking around the room in confusion.

Emma moved close to him and Tony moved away, unconsciously.

“It’s okay, Darlin’.” Emma coaxed. “It’s okay. I’m Emma, remember?”

Tony realized he really couldn’t move from his bed. He was far too weak. He relaxed as Emma rubbed him down with the cold rags. He closed his eyes as his breathing evened out.

The next couple days consisted of pretty much the same pattern periods of wakefulness, followed by periods of sleep, and the occasional nightmare.

Tony’s bouts scared Buster. He would go behind Emma’s chair. He would come out and sniff Tony when the crisis was over. And then resume his position beside Tony’s bed.

Tony would weakly pat Buster’s head, each time. “Sorry boy, didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Hello again, Handsome.” Emma said, realizing her patient was back to himself. Emma wiped the sweat from his face and his chest again. She hoped for the last time. Tony’s nightmares seemed to come less and less. And he was awake for longer and longer periods.

Tony looked at her for just a moment. “Handsome, is that a name or a description?” Tony asked, grinning at her.

“Right now, it’s both.” Emma replied.

“I like it.”

“Nobody would ever mistake you for modest.” Emma replied. “And, by the way, you’re a lucky man.”

“Why is that?” Tony asked, smiling again.

“Your injuries are fairly minor. You don’t have any internal bleeding.” Emma said, giving Tony periodic sips of water. “And you have a nurse to take care of you.”

“Emma, I’m injured. I have no clue who I am, and I don’t know why I’m here. I really wouldn’t consider that lucky.”

“Your dreams…nightmares?” Emma asked.

Tony had been with her for three days. And he seemed to be getting better and better every day. Emma had moved Tony into the spare bedroom and onto her old brass bed. He was much stronger. But the fact he still was not remembering, scared her.

Tony shook his head. He got bits and pieces of things in his nightmares. But the things made no sense. If he didn’t know what was going on, how could she?

“Everything’s…jumbled…” Tony tried to explain. “I see…like…snippets of a movie, nothing makes sense.”

Emma sat down on the edge of the bed. She took his hand. “Tell me what you see.” She implored.

“I….” Tony started.

“Please, Handsome.” Emma paused. “You need a real name, by the way. But we’ll talk about that later.” She sighed. “Please talk to me. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

Tony relented. He told her all about what he was seeing. Emma looked almost as confused as he felt by the end.

“So you were in witness protection? You were protecting a witness?” Emma asked.

Tony shook his head.

“What did you see?” She asked. “What did they see?”

“Something about an assassination and a government official.” That part deeply troubled Tony and he was hesitant to reveal it. He didn’t know if he was the assassin or the protector.

“Was the person assassinated? Was it an attempt?” Emma hesitated. “Were you the assassin?”

Emma couldn’t see Tony as an assassin. She, in her heart, just couldn’t see him doing that. But, she had to ask.

Tony considered her question. It had crossed his mind too. All those possibilities Emma had asked about. It angered and scared him he didn’t know what his role was in all this.

I don’t know, Emma.” Tony shook his head. “I don’t know.”

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