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Chapter Nine - Questions

Ziva and McGee had both drawn their weapons out of habit as they entered the apartment. They took a quick look around then explored the rest of the apartment checking the quest room, bathroom, kitchen, and small office before McGee closed and locked the door. Nothing seemed out of place so they holstered their weapons.

They called out, “Tony!” McGee had only been in Tony’s apartment a few times and had only settled in the living room to watch a movie or the kitchen but he knew where the bedroom was and apparently so did Ziva. She was moving back and to the right where the master bedroom was located. The room was adjacent to the guest bedroom and bathroom. Ziva asked, “Didn’t that noise come from there, yes.”

McGee nodded and they moved closer.

They entered the master bedroom which was huge compared to the rest of the apartment it was twice the size of the living room. There was a beautiful headboard which looked hand craved out of a rich dark Mahogany wood supporting a king-sized bed with matching nightstands, a dresser and armoire.

There was a large flat-screened TV mounted on the wall across from a leather lounger. McGee often wondered how Tony afforded his expensive tastes.

Ziva said, “Light.” McGee flipped the light switch and frozen for just a moment at the sight before him. Tony was on floor between the bedroom and the adjoining bathroom.

He was covered in sweat with a tickle of blood at the corners of his mouth. His chest and abdomen were badly bruised but that was expected.

Tony had fought with a suspect almost twice his size…and you couldn’t exactly call Tony a small guy with his long muscular body.

Ziva kneeled next to him and checked his pulse…it was weak but there. His skin felt hot to her touch which she pointed out to McGee. McGee quickly opened his phone and dialed Naval dispatch their own version of 911…he told the emergency operator Tony’s address and asked for an approximate ETA, he knew he needed to go to Bethesda and Dr. Pitt.

Then he made a call he dreaded, dialing one on his speed dial for Gibbs.
The name “Gibbs,” came in the abrupt and irritated tone he expected…it had taken them longer to get to Tony’s because of morning rush hour traffic. He knew though Gibbs would never admit it he was worried about Tony.

McGee talked as Ziva grabbed and wet a washcloth with cold water. He didn’t relish this conversation but he didn’t have a choice. He said,
“Boss, its McGee we found Tony he’s unconscious and burning up with a fever. “Boss I called for an ambulance, ETA is about fifteen to twenty minutes,” as he watched Ziva using the cloth to wipe Tony’s face.

Tony’s body was motionless except for the slight lift and fall of his chest. McGee said, “Tony!” as he touched his shoulder but he didn’t respond.

Gibbs said, “Make sure they take him to Bethesda, I’ll call Dr. Pitt and Ducky and meet you there.”

McGee said, “Already arranged Boss…” as Gibbs cut him off saying, “Good job McGee…how did you get in the apartment. He said, “Ziva,” knowing Gibbs would understand. Someone gasped and McGee turned to see Tony’s next door neighbor Mrs. DiMarco.

McGee walked toward her and steered her out of the room.

Ziva who was back at Tony’s side said, “Oh Tony,” as she brushed his hair back and kissed him on the cheek.

McGee tried to calm Mrs. DiMarco down as he cradled his phone between his shoulder and his ear. He heard Gibbs ask, “What’s going on McGee?” He said, “Mrs. DiMarco is here Tony’s elder neighbor.” Gibbs said, ”How did she get in didn’t you lock the door?” McGee said, “Yes I did Boss, I’ll find out and call you back,” as he ended the call.

Ziva called out, “How much longer McGee…he’s starting to shiver?,” as she covered Tony with his bathrobe which she found hanging behind the bathroom door. He looked at his watch and said, “The ambulance should be here any minute.”

McGee led Mrs. DiMarco to the kitchen and seated her in a chair at the table. He fixed her a glass of water and asked, “Mrs. DiMarco how did you get into the apartment?” She said, Tony gave me a spare key…I checkin on him from time to time.” She said, “There’s an oxygen tank in his closet down on the right side would you get it please it should help?” He hesitated just a moment before running in the room and retrieving the tank which he handed to Ziva. Tony’s chest was barely moving and Ziva eyes were tear-filled.

Ziva quickly unwrapped the tubing with the attached mask and placed it over Tony’s nose and mouth before turning the release valve.

McGee said, “I’m going to check on the EMT’s and direct them in here as soon as they arrive which shouldn’t be much longer,” as he headed for the door.

Less than ten minutes later they were carrying Tony down the stairs strapped to a folding gurney. Mrs. DiMarco had promised to lock the apartment as she told McGee to call her when they knew something. You could see the worry and concern in her eyes and on her face as she handed him her number on a piece of paper.

She said, “Tony was gone all day Saturday after those men had to help him get in his apartment late Friday night that probably why he’s so sick…he doesn’t get nearly enough rest,” as she turned to re-enter Tony’s apartment to make his bed and tidy the bathroom before locking up.

Mrs. DiMarco thought to herself as she made the bed, ‘Tony such a nice young man and he would appreciate what she was doing for him like she appreciated him carrying her groceries and getting her mail. She hated seeing him sick.

McGee hadn’t stop Mrs. DiMarco but they definitely needed to talk later. ‘Who were these two men?’ Tony was completely exhausted when he left work, he had even offered to drive him home. He had said he was going home to sleep for the next thirty six hours…’Why would he go anywhere Saturday?’

The EMT’s loaded Tony in the ambulance then replaced the oxygen tank with theirs. They attached a monitor to his chest, started an IV and communicated with Dr. Pitt at the hospital. After following the doctor’s specific instructions…Tony seemed to be breathing comfortably.

One of the EMT’s announced, “We’re ready for transport.” He looked from McGee to Ziva and said, “There’s room for one of you.” McGee looked in Ziva’s eyes barely holding back tears and said, “You go on Ziva I’ll follow.” She said, “Thanks Tim,” as she hopped in the back and strapped herself in and the doors closed. The driver hit the siren and took off.

McGee turned and was shocked to see Jeanne Benoit climbing into the back of a black Mercedes-Benz. McGee pulled out his cell phone and called Gibbs. When he answered he said, “They’re on their way to the hospital Boss…Boss I think I just saw Jeanne Benoit.” Gibbs said, “Doing what?”

McGee said, “She was getting in a car outside Tony’s apartment I don’t think she knows I spotted her.” Gibbs said, “Keep a eye on her and…McGee cut in saying, “Boss there’s one more thing, Mrs. DiMarco has a spare key and she said Tony wasn’t home all day Saturday after two men help him in his apartment late Friday night.” “Boss Tony was too exhausted to go anywhere.”

Gibbs said, “I know Tim…we need to find out what the hell going on here?” as the ambulance carrying Tony pulled in and Dr. Pitt breezed by him. He said, “McGee call and put someone on Benoit, then get a full statement from Mrs. DiMarco then get your ass over here proto.” Then the call abruptly ended.

McGee walked over to the Charger and climbed in, he called Director Vance and filled him in on the events that just transpired and requested a surveillance team for Jeanne Benoit. Director Vance said, “I’ll have the team in place immediately, you get that statement and tell Gibbs, I want an update on DiNozzo’s condition as soon as possible.” McGee said, “On it Sir,” before ending the call. He waited about twenty minutes before backup arrived to cover Jeanne Benoit who hadn’t moved. He climbing out the car and headed back to Tony’s apartment…hoping Mrs. DiMarco could describe those two men.

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