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Author's Chapter Notes:
A little Christmas themed ficlet.

"Last call," yelled the bartender.

"I guess that means we should be going," Ducky said as the NCIS colleagues stood, shaking hands and sharing hugs. Kate and Ducky were the first out the door, followed quickly by Abby and McGee. Gibbs looked over at Tony.

"You need a ride home?" he asked.

"Sure, Boss," Tony smiled. "I did have a few too many tonight," he added, waving his hand in the general direction of the empty glasses sitting on the table.

"Yeah," Gibbs answered, shaking his head imperceptibly. "I gotta hit the head, then we’ll get out of here."

"Okay," Tony said, dropping back down onto the barstool.

He watched appreciatively as Gibbs walked across the darkened bar, the only light provided by neon signs and a few strands of twinkle lights. Tony couldn’t help himself and the alcohol running through his veins wasn’t helping.; he stood and clumsily traced Gibbs’ steps across the room to the hallway leading to the men’s room.

Leaning against the wall, Tony grinned as Gibbs re-emerged from the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing, DiNozzo?" Gibbs groaned, noting the self-satisfied smile spread across Tony’s face.

"This," Tony whispered, catching his boss unaware as he pressed their lips together.

For a moment, Gibbs was unable to move as Tony’s tongue pressed insistently against his lips. Shaking off the initial shock, Gibbs pulled away, confusion shining in his eyes.

"DiNozzo," he barked. "What…"

He didn’t get to finish the question as Tony innocently pointed to a spot above their heads. "Mistletoe, Boss."

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