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Story Notes:
Can fit into the same universe as 'Kissing It Better' and 'Valentine's Do's and Don'ts'. I blame this on the episode discussions NavyNCISSlash list had about 'Witness'. Thanks to Drae for the beta.


Tony looked up at Tim. "Yeah?"

"*I* was the one who told you about my potty training," said Tim, looking around the break room to make sure they were alone.

Tony gave him the 'duh' look. "So?"

"So, I never told you Kate was scared of the dentist. She'd just told me a few seconds before you showed up."

Tony grinned, leaning back against the wall. "I know. I heard you two talking."

"But you were-" Tim rubbed a hand through his hair. He froze for a second as an idea came to him. Tony did have heightened senses of hearing, smell, taste, and sight. And Tony loved to be touched, especially when Tim would cuddle him after sex... Tim shook himself out of the memory. Not quite believing he was saying this, he grinned at Tony. "You're not some kind of Sentinel, are you?"

Tony laughed loudly. He glanced towards the break room door, then darted forward and pecked Tim on the lips, still chuckling. "Yeah, Tim, that's it. We're nothing but made up characters on a prime time TV show." Shaking his head, Tony headed out of the room. He paused at the door and looked back at Tim. "Better yet, we're really just characters in some hack writer's lame story."

Tim looked down, smiling. Yeah, okay. Stupid idea.


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