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Author's Chapter Notes:
After seeing his car smashed up on TV, DiNozzo is in more need than ever of a shoulder to cry on.

Tony DiNozzo had just watched his car get smashed up on national TV. He needed a hug. But his coworkers could only snicker. Abby, Kate, laughing it up, even McGee. But not Gibbs. "I need a hug, Boss," Tony said.

"In your own damn time," snapped Gibbs. "We've got work to do, people. Another Marine recruiter has been sniped down in his office. Let's go."

"Didn't we already put away the recruiter mass murderer in the February 10, 2004 episode "One Shot, One Kill"?" asked Kate.

"Don't get complacent," Gibbs scolded.

"Mind if I come along?" Harmon Rabb asked.

"It's U.S. Navy Commander Harmon Rabb, from JAG, reruns still showing on USA Network," said McGee.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Gibbs asked.

"After I went rafting with my wife Sarah for our honeymoon, I've travelled the world, done a couple of missions for the CIA, run with the bulls in Pamplona, etc." explained Rabb. "Now I want to settle down, and solving a domestic serial murder case might be just the thing."

"Whatever." Gibbs said.

Once at the recruiter's office, Gibbs started bossing everyone around to bag and tag. "I found the bullet, sir," said McGee bringing the bullet to Gibbs. "A 5.56mm bullet, from a standard issue M16--"

"M16A2 rifle, I already knew that," Gibbs said.

"I think this might be the calling card," Kate said, holding up a business card-sized card with "D1749" written on it with a big font.

"What could that mean?" Tony wondered.

News of another murder reached them. This time it was another Marine, but not a recruiter. He was on leave visiting his family. A card with D1749 was also left on the scene.

Back at the office, they pored over the visitor logs. "Coronel Jack Johnson visited at 1047 this morning," Tony said.

"What would a full-bird coronel be doing unannounced at a recruiting office?" McGee wondered.

"Full bird?" Kate asked.

"A Coronel, O-6," explained McGee, "who unlike a Lieutenant Coronel, has an eagle for a rank insignia. The insignia was prescribed by George Washington. In today's understaffed Marine Corps, however, Lieutenant Coronels are often posted in billets T/O'd for full-bird Coronels. The basic pay of a full-bird Coronel is $5221.50 a month."

"You're just a fountain of information today, McGee," sneered Tony. "Where did you read all that, Ladies Home Journal?"

"I do read that magazine, but these particular tidbits I learned from Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia anyone can edit," McGee said.

"So what can Wikipedia tell us about D1749?" Gibbs asked impatiently.

"In the Family Guy episode 2ACX19, Peter Griffin went to jail and was assigned prisoner number D1749. That's the only reference I can find to the number."

A forensics lab montage goes here.

"So we got two suspects now," said Tony, "2nd Lieutenant Joe Watson, and Sergeant Mike Johnson. I'll pull their SRBs."

"How the heck are you going to pull something that doesn't exist?" asked Gibbs.

Tony looked puzzled. McGee stepped up. "A Marine officer's record book is called an OQR, which stands for Officer's Qualification Record," McGee explained.

As it turned out, the perp was Lieutenant Watson. Gibbs grilled him in a room with a table, a lamp and a 1-way mirror.

"You've been to war, you know what it's like," the butterbars reminisced. "You're busy as hell, bullets flying everywhere, then it stops, and nothing happens for the next four days. The men in my platoon would pass the time watching DVDs they got in care packages. They loved Family Guy. I hated that show. I wanted to kill them all."

"You're going away to the looney bin for a long time," Gibbs said. Gibbs exited the room very self-satisfied. Just then he saw Tony wearing a Marine Gunnery Sergeant's uniform, getting ready for an undercover assignment. "Gunny, you? Ha! And why the hell is your Recruiting ribbon to the left of your Drill Instructor ribbon? Who the hell determined the seniority on that?"

"The Department of the Navy, in ALMAR 262/97, signed August 14, 1997," said McGee reading from a Wikipedia webpage.

"Shut up, McGee," Tony yelled and broke down crying. "Why do you always ride me so hard, Boss?"

"Because I want to ride you hard, in a different way," Gibbs explained, putting his hand on Tony's back.

"Like the pederasty practiced by the ancient Spartan soldiers?" McGee asked.

"Dry those tears, Tony," ordered Gibbs.

Kate happened to walk by. "What're you all dressed up for, Tony?"

"In next week's episode, Tony infiltrates the Marine Silent Drill Team in search of a 17-year-old who fraudulently enlisted," McGee said.

Kate looked at McGee's laptop. "How can Wikipedia know that?"

"If it's not classified, it's on Wikipedia," McGee said.

"It also says here that it's revealed that I'm actually an android with no functional sex organs," McGee said puzzled.

Tony cheered up. "Hey, anyone can edit it," he said laughing.

McGee hit the F5 key to refresh. "It has been corrected. It says here that I host a bake sale to raise money to buy armor for the soldiers in Iraq. In gratitude, the twin sisters of a deployed soldier invite me to have a threesome with them. Alright!"

"I have one question," Kate said. "With the war in Iraq going so badly, does it make sense to crack down on underage fraudulent enlistment?"

Gibbs motioned Tony to leave with him. "Let's not get political, let's get busy."

"Won't you lose your veteran's benefits?" Kate asked Gibbs.

Rabb just happened to be there. "Don't ask, don't tell," he said. Rabb started thinking about the lesbian KC-130 pilot with whom he had gone on a CIA mission. If she and Sarah hooked up... Rabb had to excuse himself.

The next morning, Gibbs and Tony went PT'ing, a 5-mile run. But Tony was lagging behind. "Keep up!" Gibbs yelled.

"I really enjoyed what we did last night. But I'm going to have to learn a new way of running!"

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