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Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony investigates upon Alex and finds out some shocking facts. Meanwhile Kate also seems to hise something

Chapter 3


( At Tony's )

Tony couldn't sleep all night, trying to deal , with what he has just discovered.
He didn't know what he should do.
Call Gibbs and tell him all , or just wait, how situation evolves… Like tiger, crouching and ready to strike on its prey, when least expects it.


- No sign of our " friend " ! We searched every possible database and still nothing- Gibbs was getting really pissed off with the every hour passing by.

- I have my suspicions . He was too' well trained, not to be on Mossad's list . It means that, he is well covered…
Question is by whom? Can you put me through to Bahrain, later on ? - asked Alex , leaning over McGee's desk, who was apparently busy with some sudoku …
- Nice work Tim- he said laughing.
- Oh, sorry boss - Tim went kinda confused , caught in the act ;)

In the other corner of the lobby, Kate was forcing herself to talk to Alex, followed by Tony's suspicious look… He was just an observer, as for now…
Finally she managed to stand up, and grabbed Alex' shoulder …

- You will talk to me eventually, Xandros - she whispered, hoping none heard that.

- Not now, Caitlin… please . It's gonna be better that way, besides it was long time ago…

- But I need this conversation… now, more than ever - Kate looked deeply in his eyes, and small tear appeared in her eye.

Tough NCIS agent, wasn't that tough …

That moment, Alex wanted to comfort her, tell her that everything is o.k , but he couldn't … Just couldn't …

Fortunatelly they got interupted by Ducky, inviting them on lunch.

- I will pass, sorry guys - Alex justified himself skipping the invitation.

Truth was that, he was trying to avoid Caitlin, especially after this conversation, which reminded him all past events….Events he wanted to erase from his mind for good.
Kate wasn't making it any easier…

He was robotically gazing at monitor, unable to think bout someone else than, agent Caitlin Todd.

( meanwhile at Spago's )

- Finally Kate, we have a chance to talk - Tony spotted Kate on lunch. - How is your salad ?
- Fine, what do you want Dinozzo? - Kate wasn't in a chit chat mood.
- Nuttin, not guilty, no hidden intentions , I just wanted to know, how is my favourite agent doing these days…- Tony explained himself.
- I'm sorry Tony, I didn't wanted to be bitchy. I just don't feel right.
- It means, that you are still thinking bout the guy , who held you hostage in the morgue? We will find the guy.
- I'm not thinking bout terrorist Tony.
- Then, maybe you are thinking bout our new boss, hmmm? Tony just couldn't stop himself, from mentioning that. … I just cannot get rid of impression, you two know eachother ? or maybe I'm wrong???

- Yes, you are wrong !- Kate fired away.
- Hi, Ducky - said Tony.
- Hope, I'm not interupting ?
- Of course not- said Kate, happy that Ducky ended this conversation.


- Where's Gibbs ?
- Don't know Caitlin - answered Alex. How was lunch?
- Good. I'm worried bout Gibbs, and wanted to talk to him. Getting this guy, became some sort of obsession for him…
- Don't worry, he is like a dog , chasing after new bone… finally he will get back to his old one…
- Hope, he doesn't choke on it at first - groaned Kate ironically.

Yeah …

- What is it Abby ?
- Gibbs called , we have an emergency situation and he needs backup . He spotted a suspect …
- I'm on my way Abby - said Alex wearing jacket .- You are staying in the office Caitlin.Order, understood ?

Kate was unable to say anything.
She just stood there…mute.

- Office job Kate ? hmmm - said Tony laughing.

On the other hand , Tony was wondering why Alex is pushing Kate away of any actions involving risk… That was at least 4 th time, Kate stayed in the office…

Simpliest explanation and shortest route,was that he cares bout Kate, more devious … has something to hide. And that option suited better to Tony's concept.


- We arrested the guy, who killed petty officer Travis. You wouldn't guess Tony, who did it ???- said McGee with triumph on his face.
- I wouldn't guess Probie, who ? - Tony pretended like he was interested in the subject, while he didn't give a damn.
- Yacht owner. Travis owned him the money.Those 70 grand. They both smuggled guns from the base.
- Unfucking believeable- mumbled Tony with sarcasm. Saint Travis, wasn't that saint actually. Like someone here…

- I'm going home boss. I have a date with destiny today.
- Bye Tony .

( at Police archives )

- Did you crack the data Scott?
- Im trying, but his files are pretty well encrypted, its gonna take some time Tony.
- So the data in official database upon Xandros is faked??? - Tony smiled
- Some trivia, some is just encrypted, made confidential , don't know why? Maybe its gov. agenda … have no idea.
- Bullshit, guy is just as fake as his resume…

- O, by the way , I just managed to decode message you gave me couple days ago … Its from Bahrain to Gibbs.
- What's in it ? tell me !

- Possible mole in the NCIS - end of transmittion. File corrupted…

- Gotcha ! - said Tony with large smile on his face…

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