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The night went and morning came all too quickly for Kate. As she woke up she found that Tony's grip on her was just as tight as it was last night when she had finally fallen asleep.

Kate turned slowly, not wanting to wake him. She got out of their bed quietly. After going through her daily morning routine she went to the kitchen. Kate had made up her mind. She was going to tell him today. And she had it all planned out.

Moving around the kitchen as quietly as possible, Kate got the ingredients necessary to make her husband's favourite breakfast. What better way to tell him then over a Fathers' Day breakfast? Although he didn't know it yet. Yet. She prepared herself mentally. Yeah sure, so he had promised her that they would be ‘together forever'. But that was before this happened. ‘Kate. You're being silly again. You're going to tell him. Today. During breakfast.' She nodded to herself subconsciously.

Ding. Breakfast was ready. It was time.

Kate picked up the breakfast and carried it back into their room slowly. When she looked at her husband in bed she shook her head. It was nearly ten in the morning yet he was still asleep. She placed the breakfast on his bedside table as she moved to her side of the bed grinning; she knew a way that was sure to get him up fast.

Lying in bed next to him she moved closer till his shoulder was in reach of her lips. She leaned over and started kissing him, slowly, tenderly, the way only a lover could. She worked her way up to his neck before stopping and slowly moving out of their bed.

"Get up faker!" she said to Tony knowing that he would have to be awake by now.

Instead of hearing her husband's voice for a reply she felt him take her hand and stop her from leaving their bed. He rolled over and faced her.
"Now Kate... what have I thought you after all this time? You know you can't just stop there! You have to finish what you start."

Then he kissed her. Even with the bad breath that he could possibly have at that moment Kate couldn't have cared less. Her husband was kissing her and there was something different about this one, something about it that was reassuring, soft, yet passionate at the same time. Then again she reasoned... maybe it was just her.

When they'd finally broken apart for air he held her close and whispered into her ear.

"Now that is how you do it. From start... right to the end." Kate just smiled... he hadn't noticed the breakfast yet. All in good time...
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