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Kate looked so serious as she said those last words to Tony that it had scared him. What did she have to say that was so important and was obviously making her nervous? In all the time that he had known Kate he had never seen her that nervous.

"What is it Kate? Talk to me… what happened?"

"Relax Tony… I've just got some pretty big news, and I'm not sure if you will think it's good or bad. Either way Tony… things are going to change-" Kate trailed off nervously and looked away.

"Change? Kate?" Tony looked and sounded confused. What could have possibly changed overnight that was making Kate so scared? He reached out to her face and tilted her head up so that he was looking straight into her eyes. "Come on Katie… What's happened?"

Sure they had talked about having kids but they hadn't planned on having kids so early. This could change everything that they had right now. It had taken Gibbs a long time to accept that they were together and now that they finally were something else popped up.
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